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词汇 truncated
释义 trun·ca·ted 英ˈtrʌŋˌkeɪtɪd美ˈtrʌŋˌketɪdAHDtrŭngʹkā'tĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁶³⁹⁵BNC²⁷⁷⁵³iWeb²³³⁹³
cut short in duration;

the abbreviated speech

her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking

an unsatisfactory truncated conversation

terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off;

a truncate leaf

truncated volcanic mountains

a truncated pyramid

truncate切去一端truncated tip锥头电极truncated pyramid截棱锥,斜截棱锥…truncated prism截棱柱,斜截棱柱…truncated soil剥蚀土壤truncated spur削断山嘴truncated cone截锥体,截锥,截头圆…truncated profile剥蚀剖面truncated function截尾函数truncated operation计 截尾操作…truncated address短缩地址truncated sequence截序列truncated distribution截尾分布,截止分布,…truncated sample截样本,截断样本…truncated cylinder截柱
truncat-ed如|被…的⇒adj.被截的²⁰;缩短的动词truncate的过去式和过去分词.近义词 truncate切去一端abbreviated简短的shortened动词shorten的过去…

用作形容词Thetruncatednozzle is found to have a higher thrust.截断的喷管具有较大的推力。
My article was published intruncatedform.我的文章以节录的形式发表了。as in.little
同义词 insufficient,limited,meager,scant,slightLilliputian,bantam,brief,diminutive,dinky,infant,infinitesimal,junior,light,mini,miniature,minute,peanut,petite,short,snub,toy,wee,youngbabyish,cramped,elfin,embryonic,fleeting,hardly any,hasty,immature,imperceptible,inappreciable,inconsiderable,microscopic,not big,not large,short-lived,shrimpy,shriveled,skimpy,sparse,stubby,stunted,teeny,tiny,undersized,undeveloped,wizened
反义词 adequate,big,fat,large,sufficient,giant,huge,lengthy,long,older,substantial,tallenormous,great,immense,important,magnanimous,magnificent,massive,open,open-mindedas in.maimed
同义词 crippled,damaged,disabled,handicapped,harmed,hurt,injured,lame,mangled,mutilated,wounded
反义词 wholeas in.scarce
同义词 deficient,limited,rare,scant,scanty,sparse,sporadicat a premium,failing,few,few and far between,in short supply,occasional,seldom,seldom met with,semioccasional,short,shortened,shy,uncommon,unusual,wanting
反义词 adequate,ample,plentiful,satisfactory,sufficientabundant,frequentas in.smallish
同义词 cramped,diminutive,undersizedbabyish,bantam,brief,dinky,elfin,embryonic,fleeting,hardly any,hasty,immature,imperceptible,inappreciable,inconsiderable,infant,infinitesimal,insufficient,junior,light,Lilliputian,limited,meager,microscopic,mini,miniature,minute,not big,not large,peanut,petite,scant,short,short-lived,shrimpy,shriveled,skimpy,slight,small,snub,sparse,stubby,stunted,teeny,tiny,toy,undeveloped,wee,wizened,young
反义词 big,huge,largeas in.thumbnail
同义词 brief,compact,short,summaryabbreviated,abridged,concise,contracted,curtailed,epigrammatic,short and sweet,succinct,to the point
反义词 large,lengthy,long,unabridged
littleadjective small in size, amount
Lilliputian,babyish,bantam,brief,cramped,diminutive,dinky,elfin,embryonic,fleeting,hardly any,hasty,immature,imperceptible,inappreciable,inconsiderable,infant,infinitesimal,insufficient,junior,light,limited,meager,microscopic,mini,miniature,minute,not big,not large,peanut,petite,scant,short,short-lived,shrimpy,shriveled,skimpy,slight,snub,sparse,stubby,stunted,teeny,tiny,toy,undersized,undeveloped,wee,wizened,young
maimedadjective deprived of use of a body part
scarceadjective insufficient, infrequent
at a premium,deficient,failing,few,few and far between,in short supply,limited,occasional,rare,scant,scanty,seldom,seldom met with,semioccasional,short,shortened,shy,sparse,sporadic,truncated,uncommon,unusual,wanting
smallishadjective little
Lilliputian,babyish,bantam,brief,cramped,diminutive,dinky,elfin,embryonic,fleeting,hardly any,hasty,immature,imperceptible,inappreciable,inconsiderable,infant,infinitesimal,insufficient,junior,light,limited,meager,microscopic,mini,miniature,minute,not big,not large,peanut,petite,scant,short,short-lived,shrimpy,shriveled,skimpy,slight,small,snub,sparse,stubby,stunted,teeny,tiny,toy,truncated,undersized,undeveloped,wee,wizened,young
thumbnailadjective condensed
abbreviated,abridged,brief,compact,concise,contracted,curtailed,epigrammatic,short,short and sweet,succinct,summary,to the point,truncated As you can see from the results, the data is truncated correctly.
从结果中可以看出,数据已正确截短。 ibm

The column options WRAPPED and TRUNCATED give you the option to wrap or truncate values if they exceed the specified length.
列选项 WRAPPED和 TRUNCATED可以在列值超过指定的长度时让您选择是换行还是截断列值。 ibm

The range of possible outcomes has been truncated. At one end is total cancellation; at the other, not a successful games, but a fiasco that, despite everything, manages to happen.
但结局的可能范围已大大缩小:一头是干脆取消,另一头是绝非一场成功的运动会,而是一场无论如何都可能发生的大丢颜面的惨败。 ecocn

Using such truncated definitions and sketches, it is impossible to explain how women experience sexual response and orgasm.
如此删节版的定义和略图,不可能真正阐释出女性怎样体验性的反应和高潮。 yeeyan

A bite string larger that this will be truncated when stored in the appropriate row and column.
比这稍大一点的字符串存储到适当的行和列时会被截断。 ibm

Because you'll be able to write to the file, not append, the file will be truncated.
因为能够写入文件,而不是添加,所以文件会被截断。 ibm

But it is also possible that the data changes are fast enough to use up the log space before the log is truncated.
但是,由于数据改变的足够快以至于在日志被截断以前而用尽了日志的空间,这种情况也是可能发生的。 cnblogs

Embedded minus signs are accepted but any additional data is truncated.
接受内嵌负号,但截断额外的数据。 ibm

For example, the ruler labels may be truncated as in Figure10 above, a possibility our script did not consider.
例如,标尺标签可能像图10中那样被截断,这是我们的脚本没有考虑的一个问题。 ibm

For example, there are no addressing exceptions since all pointers get aligned and truncated to the local store size when attempting a memory access.
例如,根本就不存在寻址异常,因为所有的指针都是对齐的,并且在视图访问某处内存时都根据本地存储的大小进行了截断。 ibm

For instance, if UTF-16 data is naively loaded into a C string, the string may be truncated on the second byte of the first ASCII character.
比方说,如果 UTF-16数据原样加载到 C字符串中,字符串可能从第一个 ASCII字符的第二个字节截断。 ibm

For all dump types, you must ensure sufficient disk space for the dumps so that they are not truncated.
对于所有类型的转储文件,您必须保证预留足够的转储文件磁盘空间,这样它们才不会被删减。 ibm

If the program uses the resulting data anyway, an attacker will try to fill up the buffer so that when the data is truncated, the attacker will fill the buffer with what the attacker wanted.
如果程序无论如何还是使用了结果数据,那么攻击者会尝试填满缓冲区,以便在数据被截断时使用他希望的任何内容来填充缓冲区。 ibm

If the text is too big for the allowed size, then label might need to be truncated and a tooltip set.
如果文本超出允许的最大大小,那么可能需要删减标签和使用工具提示。 ibm

If the text is truncated, you can hover the mouse pointer over the text and a pop up window will show you the full title text Figure5.
如果文本被截短,可以将鼠标指针悬浮于文本之上,一个弹出窗口将会为您显示完整的文本图5。 ibm

If you lack a sense of purpose, your stay on Earth could be truncated.
如果你没有目标的意识,那你在人世上停留的日子就缩短了。 yeeyan

If you want to avoid the exception, then the data must be truncated to fit the field and you must code additional logic to do the truncation.
如果您希望避免该异常,则必须将数据截断以适应该字段,并且必须编写附加的逻辑代码来处理截断。 ibm

I've truncated it here for brevity, but you get the point.
为简洁起见,我截短了这段代码,但您可以抓住要点。 ibm

Many files on a UNIX system grow and grow until truncated or archived.
在 UNIX系统中,许多文件会不断地增大,直到被截断或者进行存档。 ibm

Now rerun your application and verify that the page layouts are still appropriate, that text is not truncated, etc.
现在重新运行您的应用程序,继续验证页布局仍然是适当的,以及文本未被截断等等。 ibm

Often the space issue is solved by using a log rotation policy, where logs are kept in several files that are truncated and overwritten as they reach a certain number of predefined bytes.
通常,可以通过使用日志轮换策略来解决空间问题,将日志保存在几个文件中,当这些文件大小达到某个预定义的字节数时,对它们进行截断和覆盖。 ibm

On the PPE that isn't so bad, as the value is merely truncated or expanded.
在 PPE上,这样做的结果并不太坏,因为值不过是被截断或扩充了而已。 ibm

Previous versions of MTK truncated the source database identifiers that were greater than the target DB2 database product limitations and generated unique identifiers.
对于长度大于目标 DB2数据库产品限制的源数据库标识符,之前版本的 MTK会截短它,并生成惟一的标识符。 ibm

School days were truncated, grades combined and extras like sports and computers were gone.
学校教学日已经缩短,几个年级合并到了一起,像运动和电脑这样的“奢侈品”已经消失了。 yeeyan

So, your value may be truncated if it is longer than32 bits.
因此,如果值的长度超过32位,该值就会被截断。 ibm

This means it is important to ensure that there is sufficient disk space to prevent the dumps from being truncated.
这意味着,确保有足够的磁盘空间、防止转储被截断很重要。 ibm




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