

单词 trivalent
释义 tri·va·lent 英traɪˈveɪlənt美traɪˈveləntAHDtrī-vāʹlənt COCA²⁰⁹⁸²²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁴¹⁸²⁶
having a valence of threecobalt trivalent oxide三氧化二钴trivalent chromosome三价体,三价染色体…trivalent metal三价金属trivalent element三价元素trivalent vaccine三价疫苗trivalent chromium三价铬
tri三-valent⇒adj.化三价的 A trivalent verb should be a verb that can control three obligatory semantic elements in basic semantic structure.
三价动词是指在动词基本语义结构中能够携带三个强制性语义成分的动词。 cnki

The applicable fields of alkaline cyanide-free zinc plating and acidic zinc plating before trivalent chromium passivation were proposed.
提出应用于三价铬钝化前的碱性无氰镀锌及酸性镀锌的适用场合。 cnki

The effects of grain size on the electrochemical corrosion behaviors of zinc and trivalent chromium passivation film on zinc have been studied respectively by electrochemical methods.
利用电化学方法分别研究了晶粒尺寸对纯锌及其表面三价铬钝化膜腐蚀行为的影响。 dictall

The effects of stimulating or inhibiting of trivalent arsenic on DNA synthesis were always stronger than that of pentavalent arsenic.
不论对细胞DNA合成的促进作用还是抑制作用,三价砷比五价砷的作用更强。 cnki

The International Coordinating Group ICG on Vaccine Provision for Epidemic Meningitis Control has provided 178,000 doses of trivalent vaccine for a mass vaccination campaign.
为控制流行性脑膜炎提供疫苗国际协调小组已为大规模预防接种运动提供178,000份三价疫苗。 who

The major advantages and disadvantages of trivalent chromium electroplating were introduced.
介绍了三价铬镀铬的主要优点与缺点。 chemyq

The usual source of trivalent cations in water treatment is alum aluminum sulfate.
在水处理中三价阳离子通常来源于明矾硫酸铝 。 jpszx

BH-88 trivalent chromium sulfate plating process was chosen.
选用 BH-88硫酸盐三价铬镀铬工艺。 cnki

Carol Pandak says tests found the new vaccine to be 30% more effective than the trivalent vaccine.
卡罗尔•潘达克表示测试结果显示新疫苗比三价疫苗的效果要好30%。 hjenglish

Either trivalent influenza vaccine or live attenuated influenza vaccine can be used to lower the risk for influenza virus infection or its sequelae.
无论是三价流感疫苗还是减活流感疫苗都能降低流感病毒感染或者后遗症风险。 dxy

In this paper, three types of bath for trivalent chromium plating are gained: chloride- glycine bath, chloride- U bath and sulfate- oxalic bath.
本文研究得到的三种三价铬电镀体系:氯化物-氨基乙酸体系、氯化物- U体系及硫酸盐-草酸体系。 dictall

In acid and alkali soil, there are mainly indissoluble bivalent or trivalent phosphates, which cannot be utilized by plants.
在酸碱性土壤中,磷主要以植物难以吸收利用的难溶性二价或三价阳离子的形式存在。 cnki

Manufacturers have still had to produce the usual“ trivalent” vaccine for this year’s seasonal flu, plus a wholly different vaccine for the more deadly H1N1 strain.
制药商仍然要生产治疗普通季节性流感的三价流感疫苗,如今又多了项任务,那就是生产对抗致死性 H1N1型流感的疫苗。 ecocn

Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines are available in either bivalentgroups A and C, trivalent groups A, C and W, or tetravalent groups A, C, Y and W135 forms to control the disease.
用来控制疾病的脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗可为双价 A和 C群、三价 A、 C和 W群或四价 A、 C、 Y和 W135群。 who

Nickel iron chromium alloy with nanocrystalline were electrodeposited from chloride bath containing trivalent chromium ions under direct and pulse current.
采用直流和脉冲电沉积方式从三价铬的氯化物镀液中沉积出镍-铁-铬纳米合金镀层。 cnki

She explains that health workers have been using whatever called trivalent vaccines in some places.
她说有些地区的保健人员一直在使用所谓的三价疫苗。 hjenglish

She explains that health workers have been using what are called trivalent vaccines in some places.
她解释道,有些地方的医疗工作者一直使用所谓的三价疫苗。 hjenglish

Since no one can accurately predict which, or how many, of the circulating influenza viruses will infect them, the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine will provide the broadest protection.
因为没有人能够准确地预测到,哪些或者有多少正在流行的流感病毒会引起感染,三价季节性流感疫苗具有最大保护作用。 who

The researchers found no published papers on randomized controlled trials of trivalent inactivated vaccine efficacy in people aged2 to17 years or in adults aged65 years and older.
研究人员发现2至17岁的人或年龄在65岁以上的成年人的三价灭活疫苗的效果随机对照试验没有论文发表。 dxy

The resulting“ trivalent” vaccine provokes the patient’s immune system into producing antibodies, and that primes it for an attack by the worrying strains of flu.
所产生的“三价疫苗”刺激患者的免疫系统产生抗体,为流感病毒株的可能袭击做好准备。 yeeyan

The chromium deposition velocity of trivalent chromium electroplating was researched.
对三价铬电解液镀铬的沉积速度进行了实验研究。 dictall

The species of divalent and trivalent cations on HTLcs had the same important influence on its catalytic performance.
类水滑石中二价阳离子和三价阳离子的种类对类水滑石的催化性能具有同样重要的影响; cnki

Universal vaccination of children6 to59 months of age with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine has recently been recommended by U. S. advisory bodies.
普遍应用于婴幼儿6—59个月年龄的三价灭活流感疫苗近来被美国顾问协会建议推广使用。 dxy

When the metal coating is punctured or scratched, the capsules in the damaged area burst and ooze restorative liquids, in the form of compounds called trivalent chromates.
当金属的覆盖层受到扎刺或划损时,受损区域的胶囊将会破裂并渗出具有恢复性的液体---三价铬钝化化合物。 ecocn

Trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium are two main states of the chromium in foods.
三价铬及六价铬是食品中微量元素铬的两种主要存在价态。 cnki

Trivalent chromium plating can be divided into chloride and sulfate systems.
三价铬电镀分为氯化物体系和硫酸盐体系。 dictall




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