

单词 trustee
释义 trus·tee 英trʌˈstiː美trʌˈstiAHDtrŭ-stēʹ ★★☆☆☆高四八COCA⁸⁰¹⁵BNC⁶⁸²⁴iWeb⁴³³²Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

a person or firm that holds and controls property or money for the advantage of sb else


a member of a group appointed to control the affairs of a company,college,or other organization

a person or institution to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another's benefitmembers of a governing boardtrust,委托,-ee,表施动。trustee bank受托银行trustee savings bank信托储蓄银行…trustee device受托者方式ordinary trustee法 普通受托人…bond trustee债券受托人trustee securities信托证券trustee rights计 委托者权限…testamentary trustee遗嘱指定的受托管理人…indenture trustee契约受托人trustee stock受托公债trustee investment受托人投资trustee fee托管费official trustee法 官方受托人,…bare trustee被动受托人trustee in bankruptcy律破产管理人…owner trustee物主托管者trustee account委付账户
trust-ee被动者⇒n.受托人⁸⁵;理事¹⁵近义词 deputy代表agent代理人director董事regent摄政者steward乘务员guardian保护人representative代表administrator管理人executor遗嘱执行人…fund manager基金管理人executrix女遗嘱执行人…legal guardian法定监护人
用作名词n.Her request for money was turned down by thetrustees.她的提款请求被受托人拒绝了。
They committed some funds to the care of the board oftrustees.他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。Pcotrustee共同受托人Pquasi-trustee准信托人Psolicitor-trustee律师信托人Ptrusteeshipn.托管制度托管人职责

用作名词Thetrusteeowes a duty of care to beneficiaries.受托人对受益人负谨慎义务。
The law will regard the person whose name is registered on the title as atrustee.法律视以其名字登记注册一方为受托人。
Thetrusteedevice generally has failed.这个指定理事的计划一般说是失败了。
Atrusteeis a member of managing business affairs of an institution.理事是机构管理班子中的成员。noun.administrator
同义词 agent,custodian,executorexecutrix,fiduciary,guardian,keeper,warden
fiduciarynoun financial person
guardiannoun keeper, protector
Cerberus,angel,attendant,baby-sitter,bird dog,champion,chaperon,chaperone,conservator,cop,curator,custodian,defender,escort,guard,keeper,nurse,overseer,paladin,patrol,preserver,safeguard,sentinel,shepherd,sitter,sponsor,superintendent,supervisor,trustee,vigilante,warden,watchdog
legal guardiannoun person entrusted with someone or something
possessornoun owner
receivernoun one who receives
receiversnoun one who receives
acceptors,assignees,beneficiaries,cashiers,collectors,consignees,creditors,customers,grantees,heirs,recipients,subjects,targets,tellers,trustees Brooke Astor was a longtime trustee of the Metropolitan, sitting on its board, the most powerful club in New York, from1964 to1983, when she was made emeritus.
从1964年到1983年,布鲁克·阿斯特夫人是大都会的长期理事,是纽约最有影响力的俱乐部董事之一,退休后成为名誉董事。 yeeyan

Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary.
受托人享有普通法上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法了的所有权。 ebigear

The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary.
受托人必须受益人管理信托财产。 ebigear

A trustee, a long-time supporter of the Engineering School I'm working here. And also the mission of keller Center is to educate leaders for a technology- driven society.

He will be found liable if he assists a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust.
如果他帮助受托人不诚实地违反信托,他将被判处承担法律责任。 ebigear

Her son took the Astor seat in 1986, and subsequently became an emeritus trustee as well.
1986年,她的儿子坐上了她的位子,之后也成了名誉董事。 yeeyan

Instead it faced a Chapter7 liquidation, in which a court- appointed trustee would take over the firm, likely throwing out management and launching a sale of its assets to repay debts.
但它却面临着第7章的清算程序,即由法院制定托管人接管公司,然后很可能就放弃管理,转而举行一场资产大甩卖以偿还债务。 yeeyan

It also required the merged company to maintain its existing negotiating practices and appoint a trustee to oversee its performance and report back to MOFCOM.
同时还要求继续执行现行的谈判条例,指定委托人负责监管公司业绩,并把相关的报告呈递给中国商务部。 yeeyan

Nearly all the subjects said they would give to the trustee— but in the end, not everyone kept this promise.
几乎所有的“投资人”都说钱会给“受托人”,实际却不是每个“投资人”都能信守承诺。 yeeyan

The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor.
法院指定一名破产财产托管人以管理债务人的财产。 ebigear

The World Bank will function as a trustee for the fund, but in a way as yet to be fully defined.
世界银行将作为该基金的托管人,但具体事项还有待详细定义。 ecocn

This arrangement boosted the amount of money in the pot, but it also could result in a loss to the investor if the trustee chose not to share.
实验过程中,投注的金额不断的增加,但是“投资人”有可能因为“受托人”不愿意共同分享而失去“投注”的钱。 yeeyan

To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.
受托人对受益人负有信托义务。 ebigear

Today I come to Oslo as a trustee, inspired and with renewed dedication to humanity; I accept this prize on behalf of all men who loved peace and brotherhood.
今天,我以受托人的身份来到奥斯陆,心情激动,充满了献身人类的新勇气。我代表所有热爱和平与兄弟情谊的人们接受这个奖。 tingvoa




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