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New Tron Legacy's light cycle has apparently escaped the grid to get into the real world, which has been produced by a Florida- based company.
《电子世界争霸战2》里面的夜光摩托显然“逃脱”电网,来到了现实世界,只是因为美国佛罗里达州一家公司制造了夜光摩托。 cri

The Audi e- tron, for instance, is an experimental sports coupe that relies on a battery alone to drive four electric motors— one for each wheel.
比如,奥迪的 e- tron就是一款实验型跑车,这款车依靠一个电池为四台电动马达供电——每台马达驱动一个车轮。 yeeyan

The game is made based on the first movie TRON.
游戏的基础上作出的第一部电影 TRON的。

The Paramecia play in real time, ala Tron, in a tiny fluid chamber.
草履虫是一款在小小的流体腔中的实时游戏。 yeeyan

The sharp contrast between the reactions to the conviction of Mr Mahéas and to allegations against Mr Tron suggests a shift in attitudes to French public life.
人们对于玛艾尔先生的定罪以及特隆先生的指控的对比鲜明的反应表明在法国公共生活上人们态度的转变。 ecocn

A French junior minister, Georges Tron, has resigned amid accusations that he sexually harassed female colleagues.
法国一名高级官员特隆 Georges Tron因性骚扰女同事的指控而辞职。 hxen

At night, the island glows blue like a billboard for the Tron sequel.
夜晚的小岛闪着蓝色的光芒,就像一块巨大的布告板,在为电影《电子世界争霸战》的续集做广告。 yeeyan

At U- Tron we are doing our small part by inventing quality light bulbs at affordable prices.

Audi is angling for a spot in the “ top league of electric sports cars” with its battery- powered R8 e- tron racecar, while Mercedes does the same with its battery- heavy, gull-winged SLS.
奥迪正用其靠电池供能的 R8电子争霸赛车博取“最佳电动运动汽车”称号,而奔驰则用它带沉重电池的鸥型翼运动型豪华轿车博取此称号。 yeeyan

But as the barrier of buttons give way, rather than sucking us into an electronic world, as in the movie “ Tron,” it turns out that the electronics are coming to us;
但是随着按键的樊篱土崩瓦解,与其说将我们吸引进了电子世界,不如说像电影《电子世界争霸战》中那样,到头来是电子世界走近了我们; yeeyan

Disney's TRON: Legacy electronics line is designed to appeal to discerning games and audiophiles who seek out products that offer high quality and innovative design.
迪斯尼的 TRON的:传统电子产品线,旨在吸引挑剔的游戏玩家和发烧友谁寻求的产品,提供高品质和创新设计。 cnhuu

Fans will get a first look at the all new TRON: Legacy- inspired toys and electronics at San Diego Comic Con next month.
球迷将获得一个在所有新的 TRON先看看:传统风格的玩具和电子产品圣地亚哥动漫展下月。 cnhuu

Fast- forward to last month, when a junior minister, Georges Tron, was accused of sexual harassment by two female ex- employees.
将时间推进到上个月,法国初级部长乔治•特隆被两名女性前雇员指控性骚扰。 ecocn

Fischer is currently working for Disney on the Tron franchise.
费谢尔现在在为 Tron特许的迪斯尼工作。 yeeyan

Georges Tron, a minister, lost his job in late May after two former employees accused him of sexual assault following foot- massage sessions, charges that he denies.
政府高级官员乔治•特隆 Georges Tron在5月末丢掉了工作,因为两位前下属控告他借足部按摩的机会性骚扰她们,而他否认了指控。 ecocn

In its story and its execution, TRON: Legacy is the sort of film that tech geeks yearn to see.
在故事和表演技巧上,《创:战纪》是技术控很想去看的那种电影。 yeeyan

Mr Sarkozy ditched Mr Tron over unproven charges of sexual assault.
在这起还未证实的性侵犯指控上,萨科齐先生抛弃了特隆先生。 ecocn

Mr Tron denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a witch-hunt.
特隆否认自己犯了任何错误,并称他是排除异己活动的受害者。 hxen

Perhaps the most impressive— and expansive — campaign has been that of TRON: Legacy.
最令人印象深刻的,也是最为广泛的,要属《创:战记》的营销。 yeeyan

Thanks to the DSK affair, two women brought charges of sexual assault against Georges Tron, an ex- minister, who was promptly dismissed from government, a move unthinkable in the pre-DSK era.
得益于卡恩事件,两位女子发起对前部长乔治斯·创 Georges Tron的性侵犯指控,他随即被逐出政府部门,这是一个在前卡恩时代难于想象的举措。 ecocn

The characters also speak phrases from the TRON: Legacy film.
发言的特点也从 TRON的警语:电影遗产。 cnhuu

The two women who accuse Mr Tron of sexual assault after foot- massage sessions, a technique in which he is apparently particularly expert, came forward after DSK’s arrest.
指控特隆先生在足底按摩后实施性侵的那两位妇女,在多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩被捕后开始讨论他明显特别擅长的技巧。 ecocn

This week two ex- employees filed charges of sexual harassment against Georges Tron, a junior minister in Mr Sarkozy's government;
这周,两位前雇员书面控告萨科奇政府的一位副部长乔治特隆性骚扰; ecocn

This week two ex- employees filed charges of sexual harassment against Georges Tron, a junior minister in Mr Sarkozy’s government; Mr Tron called the allegations“ nonsense”.
这周,两位前雇员书面控告萨科奇政府的一位副部长乔治特隆性骚扰;特隆称控告是一派胡言。 ecocn




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