

单词 truthfully
释义 truth·ful·ly 英'truːθfəli美'truːθfəli 高COCA²²⁵⁸⁶BNC¹⁹⁹²⁰iWeb¹⁶⁴²²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

with truth;

I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation

he answered the question as truthfully as he could

蒋争熟词记忆truthfuladj.真实的;真理的-ly…地⇒真实地;忠实地truthfuladj.真实的;真理的-ly…地⇒真实地;忠实地近义词 truth事实really实在truly真实地openly公开地straight直的frankly坦白地honestly诚实地candidly坦率地aboveboard光明正大地straightforwardly直截了当地反义词 untruthfullyuntruthful的副…

用作副词Please declare the facttruthfully.请如实地陈述事实。adv.honestly
同义词 accurately,candidly,openly,sincerelygenuinely,honorably,truly,veraciously,verily
反义词 dishonestly,dishonorably,falsely,mendaciously,untruthfully
aboveboardadverb candidly
frankly,honestly,on the up and up,openly,overtly,truly,veraciously
directlyadverb straightforwardly
candidly,honestly,in person,literally,openly,personally,plainly,point-blank,truthfully,unequivocally,verbatim,without prevarication,word for word
exactlyadverb accurately, particularly
absolutely,altogether,bang,carefully,completely,correctly,definitely,explicitly,expressly,faithfully,faultlessly,for a fact,for certain,for sure,in every respect,indeed,just,literally,methodically,no mistake,on the dot,on the money,on the nail,on the nose,positively,precisely,quite,right,rigorously,scrupulously,severely,sharp,specifically,square,strictly,the ticket,totally,truly,truthfully,unequivocally,unerringly,utterly,veraciously,wholly
morallyadverb in accordance with accepted standards of conduct
sincerelyadverb seriously, honestly
aboveboard,candidly,deeply,earnestly,frankly,from bottom of heart,genuinely,in all conscience,in all sincerity,in good faith,ingenuously,naturally,profoundly,really,truly,truthfully,wholeheartedly,without equivocation
trueadverb honestly, accurately
correctly,on-target,perfectly,precisely,properly,rightly,truthfully,unerringly,veraciously,veritably For this to happen, you must plan truthfully and avoid planning beyond the limits of your understanding.
要做到这点,您必须真实地规划,避免规划超出您能理解的范围。 ibm

The only reward is that the winner can then truthfully claim to have written at least a few words for The Economist.
仅有的报酬是获胜者可以诚实地宣布其已为《经济学人》撰稿过至少一些文字。 ecocn

Additionally and perhaps more truthfully, many developers avoid this package because they assume that it, like the problems it seeks to solve, must be complicated.
此外或者更老实地说,许多开发人员避免使用这个数据包,因为他们认为它一定很复杂,就像它所要解决的问题一样。 ibm

An early study of40 volunteers who were asked to answer truthfully to questions and then to lie found that liars could be identified with70 per cent accuracy.
较早的一项研究有40名志愿者被要求先如实回答问题,然后说谎。部分说谎者被识别,准确率有70%。 yeeyan

Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.
评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。 ebigear

Employees must be able to express their concerns— truthfully and completely— without fear of retribution.
雇员必须能够真实、完全地表达他们的忧虑,不会被报复。 yeeyan

If the boss spends his lunch hour boozing, or in a motel with his assistant, will she record this truthfully?
如果他的老板在他的午饭时间饮酒,或者与她一起在一个快捷酒店,她会如实记录吗? ecocn

If we answer truthfully“ Not especially, I think they’re fine”, you become despondent because we’re not being positive enough.
如果我们如实回答“不是特别明显,我觉得还行”,你们会不说话,因我们不够积极。 yeeyan

If we think we know the“ truth, ” or even a tenth of the“ truth, ” let’s do our best to render the“ truth” truthfully, beautifully: there are so many blind souls without guidance!
如果我们认为我们知道这个“事实真相”,或者哪怕知道这个“事实真相”的十分之一也好,我们就尽最大努力把这个“事实真相”如实、完美地再现出来吧。有多少没有向导的盲人啊! yeeyan

Not issuing a fine receipt or not truthfully filling the fine amount when collecting a fine on the spot;
当场收取罚款不开具罚款收据或者不如实填写罚款额的; putclub

Perhaps they were not answering truthfully.
或许她们没有诚实地回答。 ecocn

She remained at all times on-message, truthfully and not.
她一贯保持与政策相一致,不论是不是如实。 yeeyan

Since everyone reacts differently, you should start off by asking simple questions that the other person would answer truthfully.
由于每个人反应是不同的,你应该从问他会给你真实答案的简单问题开始问。 yeeyan

Technically, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for ensuring that pet foods, like human foods, are safe to eat, truthfully labeled and produced under sanitary conditions.
从技术上而言,美国食品与药品管理局FDA对宠物食品负责,确保它们要像人类食品一样,要能安全食用,如实地贴上标签,并且要在卫生的条件下被生产出来。 hjenglish

The units being inspected shall truthfully report the situation to them and provide them with the necessary information.
被检查的单位应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。 hjenglish

Truthfully you may not ever want to go back home.
事实上你可能不再想回到家中了。 yeeyan




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