

单词 trough
释义 trough 英trɔːf, trɒf美trɔf, trɑfAHDtrôf, trŏf ★☆☆☆☆高GIST四八COCA¹⁶⁸²⁴BNC¹³⁹⁸¹iWeb¹¹³³⁰Economist¹²⁷⁷⁵

a narrow depression as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean beda channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwatera concave shape with an open topa treasury for government fundsa long narrow shallow receptaclea container usually in a barn or stable from which cattle or horses feed来自古英语 trog,木制容器,盘子,来自 Proto-Germanic*trugaz,木制品,来自 PIE*teru,树, 木材,词源同 tree,tray.最终引申为现在的词义。oil trough集油盘feed trough喂食器eaves trough檐沟fault trough断层槽,地堑…trough conveyor槽式输送机,槽形运输…wave trough波谷trough line商业周期低潮线,向斜…overflow trough溢流槽conveyor trough运输机槽water trough饮水槽distributing trough布料槽trough girder槽形梁,门形梁,槽钢…wash trough洗槽marginal trough边缘地槽,边缘凹陷…mortar trough灰浆槽trough plate槽形板conveying trough运输槽,传送带槽…potential trough势阱,位阱trough iron槽钢equatorial trough赤道槽
近义词 bowl碗cup杯子low低的trench沟ditch沟渠drain排出outlet出路rack行李架furrow犁沟channel频道gutter排水沟crib婴儿小床holder持有者depression沮丧till直到 … 为止…public treasury公库manger马、牛的食槽…low pressure area低压区反义词 crest浪尖

用作名词So she quickly emptied her jar into thetrough.她迅速地把水罐里的水统统倒进水槽。
This type of barrier is a combination of the pumpingtroughand the hydraulic ridge.这类屏障是把抽水槽和水力分水岭结合在一起。
However, as a mother of two, she was soon out of thetrough.但是,作为两个孩子的母亲,她很快就走出了低谷。
But economists do not necessarily expect thetroughin production to be long.但是,经济学家并不一定认为生产低潮会持续很长时间。noun.gutter, depression
同义词 trenchcanal,channel,crib,cup,dike,dip,ditch,duct,flume,furrow,gully,hollow,manger,moat,watercourse
channelnoun pathway, usually containing water
chutenoun ramp, slope
conduitnoun passage
conduitsnoun passage
dalenoun valley
dentnoun depression, scrape, chip
cavity,con-cavity,crater,crenel,cut,dimple,dint,dip,embrasure,furrow,hollow,impression,incision,indentation,nick,notch,pit,scallop,score,scratch,sink,trough A recession begins when the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends when the economy reaches its trough.
经济的衰退开始于经济体系从经济活力的高峰期到达他的低谷期这段过程; yeeyan

Both power- tower and parabolic- trough systems can store thermal energy in the form of hot, molten salt.
能量塔和抛物面槽都能够以热的形式--融化盐来贮存能量。 ecocn

In the past five recoveries, the return from high-yielders has beaten that from low-yielders by an average of29 percentage points in the six months after the trough.
拿过去五次市场回升来说,在走出低谷后的半年内,高收益股的回报率就比低收益股的高出29个百分点。 ecocn

The “ trough of disillusionment,” he says.
是“理想幻灭的低谷”,麦当劳先生如是说。 yeeyan

The larger structure is the Salton Trough, a depression that stretches from the Gulf of California, through the modern Colorado River Delta, and northwestward into California as far as the Salton Sea.
比较大的构造是索尔顿海槽,它是从加利福尼亚湾延伸出的一片洼地,穿过现代的科罗拉多河三角洲,向西北进入加利福尼亚,直达索尔顿海。 yeeyan

The pig nosed the trough down.

A black hole scarfs gas like a pig at a trough.
一个黑洞被气体围绕,就好像一只被食槽环绕着的猪。 yeeyan

EHEC has also been isolated from bodies of water ponds, streams, wells and water troughs, and has been found to survive for months in manure and water- trough sediments.
也从水源池塘、溪水、井和水槽中分离出肠出血性大肠杆菌,并发现它们在粪便和水槽污垢中能够存活数月。 who

Export volumes have recovered rapidly since the trough in early 2009.
出口量走出2009年初的低谷后迅速回升。 worldbank

House prices will have bottomed out in America, the place where it all began: national prices will at last hit a trough some35-40% below their2006 peak.
美国的房价将会走出谷底,这一切都是从美国开始的:国内价格将会最终达到约2006年峰值的35-40%水平的低谷。 ecocn

I saw her, the other day, bespatter the Governor himself with water, at the cattle- trough in Spring Lane.
有一天,我看到她在春巷的畜槽边,竟然往总督身上泼水。 hjenglish

If we look at the fall in output from the peak quarter before the recession in 2007 or2008 to the recession trough and the recovery since then, the US emerges as the easy winner.
如果我们研究一下从2007年或2008年衰退之前的那个峰顶季度到衰退低谷的产出下降,以及随后的复苏,就可以发现美国无疑是赢家。 ewteacher

In Japan and Britain corporate investment fell by about a quarter from peak to trough.
在日本与英国,公司投资额从高峰到低谷已经下降了约四分之一。 ecocn

It was during the trough after the Internet Bubble that it became trivially cheap to start a startup, but few realized it because startups were so out of fashion.
正是在互联网泡沫破灭之后的低谷期内,初创公司的启动成本开始变得非常低,但是因为当时初创公司已经不那么受追捧了,所以很少有人发现这种变化。 yeeyan

The consulting firm McKinsey &Co. encourages its consultants to build a“ spike, ” or perhaps it should be called a trough: a deep knowledge of a specific industry or practice.
麦肯锡公司鼓励自己的咨询顾问建立一根“鞋钉”,或者可以将其称之为水槽:对于某种特定行业或业务的深入的知识。 yeeyan

The proportion of working-age people with jobs is lower than in the trough of the recession.
有工作的工薪阶层人口的比例还是低于经济衰退低谷时的比例。 ecocn

The submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea.
用阿尔文潜水器研究西部加勒比海底面上转换边界-开曼群岛海槽。 yeeyan

There was also, running the length of the left wall, a giant waist- high cement trough filled with water and dead mosquitoes.
另外一口半人高的巨大水槽一直通到左边的墙壁,里面装满了水以及死去的蚊子尸体。 yeeyan

These cycles often take a generation to play out from peak to trough and to peak again.
这些周期经常要让一代人经历从高峰到低谷、再从低谷到高峰的漫长过程。 yeeyan

These islands are actually the peaks of the Cayman Trough, the Caribbean Sea's deepest trench.
这些岛屿实际上是开曼槽的顶端——加勒比海最深的海沟。 yeeyan

Whether single or not our trough may be over flowing with the love we have for God and our world encompassing true values.
不管是不是单身,我们的水槽会因对神之爱而溢满,世界里充满着爱的真谛。 yeeyan




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