

单词 Bentonville
释义 Bentonville ˈbentənˌvɪl COCA⁵¹¹⁹⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n.本顿维尔在美国;西经 94º13' 北纬 36º23'
Alice Walton, one of the heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune, plans to open her Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas in November2011.
沃尔顿,沃尔玛继承者之一,计划2011年十一月在阿肯色州本顿维尔开建她的水晶桥美国艺术博物馆。 yeeyan

The company will meet with the investment community at its Bentonville, Ark., headquarters this week.
本周,公司将与其投资团体在阿肯色州的本顿维尔总部见面。 yeeyan

The economic downturn is another boost for the recovery of the Bentonville behemoth, as cost- conscious consumers defect or return to the cheapest of the big retailers.
经济的衰退是促使这家零售巨头复兴的又一原因。因为讲求低价的消费者纷纷选择或者再次选择最廉价的大型零售商。 ecocn

The sheer scale of the data is a challenge, admits Rollin Ford, the CIO at Wal-Mart’s headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas.
“纯粹数据的规模绝对以一个挑战,”位于美国阿肯色州本顿市沃尔玛总部的信息主管 Rollin Ford坦言。 ecocn

The Bentonville, Arkansas-based chain doesn’t report monthly sales.
阿肯色州的连锁店 Bentonville没有公布其月销售量。 yeeyan

With some 6,500 stores worldwide, its executives have lots of places to visit but find it hard to get there from their base in Bentonville, Arkansas.
全球6500多家连锁店,着实够他们的高管跑的。只是他们发现要从他们位于阿肯色 Bentonville的总部去这些地方太困难了。 ecocn

And while it’s now17 years since Sam has died, the rules he established when he opened his first five-and- dime, on Bentonville’s town square, still apply.
虽然山姆已经逝世17年了,但是他当年在本顿维尔的城镇广场开第一家廉价商品店时所制定的规则仍然得以应用。 kekenet

At Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart Stores Inc., sales at U.S. locations open at least a year have declined for five consecutive quarters.
总部位于阿肯色州班顿维尔的零售巨头沃尔玛在美营业的分公司至少有一年销售量连续五季度出现滑坡。 yeeyan

But beyond this, the Beast of Bentonville is cagey about its plans.
但本顿维尔这只野兽对其计划也甚是谨慎小心。 ecocn

Efficiency runs in the water here in Bentonville, Arkansas, where I’ve spent the past36 hours.
沃尔玛在阿肯色州本顿维尔总部的效率极高。我在这里已经呆了36个小时。 kekenet

Just like Wal-Mart's headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, the cubicles have no doors, in order to discourage the passing of bribes.
这就像沃尔玛在阿肯色州 Arkansas本顿威尔市 Bentonville的总部一般,这些小房间没有门,为的是阻止出现贿赂。 ecocn

That is how much $4.1 billion to be precise the Arkansas-based “ Beast of Bentonville” has offered to acquire Massmart, a retailer with288 stores in14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
这只阿肯色州的“本顿维尔巨兽”,向 Massmart开出了41亿美元的价码,想收购这个在撒哈拉以南地区的14个非洲国家、拥有288家门店的零售商。 ecocn

The Bentonville, Ark. , company is spending billions of dollars to erect an empire in the country and now has nearly350 stores in121 Chinese cities.
这家总部位于阿肯色州本顿维尔的公司斥资数十亿美元在中国建立一个帝国,目前在中国121个城市有近350家门店。 englishto

Three years later, the news finally reached Bentonville, Arkansas, the home of the world's biggest retailer.
三年后,消息终于从这个世界最大的零售商的总部阿肯色州的 Bentonville传出。 ecocn

Walmart used to be considered the leader in what it calls every day low pricing, but the Bentonville-based behemoth has underperformed the broad market in the past two years.
沃尔玛通常被定义为天天低价的龙头,然而总部设在本顿维尔的零售业巨头在最近2年中在国际市场也表现不佳。 ecocn




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