

单词 Truman Capote
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In Truman Capote’s novel, Tiffany's engraves the cracker-jack ring that winds up as Holly Golightly's engagement ring.
在杜鲁门·卡波特的小说中,雕刻着Tiffany字样的爆米花赠品戒指最后成为了郝利·戈莱特利的订婚戒指。 putclub

Mr Schultz, whose previous subject was Truman Capote, makes a scholarly stab at penetrating Arbus's “ secrets”, hampered as he is by lack of material.
舒尔茨先生上一部书的主题有关杜鲁门•卡波特,他在洞析阿勃丝的“秘密”中做了一个学者式的直入,却被他材料的缺乏而困累。 ecocn

Ms Wilkerson’s intimacy with members of these families is as close as Truman Capote’s with his characters in “ In Cold Blood”.
威尔克森女士与这三个家庭关系密切,正如杜鲁门卡波特与他《冷血》一书中的人物联系紧密一样。 ecocn

Truman Capote's groundbreaking work In Cold Blood would have gone unwritten had he not been intrigued by The New York Times's coverage of a grisly quadruple murder in Holcomb, Kansas.
杜鲁门· 卡波特 Truman Capote,1924—1984,美国作家如果不是被《纽约时报》上一则记载发生在堪萨斯州豪康镇的恐怖四连环谋杀案的报道所深深吸引,他也就不可能写出那部具有开创性的作品《冷血》了。 yeeyan




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