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词汇 true grit
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“ True Grit,” a Western remake about a young girl's brave quest to track down her father's killer, received10 nominations despite performing poorly in key critics awards.
影片《大地惊雷》尽管在关键的影评人协会奖中表现欠佳,但仍获得10项提名。 这部电影对原版西部片进行了翻拍,讲述了一个小女孩勇敢地追缉杀父凶手的故事。 hxen

“ True Grit” was my favourite film last year, followed by“The Social Network”.
《大地惊雷》是我去年看过的最好的一部片子,其次是《社交网络》。 yeeyan

Even though some thought her breakthrough performance in“ True Grit” was worthy of a lead award, the studio wisely submitted her for the supporting one. She's got a way better chance here.
虽然一些人认为 Steinfeld在《大地惊雷》中的突破性表演足以让她获得一个最佳女主角奖,电影公司很聪明地让她去角逐最佳女配角,因为在这里她有更好的机会。 hjenglish

In corrective walking, we learn to lift our bodies up and forward with true grit muscle strength instead of being held up by our joints.
在步态矫正中,我们学习如何通过肌肉收缩产生强大的力量来向上挺拔身体,而不是用关节来支撑身体。 ytyoga

Initial consensus among critics indicated a tight race for the top prize between Columbia's “ Social Network” and Weinstein Co's“ King's Speech,” with Paramount's “ True Grit” a possible spoiler.
影评人的初步共识预示着哥伦比亚公司出品的《社交网络》和温斯坦公司的《国王的演讲》对奥斯卡最佳影片奖的角逐将异常激烈,派拉蒙公司的《大地惊雷》则可能出来“搅局”。 kekenet

It turns out that “ True Grit” is as much an escape for Americans now as it was in the Vietnam era.
事实证明,《大地惊雷》对美国人来说,同样是对越南战争年代的回避。 yeeyan

Like“ True Grit”, “The Social Network” upholds the American values of independence and entrepreneurialism.
和《大地惊雷》一样,《社交网络》所维护的也是美国崇尚独立精神和创业精神的价值观。 yeeyan

Like classic Hollywood Westerns before it, “ True Grit” in all its iterations has an elegiac lilt.
与之前的好莱坞经典西部片一样,《大地惊雷》反复吟唱着一首轻快的挽歌。 yeeyan

Like Mattie in“ True Grit, ” Ree has no power here except the moral authority she insists on.
就像《大地惊雷》里的马蒂一样,瑞除了她坚守的道德权威外,没有任何力量。 yeeyan

Look at“The Social Network” again after seeing“ True Grit, ” and you’ll see two different civilizations, as far removed from each other in ethos as Silicon Valley and Monument Valley.
在看了《大地惊雷》后再看《社交网络》,你会感受到两种完全不同的文明在遥相呼应,这两种文明分别来自先进的硅谷和荒蛮的山野。 yeeyan

Why remake‘ True Grit’ with John Wayne?
比如,为什么翻拍‘大地惊雷’的时候要启用约翰·韦恩? yeeyan

Yo-Yo Ma will play the cello. Alice Waters will cook. Joel Coen will chat about“ True Grit,” and Meryl Streep will do a reading.
马友友要拉大提琴,艾丽丝·沃特斯要烹饪,乔尔·科恩会聊聊《大地惊雷》,梅丽尔·斯特里普则要进行一场朗读会。 yeeyan

True Grit, the remake of a1969 classic Western, is a nominee in10 categories, including Best Picture.
翻拍自1969年同名经典西部片的《大地惊雷》则在包括最佳影片的10个奖项中都获得了提名。 hjenglish




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