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词汇 trivia
释义 trivia 英ˈtrɪviːə美ˈtrɪviəAHDtrĭvʹē-ə ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA²⁰⁷⁸²BNC²⁴⁷³⁴iWeb¹¹³¹⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

something of small importancetrivia源自拉丁语,本意是“三岔路口”。由于三岔路口是三条道路交汇的公共场所,所以从trivia衍生出的形容词trivial的含义逐渐从“公共的、普遍的”延伸至“普通的、司空见惯的”,最后衍生出“琐碎的、无关紧要的”等含义。这反过来又影响了trivia一词的含义,引申出“琐事”之意。19世纪时的英国作家Logan Pearsall Smith有一本著作,描写的都是一些日常琐事。该书的名字就叫做trivia。该书十分流行,使得trivia的引申含义“琐事”日益流行,其本意反而逐渐被人遗忘。trivium三学科包括语法、逻…
词源解释trivia源自拉丁语,本意是“三岔路口”。由于三岔路口是三条道路交汇的公共场所,所以从trivia衍生出的形容词trivial的含义逐渐从“公共的、普遍的”延伸至“普通的、司空见惯的”,最后衍生出“琐碎的、无关紧要的”等含义。这反过来又影响了trivia一词的含义,引申出“琐事”之意。19世纪时的英国作家Logan Pearsall Smith有一本著作,描写的都是一些日常琐事。该书的名字就叫做trivia。该书十分流行,使得trivia的引申含义“琐事”日益流行,其本意反而逐渐被人遗忘。
tri三+vi道路+a阴性名词后缀→三条道路交汇处,三岔路口→公共场所→常见事物,司空见惯之事⇒琐事。方振宇词汇奥秘tri三+via路→大路细分成三条小路→路变得小而乱→琐事,不足道的细枝末节GRE红宝书tri三+via路 →三条路→同时做三件小事
trivial 琐细的
词根记忆tri三+ via路→ 三条路 ⇒同时做三件小事→琐事近义词 froth泡trifle琐事trifles琐事nonsense废话triviality琐事nothing没有什么minutiae细枝末节small beer徽不足道的small potatoes微不足道的人…

用作名词She never immersed herself in that sort oftrivia.她从来不沉湎于往日琐事。
Their quarrels about thetriviaare always interminable.他们对琐事的争吵总是没完没了。
Much of our research is wasted ontrivia.我们的许多研究都浪费在一些无足轻重的琐事上。noun.details
同义词 memorabilia,minutiaetrifles,trivialitiesfine points
反义词 generality,importance,significance,weight
banalitynoun common saying
adage,boiler,buzzword,chestnut,cliché,corn,dullsville,familiar tune,high camp,hokum,old chestnut,old saw,plate,platitude,prosaicism,prosaism,saw,trite phrase,triviality,truism
detailnoun feature, specific aspect
ABCs,accessory,article,brass tacks,chapter and verse,circumstantiality,component,count,cue,design,dope,element,fact,factor,fine point,fraction,item,meat and potatoes,minor point,minutia,nicety,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,part,particular,peculiarity,plan,point,portion,respect,schedule,singularity,specialty,specification,structure,technicality,thing,trait,trivia,triviality
minutiaenoun trivial detail
incidentals,minor details,small details,trifles,trivial matters,trivialities,trivias,unimportant details,useless informations A syntax node always contains a combination of other nodes, tokens, and trivia.
语法节点总会是包含其它节点、令牌和琐碎内容的组合。 infoq

And when it comes to cultural trivia— celebrity names, song lyrics— I've almost given up making an effort to remember anything, because I can instantly retrieve the information online.
更别说其他的琐事了:庆典的全称,歌词——我差不多已经放弃记住这些东西了,反正随时可以上网找得到。 yeeyan

The internet: The popular online encyclopedia, written by volunteer contributors, has unlimited space. So does it matter if it includes trivia?
互联网:由志愿者撰写的流行的网络百科全书,拥有无限的空间,那么包含琐碎的事情是否合适? ecocn

A very wise person once said, “In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.”
一位智者曾经说过“缺乏清楚的目标,我们会变得习惯于处理那些生活中的琐事。” yeeyan

All of her life had been one endless, timeless wait, queuing up for food, for clothing, for buses to take her across town, and for countless trivia that made up the stuff of daily interaction.
她的全部生活都陷入了无尽的等待,排队领食物,领衣服,乘公交车穿过市镇,无数琐事填满每天的生活。 yeeyan

Another trivia list!
另一张琐事清单而已。 yeeyan

As for the complete loss of memories for names, trivia and other ordinary things that come with giving birth, the brains of new moms may simply have new priorities.
至于生孩子会使妈妈们完全失去对名望,琐事和其他平常事记忆的说法,新妈妈们的大脑可能有新的优先考虑的事情。 yeeyan

But she ignored all that unimportant trivia, because the Beast had a loving heart!
不过她不理会所有这些不重要的恶行,因为野兽有一颗充满爱的心! yeeyan

By2003's The Da Vinci Code, Brown had clearly honed his pop-lit formulation of improbable plot twists, historical trivia and travelogue.
在2003年的那本《达芬奇密码》中,丹·布朗已经通过看似不可能的曲折情节、历史琐事和游记为前传埋下了线索。 yeeyan

He travelled the world to pursue his eccentric obsession, collecting stories and trivia as if filling an enormous curio cabinet.
他周游世界寻找他偏迷的东西,收集故事和琐事,犹如填充一个巨大的古玩柜。 ecocn

I have no patience these days for jerks, for trivia— kindness and humility matter most to me.
最近对于生活的许多琐事,在我看来大多是善良和谦逊的琐事,我没有多大耐心。 yeeyan

ignoring real problems raised by the staffabout, for example, the outlets’ opening hours and focusing on triviawere there enough ashtrays in the customer reception area.
不接受员工提出的重要问题比如,商店的营业时间问题, 而只纠缠于鸡毛蒜皮的小事前台的烟灰缸是否够用. ecocn

In their first study, Dr Caruso and his team recruited101 students and asked them to imagine they were taking part in a team trivia game with a cash prize.
在第一个研究中,卡鲁索博士研究小组征募了101名大学生,要求他们设想自己将要参加一个分组进行的难题问答竞赛,有奖金。 ecocn

It's a complaint repeated by other history educators, who must balance“ trivia” with larger concepts.
这是一个其他历史老师重复抱怨的问题,他们必须平衡“琐事”与庞大的课程内容。 yeeyan

Notice, too, how much time you spend on trivia.
还必须注意你在琐事上花的时间。 yeeyan

Or might the voices warning of genocide have been lost in an Internet cacophony of celebrity news, trivia and self-important shouting?
又或者那些对屠杀的警告可能早已湮没在互联网的明星的绯闻、鸡毛蒜皮的琐事和自吹自擂的喧嚣中? yeeyan

Puzzles help you use your brain to figure out the answers. Crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and trivia knowledge.
谜题有利于你开动大脑去猜测出答案,纵横填字谜还有另外一个好处,能增加你的词汇和琐事知识。 ebigear

The result is an impressive stream of useful information, inspiring links and travel trivia.
结果产生了丰富的实用信息来源、促发灵感的链接以及旅游方面的琐事。 yeeyan

They will tell you all about the house, its inhabitants, the items in the house, and often little bits of trivia and interesting facts.
他们会讲解古迹的历史,在那里生活过的人们,屋子里的物品,还经常会讲一些琐碎小事和有趣的史实等。 yeeyan

This article continues the Thanksgiving tradition of discussing math trivia.
本文继续在感恩节讨论数学的细小运用的传统。 yeeyan

This brain teaser site provides a variety of games and trivia to challenge your mind.
这个脑筋急转弯网站提供各种不同的游戏和琐事游戏挑战你的大脑。 yeeyan

We aim to list every detail about every movie and TV show ever made, including who was in it, who made it, the plot, user ratings, trailers, photos, reviews, quotes, goofs, trivia and much more.
我们旨在列出制作出来的每部影片和电视节目的每一细节,包括演出者、制作人、梗概、用户评分、预告片、照片、评论、引述、穿帮、琐事等等。 yeeyan

We don't want to overwhelm with trivia; but to some degree of useful division of time and resources.
我们不想被琐事压垮;但在某种程度上应该擅于把时间和资源划分成小块。 ibm

You picked the winners at random, rather than as a reward for, say, their knowledge of trivia.
相比作为对所谓他们(获取小知识的奖励,你却是随机选择获奖者。 yeeyan

Trivia represents information not needed by the compiler such as whitespace and comments and tokens lack the context to be informative.
琐碎内容代表的是编译器不需要的信息,像空格、注释以及缺少上下文的令牌。 infoq




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