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Now TSM is responsible for expiring those objects based on the settings of the underlying backup copy group.
在这种情况下, TSM根据底层备份拷贝组的设置使那些对象到期。 ibm

The policy-based nature of TSM means that central rules can be defined for backup behavior without having to constantly adjust a file list.
TSM基于策略的性质意味着无需经常调整文件列表,就能够为备份行为定义中心规则。 ibm

All of these settings are captured when the instance is started, so if you change any of them and the first time you set up DB2 to work with TSM, you have to restart the instance.
当启动实例时,所有这些设置都将被捕捉,因此,改变其中任何一个设置以及第一次设置 DB2,使其使用 TSM时都必须重新启动实例。 ibm

All installation and configuration are accomplished using AIX and TSM's command prompt just a few commands.
所有安装和配置都是使用 TSM的命令提示符完成的仅有几条命令。 ibm

Below you will find some common terms used when working with the TSM product.
在下面的文章中您将发现一些使用 TSM产品时常见的术语。 ibm

Changing the migration policies from CM to TSM fixed this issue by keeping the objects to be indexed on hard disk.
通过更改从 CM到 TSM的迁移策略,在硬盘上为对象建索引,这个问题得以解决。 ibm

During the registration of a TSM client node, it will be bound to a single policy domain by default the standard policy domain and thus uses the active policy set for this policy domain.
在注册 TSM客户机节点期间,该节点将被绑定到单个策略域默认情况下为标准策略域,并对此策略域使用活动策略集。 ibm

Failure to perform this step alone is responsible for about 60% of the problems that people run into when using TSM and DB2.
在使用 TSM和 DB2时,人们碰到的 60%的问题都是由于这一步执行失败而引起的。 ibm

Filesystem backups can be carried out on an ad- hoc basis or scheduled using TSM calendar- based scheduling.
文件系统备份可临时执行,也可使用基于 TSM日程表的调度程序安排。 ibm

However, there is no logical limitation, if TSM is used as the repository.
但是如果使用 TSM作为资料库,那么在逻辑上没有限制。 ibm

If a database image is marked inactive it can no longer be restored, however it can be still be extracted from the TSM server and the extracted image can be used to perform a restore.
如果一个数据库镜像标记为非活动,那么它就不能再被恢复,但是仍然可以从 TSM服务器提取该数据库镜像,而被提取的镜像可用于执行恢复。 ibm

If only a small subset of the data has changed, this might result in lengthy read operations without writing any data to the TSM server.
如果只有一小部分数据被更改,则会导致冗长的读操作,而没有将任何数据写到 TSM服务器。 ibm

In DB2 V7, if you backed up a database on your node using TSM, only the user executing the backup could restore it.
在 DB2 V7 中,如果使用 TSM在节点上备份一个数据库,那么只有执行该备份的用户才能恢复这个数据库。 ibm

Make sure that you use an appropriate management class, so that the files are still available in TSM when you need them.
确保您使用了适当的管理类,以便在需要它们时,这些文件在 TSM中仍然可以找得到。 ibm

Note that the object fetching handled by TSM is transparent to users.
注意,由 TSM处理的对象获取对用户来说是透明的。 ibm

Now, when you want a backup deleted, we will do it regardless of the TSM management class definition.
现在,当您想要删除一个备份时,不管 TSM管理类的定义如何,都可以执行删除操作。 ibm

Now your client node can access the TSM server environment.
现在您的客户机节点就可以访问 TSM服务器环境了。 ibm

Since we need to make use of the tape, let's configure the tape before moving on to configure TSM.
由于我们需要使用磁带,所以在配置 TSM之前首先介绍一下磁带的配置。 ibm

Specify the NODENAME under which the client should contact the TSM server.
指定 NODENAME,客户机应该在这之下联系 TSM服务器。 ibm

The problem that now arises is that TSM will perform a rebinding of the management class for all backup objects with the same name.
这时出现的问题是, TSM将对所有具有相同名称的备份对象执行管理类的重新绑定。 ibm

These files are backed up as a complete file and are tracked by the robust TSM database.
这些文件作为完整的文件备份,并由健壮的 TSM数据库跟踪。 ibm

These parameters can be specified when registering the TSM node, or by performing an update of the node information on the TSM server.
这些参数可以在注册 TSM节点时指定,也可以通过在 TSM服务器上执行对节点信息的更新来设置。 ibm

This concludes your brief introduction to the TSM server; keep exploring the left-hand menu and the help pages to learn more.
这样就结束了对 TSM服务器的简短介绍;请继续探究左边的菜单以及帮助页以掌握更多内容。 ibm

This makes every incremental backup a full backup in TSM.
这使每一次递增备份都是 TSM中的完整备份。 ibm

This step is to store encrypted TSM password for this node on the filesystem.
这一步是为文件系统上的此节点存储加密的 TSM口令。 ibm

This utility encrypts and stores the TSM password for the node on disk.
这个实用程序对用于节点的 TSM密码进行加密,并将其存储到磁盘上。 ibm

To begin exploring TSM's many capabilities, we will install the server software.
为了开始探究 TSM的诸多能力,我们将安装服务器软件。 ibm

Upon running the command, you will see the current status of your TSM server.
运行这个命令后,您将看到您的 TSM服务器的当前状态。 ibm

While it discusses the general aspects of running a TSM server, it does not cover the TSM client in detail.
本文虽然讨论了运行 TSM服务器的方方面面,可是并没有涉及到 TSM客户机的细节。 ibm

TSM uniquely identifies all backups with a timestamp.
TSM以时间戳来惟一地标识所有备份。 ibm




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