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词汇 trimester
释义 tri·mes·ter 英traɪˈmestə, ˈtraɪˌmes-美traɪˈmɛstɚ, ˈtraɪˌmɛs-AHDtrī-mĕsʹtər, trīʹmĕs'- ●○○○○高ICOCA²⁷⁵⁵³BNC⁵³⁰⁸⁵iWeb¹²⁹⁴²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a period of three months; especially one of the three three-month periods into which human pregnancy is dividedone of three divisions of an academic year来自拉丁语 trimestris,三月期的,来自 tri-, 三,mensis,月,词源同 moon,month.term学期second trimester of pregnancy妊娠中期,妊娠中三个…third trimester of pregnancy妊娠末期,妊娠晚期,…first trimester of pregnancy妊娠早期,妊娠首三个…
用作名词Thistrimesterwill be my lasttrimesterin this college.这个学期将是我在这所大学的最后一学期了。 By the third trimester of my first pregnancy my goal was to keep my weight gain equal to my week, which would have made me27 pounds heavier at this point.
我第一次怀孕的后期,我的目标是保持我的体重增加跟怀孕的周数等同,这就是说到这个时候我已经增重了27磅。 yeeyan

On the one hand, they can give your wife gorgeous, gravity-defying boobs during the last trimester of her pregnancy.
一方面,他们能让你妻子在孕期的最后三个月中光鲜亮丽,双峰傲人。 yeeyan

The first trimester is an important time in your pregnancy, especially in terms of nutrition.
妊娠初期,尤其是在营养方面,对孕妇来说是非常重要的。 yeeyan

After a period of proliferation during the second trimester, neurons are also“ pruned,” meaning that they undergo a planned cell death.
在增殖期过后第二个三个月里,神经元也被“削减”,这意味着它们经历了一个有计划的细胞死亡过程。 yeeyan

Another is that during the first trimester of fetal development, in all mammals, there are no gender differences in the genitalia another example of natural economy.
另一个原因就是在胚胎发育的头三个月中,所有的哺乳动物就生殖器而言都不存在性别差异另一个大自然喜欢经济原则的实例。 yeeyan

As your baby enters the second trimester he is a fully formed human with all organs, limbs and features in some phase of development.
当你进入怀孕的时候,婴儿已经是一个充分发育的人类,所有的器官、四肢,容貌也有了同步的发展。 yeeyan

Besides there’s not much you can do---it would be ludicrous to diet in your third trimester of pregnancy.
另外,在这方面你也做不了什么——在怀孕后期节食是很荒唐的事情。 yeeyan

By the third trimester, it is OK to take an over-the counter antacid, like Zantac, if your doctor or midwife gives you the go- ahead.
到怀孕后期,如果你的医生或助产士同意的话,就可以服用一些柜台购买的解酸药,比如:呋硫硝胺。 yeeyan

Case Study: A woman in the first trimester of a pregnancy aborted her fetus before dying from rhubarb poisoning herself.
案例:一个怀胎三个月的女人先是堕了胎,而后因为吃大黄花叶自己也中毒身亡。 yeeyan

During the third trimester, change your routine to shorter ones of20-25 minutes long, four or five days per week.
在第三个三个月,使你的日常锻炼缩短到20-25分钟,每周四或五天。 yeeyan

Even during the earliest part of your pregnancy, the first trimester, you will be gaining some weight.
甚至在怀孕的最初时期,即妊娠早期,孕妇也会增加一些体重。 yeeyan

First, without an ultrasound measurement in the first trimester, a woman's due date could be as much as two weeks off, making the fetus35 weeks instead of37.
第一,排除前三个月的超声检测,妇女的预产期最多可以延迟两周,使胎儿由35周变为37周; yeeyan

For most women, early symptoms have usually eased by now and the pain and discomfort that come with the third trimester are still months away.
对多数女性来说,现在早期的症状通常都缓解了,怀孕后期的痛苦和不适还有几个月不会到来。 yeeyan

Her communication skills have also taken a plunge: “ Especially in my first trimester, I had a very difficult time speaking coherently and writing clearly, ” she says.
她的沟通能力也受到了影响:“尤其是头三个月,我很难有条理地说清楚一件事或者写东西。” yeeyan

I love sleep and I love my bed, but both deserted me in the third trimester.
我喜欢睡觉,我爱我的床,但在后期的时候他们都遗弃了我。 yeeyan

If you had serious morning sickness during your first trimester, you may be dancing in the streets about now.
如果怀孕早期你有严重的晨呕症状,那你现在应该会高兴得到街上手舞足蹈了。 yeeyan

It will surely scare those who offer abortions in the third trimester, as Dr Tiller did, but it will not come as news to such people that they have enemies.
这当然会使那些跟蒂勒一样提供后期妊娠期的后三个月堕胎的医生感到恐惧。但他们需要面对敌人这件事恐怕已经不是什么新闻。 ecocn

Otherwise, you may want to wait until after the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage declines.
其他情况下,你可以等到第一阶段的妊娠期结束再讲,那时流产的风险会小很多。 yeeyan

Roe v Wade's guarantee of first- trimester abortions remains in effect, and the constitution's supremacy clause ensures that when state and federal laws are in conflict, federal law wins.
罗诉韦德案对于妊娠前三个月的堕胎仍有保护作用,而且宪法至尊条款保证了当州法律与联邦法律相抵触时,联邦法律优先。 ecocn

See your eye doctor within the first trimester of pregnancy.
在怀孕的前三个月要去看眼科医生。 yeeyan

She spent two days in jail before the charges were dropped because she was in her second trimester, and Iowa’s feticide laws don’t kick in until the third.
她在狱中呆了两天,随后该案撤诉,这是因为她还处在妊娠中三个月阶段,毕竟爱荷华州非法堕胎法在妊娠末三个月才开始生效。 yeeyan

She wore the air- monitoring backpack in1999 when she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy with her oldest child, Patience.
在1999年当她怀着她三个月大的孩子时,那是他最大的孩子佩兴斯,她穿上了空气检测背包。 yeeyan

Since the first trimester is such a vulnerable period for the embryo, many doctors also advise against coloring your hair during that time.
因为前三个月胚胎很容易受到伤害,许多医生都建议你在那段时间里不要染头发。 yeeyan

Some couples like to wait until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.
一些夫妇喜欢等到妊娠中期再公布消息,这个时候流产的风险已经大大的减少了。 yeeyan

Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.
有些妇女在怀孕的头三个月里,早上有恶心感。 putclub

The test is different from ultrasound scans because it can tell the fetal sex in the first trimester of pregnancy while the ultrasound can only detect it in the second trimester.
这项检测不同于超声波检测,因为它能在怀孕的前三个月确定胎儿的性别,而超声波检测只能在第二的三个月确定。 yeeyan

These severe leg cramps usually pop up in the second trimester and continue through the third.
这种严重的腿部肌肉抽筋现象通常出现在怀孕中期,并持续整个怀孕后期。 yeeyan

When the self- imposed first trimester gag rule was lifted, and we were still giddy and stunned, we shared possible name ideas, believing it was a harmless exercise.
自己强加的第一个三个月时的言论限制规则提出后,我们仍然头晕,不知所措。我们分享了取名字的想法,也觉得这是一个无害的练习。 yeeyan




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