

单词 tripadvisor
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Based on Tripadvisor and advice from HK friends, I steered clear of the food in the hotel.
由于到到网和香港朋友的建议,我没有尝试酒店的任何食物。 kaixinhk

Had a room here for two nights based on the reviews here on Tripadvisor. As others note, the location is good, near the Eiffel Tower and many cafes and interesting shops.
基于到到网的评价,我们在这家酒店预订了一个房间住了两个晚上,正好其它人所指出的,这家酒店位置好,离艾菲尔铁塔近,附近还有许多咖啡店和特色商店。 taskcn

More than a quarter of all business travellers use sites such as Tripadvisor when making their choice of hotel, according to new research.
根据最新的研究显示,超过四分之一的商务旅行者都是通过旅游评论网站,比如 Tripadvisor,来选择酒店。 yeeyan




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