

单词 tropicana
释义 tropicana 英trɒpɪ'kɑːnə美trɒpɪ'kɑːnə COCA⁵⁸²⁶²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
And it didn't feel like their Tropicana brand when you changed the packaging.
当你改变包装的时候,他们会感觉这不是自己记忆中的纯果乐品牌了。 yeeyan

One of the worst things about the Tropicana redesign was the loss of the iconic orange and straw.
纯果乐新包装的最糟糕之处在于新包装丢弃了他们标志性的橙子和吸管。 yeeyan

“ We underestimated the deep emotional bond consumers had with the original packaging, ” said the President of Tropicana.
纯果乐总裁说:“我们低估了消费者与原包装之间深层的情感联系。” yeeyan

Four with the logo and colors of a drink—Guinness, Tropicana, Coca- Coca or Red Bull—and one car just plain green.
有四种眼睛上标明了饮料的牌子并涂了牌子的颜色:健力士、纯果乐、可口可乐和红牛。有一辆车的则只是原味绿茶。 yeeyan

Google’s first marketing hire lasted a matter of months in 1999; his experience included Miller Beer and Tropicana and his proposal involved focus groups and television commercials.
1999年 Google的第一个市场部雇员只工作了几个月时间。他曾经在 Miller Beer和 Tropicana公司工作过,他的商业计划包括关注特定群体和投放电视广告。 yeeyan

In just a few short weeks after the packaging change, the company bowed to consumer outrage and scrapped the Tropicana changes.
在包装改变的短短几个星期之后,该公司不得不向反对纯果乐变化的愤怒消费者们道歉。 yeeyan

Last month, PepsiCo introduced a major overhaul of the Tropicana packaging.
上个月,百事公司决定对纯果乐的包装进行一次彻底的改变。 yeeyan

PepsiCo acquired Tropicana in1998 and merged with The Quaker Oats Company including Gatorade in 2001.
百事于1998年收购了纯果乐,2001年整合了桂格公司包括佳得乐。 hnrcsc

PepsiDo acquired Tropicana in1998 and merged with The Quaker Oats Dompany including Gatorade in 2001.
百事于1998年从各处买进了纯果乐,2001年整合了桂格公司包孕佳患上乐。 www40.86-0.com

She oversaw the acquisition of Tropicana, a juice firm, and Quaker, owner of the Gatorade brand of drinks, which has been one of PepsiCo's biggest successes as the firm reduced its reliance on cola.
她负责兼并了 Tropicana果汁公司和 Quaker公司-Gatorade牌饮料的拥有者,对 Quaker的兼并是百事最大的成绩之一,它减少了公司对可乐产品的依赖。 ecocn

So they had70 volunteers race cars with identical specs, but different paint jobs. Four with the logo and colors of a drink—Guinness, Tropicana, Coca- Coca or Red Bull—and one car just plain green.
因此他们招募了70个志愿者用规格相同但喷漆不同的车进行赛车比赛,其中四辆车喷的油漆是吉尼斯、纯果乐、可口可乐和红牛四个品牌的标志和颜色,另一辆车则只喷了绿色。 hjenglish

Today, Tropicana remains the dominant brand and the world leader in chilled orange juice.
时至今日,纯果乐仍然是全球速冻橙汁市场的主导品牌。 yeeyan

With the success of Tropicana, eventually the majority of the market for orange juice moved from frozen to fresh.
随着纯果乐的成功,橙汁市场的大部分由速冻橙汁转变为新鲜橙汁。 yeeyan

Tropicana owns not-from- concentrate in the mind and is the “ real thing” in fresh orange juice.
纯果乐在消费者心中成了“非浓缩,真正的新鲜橙汁”的代名词。 yeeyan

Tropicana got into the mind with a great name and built a new category.
纯果乐作为一个伟大的名字进入到消费者心中,建立了一个新的产品类型。 yeeyan

Tropicana is a60- year- old brand.
纯果乐是一个拥有60年历史的品牌。 yeeyan

Tropicana should have remained focused on fresh not from concentrate orange juice.
纯果乐应该把卖点集中在新鲜而不是橙汁上。 yeeyan

Tropicana then dropped the frozen concentrate product and focused entirely on the fresh, “ not-from- concentrate” product.
纯果乐随后放弃了速冻浓缩产品业务,把精力完全集中在新鲜的、“非浓缩的”果汁产品上。 yeeyan




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