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tsuyoshiCOCA⁷⁷⁶⁹³ 基本例句 壮¹⁰⁰ A Japanese pop star has been arrested for public indecency in Tokyo, reports Kyodo. Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, 34, of boy band SMAP, was arrested by police in a park in the early hours of Thursday morning. 据日本共同社报道,23日凌晨,日本人气偶像草彅刚在东京一个公园内酒后裸奔并大声叫嚷,警方以涉嫌公然猥亵罪将其逮捕。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Although Tsuyoshi Was not finally in charge of enacting the local self-government system, his influence on modern Japanese regional autonomy system Can not be overlooked. 最后井上虽然没有掌握制定地方自治制度的主导权,但对日本近代地方制度的影响还是不容忽视的。 lishi5 Architect Tsuyoshi Kawata of Japanese studio Tonoma has designed a ceramics market to fill the gap between two buildings in Osaka, Japan. 日本Tonoma工作室的建筑师 Tsuyoshi Kawata设计了一个陶瓷品市场来填充大阪两栋建筑之间的空隙。 yeeyan As the most well-known official, Tsuyoshi Inoue, who was very keen on legal system during the Meiji Period, played a crucial role On the nation's legal system construction. 井上毅作为明治时期最著名的法制官僚,对明治国家的法制建设起到了不可估量的作用。 lsfyw Dohmoto Koichi formed the KinKi Kids together with Dohmoto Tsuyoshi. Though both share the same family name, they are not brothers. Koichi has starred alongside Tsuyoshi in severalpopulardramas. 堂本光一与堂本光共同组建了近畿小子。虽然二人姓氏相同,却不是亲兄弟。光一曾与光共同主演了几部受人欢迎的电视剧。 www.qikan.com.cn Geochemist Tsuyoshi Watanabe of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan, and his colleagues hunted for climate clues in corals that grew in the Philippines during the mid- Pliocene. 来自日本札幌北海道大学的地球化学家渡边刚和他的同事们在菲律宾的珊瑚中找到了上新世中叶的气候线索。 yeeyan Her grandson Tsuyoshi Karauchi, who lives with her, said that sleeping was a favourite pastime. 和她生活的一起的孙子唐牛津吉说睡觉是她最喜爱的消遣方式。 chinafanyi.com In a paper recently published in Nature Materials, he and his colleague Tsuyoshi Sekitani described some tricks to ensure that organic circuits continue to work even when drastically deformed. 最近在他和他同事 Tsuyoshi Sekitani在《自然材料》发表的一篇论文中提到,采用某种方法制作的有机电路即使在严重变形的情况仍然可以工作。 ecocn Subject is the only known man alive who still uses this Japanese form of attack. He also uses the force of Ki in his moves, presumably taught to him by Tsuyoshi as well. 个体是如今仍然利用这种日本武术的独一仅存者,他同时也能利用「气」,应该也是毅传授给他的。 ecally Thanks Tsuyoshi for your brilliant performance! 亚刚,亦要谢谢你的精彩演出! kusanagitsuyoshi Workers, says Tsuyoshi Hirabayashi of the justice ministry, are often abused by employers demanding long hours and paying much less than the legal minimum wage. 工人们,司法部的 Tsuyoshi Hirabayashi说,通常被雇主们要求工作更长时间而所得报酬又比法定最低工资低很多。 ecocn Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, the71-year-old chairman, blasted him for failing to hew to Japanese cultural practices. 菊川刚,71岁的主席,抨击他未能顺应日本的文化习俗。 renren |