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词汇 trustbusters
释义 trustbustersCOCA²²³⁰⁶³BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
n.要求解散托拉斯的人原型trustbuster的复数 FOR a brief period many hoped that trustbusters in Europe and America would start playing in tune.
曾几何时多少人都期待欧洲和美国的反垄断者们会开始步调一致。 ecocn

The chiefs at other big technology firms, even if they were not quite so outspoken, doubtless held similar views when their companies were targeted by trustbusters.
其他大型科技公司的老总们,面对着要求解散垄断的人们的指责,即使他们的话并不像盖茨那么露骨,无疑也抱着同样的看法。 ecocn

Too big to fail banks must be broken up, just like the Trustbusters did in the early20th Century.
就像二十世纪初反垄断者所做的那样,回天无力的银行一定要让它关门。 yeeyan

Another fear is that the use of UPP and the like will give trustbusters too much leeway to block mergers that might benefit consumers.
另一种顾虑是使用 UPP及类似方法可能给了反托拉斯者太多空间去阻碍本可能造福消费者的合并。 ecocn

But it is rare for trustbusters to find a single firm that dominates in this way with a market share below40%.
但要反垄断检察官发现一个市场占有率低于40%、且以这种方式搞垄断的企业,几乎是天方夜谭。 putclub

By contrast, Europe’s trustbusters have acted to free up access to telecoms networks in France and Germany.
与之相反,欧洲的反垄断者们已经在法国和德国进行共享通信网络的行动。 ecocn

Even so, the trustbusters should stay their hand.
尽管如此,反托拉斯者应该按兵不动。 dictall

Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America’s newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe’s also seems to have been put on hold.
与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了。 ecocn

Now the trustbusters in Brussels are having the last laugh.
而今布鲁塞尔的反托拉斯者却笑到了最后。 ecocn

Once America’s new regulatory set-up is established, its trustbusters may well follow the lead of their British counterparts and take their own look at investment banking.
所以,一旦美国的监管法案出台,它的反垄断检察官应该会学习在英国先行的同行,对投资银行业加以监管。 ecocn

One concern is that diversion ratios are hard to measure in practice: trustbusters sometimes have to rely on consumer surveys, which can be unreliable.
一种顾虑是实务中很难衡量转移率:这意味着反托拉斯者必须要依靠客户调研,而这有可能不靠谱。 ecocn

So trustbusters may have to step in.
所以此时反垄断者们不得不介入。 ecocn

Some even called for the trustbusters.
更有甚者,叫出了反对托拉斯垄断的口号。 ecocn

Some pundits predict that the trustbusters’ tussle with Google could turn as bloody as their battle with Microsoft in the 1990s.
一些专家预测,联邦反托拉斯检察官与谷歌的角力可能会变得非常残酷,其激烈程度可能与1990年代对决微软不相上下。 yeeyan

Still, American and European trustbusters have already teamed up to go after Intel.
然而,美国和欧盟反垄断官员已经合作起来跟随英特尔。 ecocn

The European Commission’s trustbusters tend to take a more cautious view of big global mergers, but the way such tie-ups are assessed is very similar to American practice.

The issue has a growing saliency because America’s trustbusters are currently rewriting the guidelines for“ horizontal” mergerstie-ups between firms that offer the same sorts of products.
这一问题现在随着美国反托拉斯者们对“水平并购”指南的修改正变得越来越突出。 水平并购*:提供同类商品公司间的并购。 ecocn

The trustbusters appear to be stretching the usual definition of their role into areas of financial stability.
反托拉斯联盟已经扩大了其原有的界限渗透到了金融稳定地区。 ecocn

To satisfy the trustbusters, Asda will have to sell47 of the194 Netto outlets to rivals to ensure that there is sufficient competition in some areas.
为了让反托拉斯检察官满意, Asda将不得不向竞争对手出售194个 Netto门店中的47个门店,以保证一些地区的充分竞争。 ecocn

Trustbusters have made life for the Wintel couple more difficult, mostly by curbing the ways they can defend and expand their near- monopolies.
反托拉斯官员让 Wintel夫妇的生活更加困难,主要是通过限制他们维护和扩大其接近垄断的手段。 ecocn

TRUSTBUSTERS on either side of the Atlantic had seemed in permanent disagreement in2009, at least when it came to technology firms.
位于大西洋两岸的反垄断官员在2009年似乎处于永久不变的不一致中,至少在处理科技公司问题方面。 ecocn

Trustbusters are nevertheless suspicious of a credit- card business model, where one side covers all of the running costs.
反垄断人员仍然对信用卡的商业模式感到怀疑,此模式让一边承担了所有的运行成本。 ecocn

Trustbusters need to be wary of such claims.
联邦反托拉斯检查官要小心这样的诉求。 ecocn

Trustbusters should be wary of compelling firms to hand over their business secrets in the name of competition.
反垄断者应该慎重地以公平竞争的名义强制公司共享其商业机密。 ecocn

Trustbusters used to worry most about the scope for firms making standardised products in concentrated markets to arrive at an unspoken agreement on prices.
反托拉斯主义者过去担心的最多的就是在集中性市场上生产标准化产品的公司间达成非公开定价协议的可能性。 ecocn




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