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词汇 truce
释义 truce 英truːs美trusAHDtr›s ★★☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA¹⁶⁸⁸²BNC¹¹²⁸⁰iWeb¹⁸⁵⁰⁶Economist⁵⁶⁴⁸

a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms来自古英语treow,事实,承诺,忠诚,条约,词源同true, truth。-ce,表复数,如pence为penny复数格。 true来自古英语triewe,忠诚的,真诚的。来自原始日耳曼语*treuwaz,信仰,忠诚。来自原始印欧语*deru,稳定的,稳固的,词源同tree, endure。后引申词义依据事实的,真的,真实的等。true-blue忠诚的,忠实的,坚决支持保守党的来自中世纪时期颜色的象征意义,蓝色象征着忠诚,忠贞,忠实。后该词在英国政治文化中被赋予了特殊的政治意义,即支持保守党。 truth来自true,真实的,-th,名词后缀。 pence缩写自penies。来自penny的复数形式。后拼写软化为pence。 penny来自古英语penig,便士。来自原始日耳曼语*panninggaz,便士,可能借自拉丁语panna,小盘子,词源同pan。即形如小盘子。penny-farthing前轮大,后轮小的自行车penny,便士,farthing,四分之一便士,法寻,词源同four。比喻用法。flag of truce休战旗表示投降或求…a truce to别再 … 了truce negotiation停战谈判tariff truce关税休战
GRE红宝书tru真, ce读: 死, 真的出现了人员的伤亡-停战
音:处死,处死导致停战,二战的停战,是从墨索里尼被处死开始,隔一天后希特勒自杀(处死自己,再隔天柏林被攻破→停战;truancy 逃学,玩忽职守,不上了,不干了→休学→休战;
tru真实的,诚实的+ce名词后缀→诚信,可靠性→承诺→停战协议⇒停战。非常记忆tru出〖谐音〗+ce厕〖拼音〗⇒休战后出来上厕所GRE难词记忆truce 音“处死”→处死那些要求停战的人联想记忆休战协定truce确认了战败属实true词根记忆tru相信+ce→相信对方而停战→休战词根记忆相信对方而停战近义词 break打碎peace和平pause暂停recess休息treaty条约lull使安静respite暂缓interval间隔armistice休战ceasefire停火rest剩余的部分cease-fire停火intermission中止interruption打岔understanding理解

用作名词Atruceshould be made in the interval.在接着的一个时期中,双方实行休战。
Thistrucelasts for several days, depending on the location.这次休战据所处位置的不同持续了数日。noun.peaceful solution
同义词 accord,agreement,amnesty,armistice,cease-fire,détente,lull,moratorium,pause,peace,reconciliation,reprieve,suspensionbreak,breather,cessation,de-escalation,halt,intermission,interval,letup,respite,rest,stay,terms,treatyolive branch,temporary peace,white flag,wind-down
反义词 continuation,disagreement,persistence,war,go,startfight
armisticenoun peace-establishing agreement
cease-firenoun a stop in fighting
armistice,ceasefire,suspension of hostilities,truce
ceasefire agreementnoun suspension of hostilities
armistice,cooling-off period,olive branch,peace,stand-down,truce
détentenoun reconciliation
moratoriumnoun suspension
abeyance,abeyancy,adjournment,ban,break,breather,breathing spell,deferment,delay,downtime,five,freeze,grace period,halt,pause,postponement,reprieve,respite,stay,truce
peacenoun harmony, agreement
accord,amity,armistice,cessation,conciliation,concord,friendship,love,neutrality,order,pacification,pacifism,reconciliation,treaty,truce,unanimity,union,unity A truce now, if Hamas really did stop its fire, could be presented to voters as the successful rehabilitation of Israeli deterrence.
如果哈马斯可以真正停止袭击,那么当前真正意义上的停火将让选民看到以色列威慑力的成功复苏。 ecocn

The Israeli government also rejected the truce proposal.
以色列政府也拒绝停战的建议。 ebigear

The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace.
中东不可靠的休战与最终实现和平的相似性很小。 ebigear

The war remained fluid until the summer of1951, when truce talks began and the front stabilized.
可是战争仍然是时战时停,直至1951年的夏天。开始了停战谈判时和前线的随时稳定。 yeeyan

Their visit came as violent incidents tested the unilateral ceasefires Israel and Hamas have both declared, amid Egyptian- brokered attempts to reach a firmer truce deal.
此前哈马斯和以色列都单方面宣布停火,埃及在从中斡旋以达成长期稳定的停火协议。这次访问可以作为一个试探。 yeeyan

Afghan and NATO commanders complain that the truce has also provided cross- border safe havens for the Taliban.
阿富汗以及北约的指挥官抱怨说,停战也为塔利班提供了越界的安全地带。 ecocn

After days of fighting with Israel, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have called a brief truce.
巴勒斯坦和以色列经过几天交战之后呼吁在加沙地带实行短暂停火。 kekenet

Although the miners have now reached a truce, division of the mine is yet to be agreed.
尽管冲突双方达成了停战协议,但就如何分配锡矿的问题上双方还没有达成一致。 ecocn

But in mid- May they accepted a truce.
不过,他们于五月中旬同意了休战。 ecocn

But that truce could not hide the fact that the two sides have starkly different analyses of what has gone wrong in America.
但这暂时的休战却掩盖不了两党对美国出现的问题分析截然不同的事实。 ecocn

But these are also unlikely to bring the organization to heel— though they may exercise sufficient pressure eventually to achieve, with the mediation of Turkey or Egypt, a renewed temporary truce.
但是,这样也不大可能使敌对组织就范——尽管他们可以造成足够的压力,最终在土耳其或埃及的调解下达成一个新的临时停火协议。 yeeyan

But whereas the Israelis argued for their troops to stay in place during the early days of the truce, Hamas demanded their immediate withdrawal from Gaza as the price of halting rocket fire.
但以方坚持在停火的初期要军队呆在原地,而哈马斯则要求,作为停止发射火箭弹的条件,他们必须立即撤出加沙。 ecocn

Egypt, he said, has exerted a great deal of effort during the past six months to strengthen the Gaza truce, and then to renew it, while working for Palestinian unity.
穆巴拉克说,埃及在过去六个月中已经尽了很大的努力来巩固加沙停火、然后又尽力延续这一停火,与此同时,埃及还努力促进巴勒斯坦的统一。 ebigear

In a video statement, ETA, the violent Basque separatist group, said it had been operating a ceasefire for several months, but did not say how long the truce would last.
在一段视频声明中,巴斯克分裂团体——巴斯克祖国与自由埃塔——称其数月以来一直计划停火,但是没有指出休战会持续多久。 ecocn

India’s “ season of scams” was launched late last year, thanks to the breakdown of an unspoken political truce in which no party fussed too much about corruption, allowing all to prosper from it.
印度的“诈骗季节”在去年年底爆出,幸亏一个心照不宣的政治休战,其间没有任何党派对腐败太过大惊小怪,让一切都从中抖搂出来。 ecocn

Meanwhile, the PKK is threatening to end its truce and to carry its insurgency to the cities unless the BDP deputies are freed.
与此同时,如果和平与民主党BDP代表不被释放,库尔德工人党威胁要结束休战并使其叛乱延伸到城市。 ecocn

Only after a short truce was agreed were the envoys packed into armoured UN vehicles and taken to safety.
外交使节们在短暂的停火达成后被护送进联合国装甲车辆,送达了安全地带。 topsage

Some analysts take heart from Hamas’s offer of a30- year truce if Israel returns to its1967 borders. But it has never offered permanent recognition.
一些分析人士对哈马斯提出的30年停火协议以换取以色列恢复1967年时的边界感到振奋,但是哈马斯对此从来没有给予永久的承认。 yeeyan

This marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war.
这标志着这一长期的外交战将进入休战阶段。 yeeyan

Two days after Russia and Georgia agreed to a cease-fire, the truce has yet to be fully implemented and Russian forces have yet to leave Georgian territory.
俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚同意停火已经两天了,但是,停战还没有全面实现,俄罗斯军队尚未撤出格鲁吉亚领土。 ebigear

We will transact with them for truce.




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