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Trojan horses短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本例句 na.神特洛伊木马;比喻内部的破坏集团;计特洛伊木马式病毒;🌏木马程式;木马程序原型trojanhorse的复数 Responding to worms, viruses and Trojan horses was most costly, followed by computer theft, financial fraud and network intrusion, according to the survey. 调查结果表明,蠕虫、病毒和木马是犯罪的前三甲,紧随其后的则是电脑盗窃、财务欺诈和网络入侵。 dream4ever.org We can control the Trojan horse and reduce the damage from the research of Trojan horses. 深入地研究木马技术,对防范木马攻击,减少网络破坏有重要的意义。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net Antispyware XP2009 is distributed via different online security scanners, Trojan horses, misleading sites, malicious software. 反间谍 XP的2009年是通过不同的分布式网络安全扫描,木马,误导性网站,恶意软件。 club.tech.sina.com.cn Concealing technology is important to designer of Trojan horses all through. 隐藏技术一直是木马设计人员研究的重要技术。 cnki In this world, the initial political platforms had nothing to do with health care or fiscal responsibility, but rather the impending threats of spyware and Trojan horses. 在这里,这个最初的政治活动平台与医保和财政没什么干系,这里讨论的是间谍软件和木马所带来的安全威胁。 yeeyan Instead, its function is to mask the presence of other types of usually malicious software, such as Trojan horses, viruses or worms. 相反,其功能是掩蔽其他类型常常是恶意的软件,如木马程序、病毒或蠕虫。 educity Its main means has: online professor viruses, Trojan horses production technology and various network attack technology; 其主要方式有:网上教授病毒、木马制作技术和各种网络攻击技术; xddhy Online customized viruses, Trojan horses; 网上定制病毒、木马; xddhy Online exchange, trafficking and rental viruses, Trojan horses, zombie network; 网上交换、贩卖和出租病毒、木马、僵尸网络; xddhy Security experts first flagged digital picture frames as a danger a year ago, when several models of the devices were found to be carrying Trojan horses. 早在一年前,当一些型号的设备被发现携带有木马病毒之后,就有安全专家提出电子相框是一种安全威胁的途径。51cto Swing, Trojan horses, toy house. 秋千,木马,玩具屋。 blog.sina.com.cn They are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. 他们总是向世界许多国家派遣奸细。1stenglish They were defeated because of the Trojan horses in their country. 他们被打败了,因为他们的国家出现了奸细。 koolearn Trojan horses, instant messaging worms and thousands of Web sites were found to attack users with specially crafted WMF files. 目前在木马程序、即时通讯蠕虫和数以千计的网站中都发现使用特制 WMF文件的攻击行径。 dream4ever |