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词汇 TSB
释义 TSBEconomist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
A saviour for HBOS appeared when Lloyds TSB mooted a takeover.
当英国劳埃德银行酝酿收购时苏格兰哈里法克斯银行的救星出现了。 ecocn

Alter the TCPIPSERVICEdefinition TSB to contain SSL CLIENTAUTH, using the command in Listing26.
使用清单26中的命令修改 TCPIPSERVICE定义 TSB,使其包含 SSL CLIENTAUTH。 ibm

The TSB2500 IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder is one of the most advanced systems compliant with the latest NATO and International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO standards and regulations.
TSB2500敌我识别询问应答器是世界上最先进的系统,兼容于北约和国际民用航空组织 ICAO的最新标准规范。

“ Today’s Portuguese auction has been so well flagged it would be a major surprise if it were not gobbled up very easily,” said Lloyds TSB economists in a note to clients.
劳埃德银行集团经济学家表示,葡萄牙今天的国债拍卖如果没有受到投资者追捧,将给市场带来重大打击。 yeeyan

Bank of America’s purchase of Merrill Lynch and Lloyds TSB’s takeover of HBOS have been horror stories.
美国银行对美林和英国劳埃德银行的收购非常失败。 ecocn

But it will appoint three directors to the RBS board and two to Lloyds TSB once it has taken over HBOS.
但是,财政部在接管苏格兰银行之后,将指定三名苏格兰皇家银行董事和两名劳埃德 TSB集团董事。 yeeyan

Clearly the directors of Lloyds TSB must take responsibility for their decision to acquire HBOS.
很明显, Lloyds TSB的主管人员必须为他们收购 HBOS的决定担负责任。 ecocn

Eric Daniels, LBG’s chief executive, still insisted on February11th that “ it was a good deal for Lloyds TSB”.
LBG的首席行政长官 Eric Daniels在2月11号仍旧坚称“对于 Lloyds TSB,这是个好交易。” ecocn

Former shareholders in Lloyds TSB are not amused to learn of it today.
英国劳埃德银行的前股东很不高兴现在了解到这些。 ecocn

Had it not been taken over by Lloyds TSB its property loans might well have been dumped at rock-bottom prices.
如果未被劳埃德银行接管,哈利克斯的地产贷款价格也许已经滑落至谷底。 ecocn

HBOS, Britain’s biggest mortgage lender, also sold itself to Lloyds TSB, one of the grandfathers of British banking, for £12.2 billion$21.9 billion after its share price plunged.
英国最大的抵押贷款借贷机构 HBOS也卖给了英国银行渊源之一的劳埃德 TSB集团,并购价格是其股票价格暴跌之后的122亿英镑219亿美元。 ecocn

HBOS and Lloyds TSB, two banks that are about to merge, need another£17 billion between them.
HBOS和 Lloyds TSB这两家即将合并的银行,另外总共需要170亿英镑。 ecocn

In Britain the government ignored the worries of its antitrust watchdog over the merger of two of the country's biggest banks, Lloyds TSB and HBOS.
在英国,政府根本无视反垄断监管机构对国家最大的两家银行劳埃德银行与 HBOS银行的合并的顾虑。 ecocn

In Britain the government ignored the worries of its antitrust watchdog over the merger of two of the country’s biggest banks, Lloyds TSB and HBOS.
在英国,政府不顾其反垄断监管机构的担忧,把该国两家最大的银行——劳埃德银行与苏格兰哈里法克斯银行——进行了合并。 ecocn

Lloyds TSB has also been able to close one of its11 manned call centres, reaping “ very attractive” cost savings, says Ms Jones- Evans.
Jones- Evans.女士声称, Lloyds TSB同样因此得以关闭其11个人工呼叫中心中的一个,这又能带来“极有吸引力”的成本节约。 ecocn

Lloyds TSB was a reasonably sound bank, making a profit of around£1 billion in 2008 despite the crisis.
Lloyds TSB本是一个运营良好的银行,尽管遭遇经济危机,2008年的利润任然创下10亿英镑左右。 ecocn

Mr Daniels, unrepentant about his rash merger, nevertheless seems eager to get back to the good old-fashioned prudence that made Lloyds TSB dull but successful.
Daniels先生并不为他仓促的合并感到懊悔,但似乎他却渴望回到老式的稳健政策,这种政策下, Lloyds TSB银行虽不活跃但却很成功。 ecocn

One day later HBOS was rescued by Lloyds TSB, and a couple of weeks after that both firms were part- nationalised.
一天后 Lloyds TSB劳埃德 TSB集团对 HBOS施以援手,再一周后两家公司均部分国有化。 ecocn

Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, two other British banks, have followed suit.
另外两家英国银行苏格兰皇家银行和劳埃德集团也跟着这么做了。 ecocn

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc and Barclays Capital are managing the new bond issue and Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets and HSBC Holdings Plc are joint bookrunners.
苏格兰皇家银行和巴克莱投资银行成为此次发售新债券的承销商,劳埃德银行企业市场机构 Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets和汇丰银行成为发售债券的联合簿记管理人。 yeeyan

Sir Victor Blank was a leading proponent of Lloyds TSB’s takeover of HBOS last year, which had the government’s blessing.
Victor Blank爵士是去年在政府支持下 Lloyds TSB对 HBOS实施收购的主要支持者。 ecocn

The Treasury is to set up a company to run RBS, Lloyds TSB and HBOS“ at arm's length” from the government, with ministers not involved in day-to-day decisions.
财政部将成立一家公司,用于管理苏格兰皇家银行、劳埃德 TSB集团和苏格兰银行,和政府“保持一定距离”,部长不参与日常决策。 yeeyan

Whatever the reason, “ these findings prove that we really are a nation obsessed by our climate, ” said Paul Llewellyn of Lloyds TSB Insurance, which commissioned the poll.
委托开展该调查的英国劳埃德保险集团的保罗•卢埃林说,不管是什么原因,“这些发现证明英国人的确很关注天气变化”。 iciba




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