

单词 truffle
释义 truf·fle 英ˈtrʌfəl美ˈtrʌfəlAHDtrŭfʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高SCOCA²²⁰⁵⁵BNC⁶⁶³¹³iWeb¹³⁸⁶²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

any of various highly prized edible subterranean fungi of the genus Tuber; grow naturally in southwestern Europeedible subterranean fungus of the genus Tubercreamy chocolate candy来自中古法语 trufle,块菌,置换自拉丁语 tufera,来自 tuber,块茎,可食根,来自 PIE*teue,鼓 起,膨胀,词源同 tuber,tumid.false truffle腹菌black truffle黑孢块菌summer truffle夏块菌
近义词 fungus真菌mushroom蘑菇earthnut花生earth-ball植块菌

用作名词The pigs rooted fortrufflein this forest.猪在森林里用嘴拱土寻找块菌。
Thetruffleseason in Algeria is working magic this year.今年,阿尔及利亚的块菌产季简直忙得不可思议。
Give an exquisite rose and one delicioustruffle.送上一支精致的玫瑰和美味的巧克力糖。 And to the extent that a man's armpit holds any appeal at all, some truffle scent elements share these manly attributes;
在某种程度上,一个人的腋窝会产生全部的吸引力,一些块菌就是利用了这样一种人性的特性; yeeyan

And two of the things that came from the earth are mentioned in this citation we have for truffle.
在引用中提到的来自土壤的事物中的两类,我们便可以看到块菌。 yeeyan

The main character is named Tartuffe because he is a religious hypocrite and like a truffle his true nature lies hidden below the surface.
名为答尔丢夫的主角是一个宗教伪善者,正如块菌一样他的本性是隐藏在外表之下的。 yeeyan

The white truffle is the most expensive of the family.
白松露是其同类中最贵的。 yeeyan

The pigs rooted for truffle in this forest.
猪在森林里用嘴拱土寻找块菌。 iciba

And to the extent that a man’s armpit holds any appeal at all, some truffle scent elements share these manly attributes; at least according to the chemists.
在某种程度上,一个人的腋窝会产生全部的吸引力,一些块菌就是利用了这样一种人性的特性;至少在化学家看来是这样的。 yeeyan

But the most unforgettable thing for me when I visited was the delectable Tuscan scent of truffle oil and Vino Nobile, Montepulciano's famous wine, in the air.
但是在拜访期间让我最难忘的事情是空中托斯卡纳美味的松露油气味和维诺诺比尔的香气,恰诺的著名的酒品。 yeeyan

Celery, pork, and truffle mushrooms contain androstenone, an aromatic compound that strongly influences flavor.
芹菜、猪肉和松露蘑菇含有雄烯酮,这是一种明显影响食物味道的芳香化合物。 yeeyan

Claridge used the European truffle product because it was easy to get— his team will next see the reaction of native animals to native truffles.
克拉里奇之所以使用这种欧洲松露作饵是因为它在本地就能找得到,所以他的小分队的下个任务就是观察动物们对本地松露的反应。 yeeyan

Every word in Italian is like a truffle. A magic trick.
意大利语的每一个单词都如同松露。充满戏法。 hjenglish

Gunther IV has bought a Miami villa from Madonna and won a rare white truffle in an auction.
冈瑟四世拥有一座从麦当娜手里买来的迈阿密豪宅,还从拍卖会上买来了个稀有的白松露。 yeeyan

Miss Zeta- Jones's hair is washed with a truffle- based shampoo, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed through and left to set.
泽塔-琼斯用富含松露的洗发水洗发,然后抹上鱼子酱、将其梳匀后再晾一会。 ebigear

Not only is the truffle itself motivated by sex, but some of the complex aromas it produces mimic sexual aromas in animals.
块菌本身不仅是为性别所驱动的,而且她会产生吸引有性动物的某些假象的混合气味。 yeeyan

One is topaz, the precious stone and the other is truffle itself.
其一是黄玉本身,是一种宝石,而另一种则是块菌。 yeeyan

Remove the truffle mixture from the refrigerator.
从冰箱拿出先前放入的巧克力酱。 hjenglish

Still, if a double- chocolate raspberry truffle puts you in the mood, why let science get in the way?
不过,如果双重山莓松露巧克力能让您的有感觉,那又何必用科学的方式得到呢? yeeyan

That's reality, snorts the truffle pig.
这就是现实,这位“块菌猪”叹息。 ecocn

They are generally served sliced into extremely thin slivers on top of other food and are frequently suffused in oil for sale as truffle-oil.
一般会把它切成极薄的片状放在其他食物上,或制成各种松露油销售。 yeeyan

Truffle hunting in Tuscany sounds like an idyllic way to spend a holiday.
在托斯卡纳寻找松露菌听起来真是一种赋有田园色彩的假日生活。 yeeyan




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