

单词 Trina
释义 TrinaCOCA³²³⁶³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
The round table and chairs are all vintage and the seats are recovered in Trina Turk Arches print.
圆桌和椅子都是经典款式,坐垫重新包了 Trina Turk Arches印花布料。 yeeyan

The Trina Solar team firmly believes in the benefits of solar power and is committed to improving competitiveness and developing the PV industry in a sustainable way.
天合光能将致力于光伏产业的可持续发展,提升企业的竞争力并坚信光伏能源必将为人类造福。 ch-solar

Trina Thompson,27, of the Bronx, graduated from New York's Monroe College in April with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology.
布朗克斯区27岁的特瑞纳·汤普森是在4月份毕业于纽约的门罗学院的,她还获得了信息技术学科的工商管理学士学位。 yeeyan

Accountability: Trina Solar's team embodies a strong sense of professionalism and accountability.
责任:天合拥有一支专业的具有强烈责任感的团队。 blog.sina.com.cn

Bottom line: The solar sector's downturn may have bottomed out in the second quarter, but look for continued uncertainty around Trina following the resignation of its audit committee chairman.
一句话:光伏产业的疲软可能在第二季度见底,但伴随着审计委员会主席的辞职,天合光能似乎还有不确定性。 youngchinabizblog

Bottom line: The solar sector is poised for a strong comeback, riding a rebound in global demand and a coming wave of new domestic orders like ones just announced by Trina Solar and Ming Yang.
一句话:全球需求反弹以及中国将出现一批类似天合光能、明阳风电的新协议,太阳能产业料强势复苏。 youngchinabizblog

Concerns about silicon prices have made some analysts cautious about the secondary offering from Trina Solar, another vertically integrated Chinese player.
对硅价的担忧让一些分析师对中国另一家垂直一体化公司天合光能的大股东转售持谨慎态度。 readfree

Dimly, AS figures seen in a waking dream, these ideAS floated through Trina's mind.
这些念头,模模糊糊的在屈丽娜心头翻腾,正跟幻想中看到的影子一样。 ebigear

Earlier this year Trina Solar, a Chinese firm, abandoned plans for a big new silicon plant.
今年早些时候,常州天合,一家中国公司,放弃了一个大的新硅片工厂的计划。 ecocn

Executives at Trina and Yingli say increased economies of scale from making more panels for China will push costs even lower.
天合和英利的高管们说,中国太阳能板行业的规模经济程度提高,这将进一步压低价格。 iciba

Other big Chinese manufacturers like Yingli Green Energy and Trina are considering similar moves.
其它大的中国制造商正在考虑类似的转移,例如英利绿色能源控股有限公司以及天合光能有限公司。 yeeyan

Passion: The success of Trina Solar is driven by employees who are enthusiastic about our business model and our mission.
激情:天合的成功来自于那些对天合的经营模式和使命充满激情的员工。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since his engagement to Trina he had discontinued this habit.
打从他跟屈丽娜订婚以后,他便把这个习惯取消了。 kuenglish

The investments in Changzhou Trina PV Park from 2011 to2013 will be made for the purposes of expanding the Company's manufacturing capacity and research and development facilities.
该项目执行时间为2011年到2013年,将用于扩大该公司的生产能力,壮大研发队伍。 yeeyan

The Company also announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. Ltd. surpassed the revenue milestone of10 billion Renminbi for the calendar year 2010.
该公司还宣布,旗下所属的合资子公司——常州天合太阳能有限公司2010年度营业收入突破100亿元人民币。 yeeyan

The company is relying on short- and medium-term silicon- supply contracts, which means Trina may be more vulnerable to fluctuations in silicon prices.
该公司目前主要依赖中短期的硅供应合约,这意味着它更容易受到硅价波动的冲击。 readfree

This figure does not represent the consolidated revenue of Trina Solar Limited in 2010.
该数据不包括天合光能公司2010年已取得的营业收入。 yeeyan

Two great cherry trees grew here, the leaves almost brushing against the window of Trina's room.
这里长着两棵高大的樱桃树,树叶几乎碰到屈丽娜那间小屋的窗子。 kuenglish

Trina had found falsehood easier than ever.
屈丽娜看出撒谎是再容易也没有了。 kuenglish

Trina Solar's modules provide reliable and environmentally friendly electric power for residential, commercial, industrial and public utility applications worldwide.
天合光能的组件给全球的民用、商用以及公共设施提供可靠、环保的电力能源。 ch-solar

Trina even fancied that old Miss Baker had come to be less cordial since their misfortune.
屈丽娜甚至认为打从他们家败落以来,老贝格小姐对他们也不怎么热诚了。 jukuu

Trina Solar was noted for climbing two places, increasing its annual shipments by nearly90%, according to IMS Research.
蒂娜太阳能是个著名的两个地方,增加其攀爬近90%的年度装运,根据相关的研究。 solarbe

Trina Thompson,27, claims Monroe College in New York did not do enough to help her find employment.
现年27岁的特瑞娜•汤普森称,纽约门罗大学在帮助她就业方面所做的远远不够。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Trina's affection for her“ old bear” grew in spite of herself.
屈丽娜就不由自主的慢慢爱起她的“老狗熊”来了。 jukuu




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