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词汇 trilobites
释义 trilobites
Shelly creatures such as trilobites and brachiopods, of whose ancestors there is little sign in the rocks, are suddenly everywhere.
像三叶虫、腕足动物此般壳类动物的祖先没有在岩层中留下什么痕迹,但它们的遗迹却突然间比比皆是。 ecocn

The Kaili formation in Eastern Guizhou, China is mainly made up of silty mudstone and shales abundant in trilobites.
贵州黔东地区中-下寒武统凯里组主要由粉砂质泥岩、页岩及灰岩组成,富产三叶虫。 dictall

After the Precambrian Era, such marine invertebrate animal as trilobites, brachiopods, nautiloids, horn corals, honeycomb corals and twig like bryozoans were abundant during the Palaeozoic Era.

Compound eyes in living arthropods such as insects are very sensitive to motion, and it is likely that they were similarly important in predator detection in trilobites.
复眼在现生的节肢动物如昆虫中非常常见,这些复眼对运动的物体非常敏感,对于一些食肉的三叶虫来说这种相似的构造非常重要。 uua

During the Ordovician, most life was in the sea, so it was sea creatures such as trilobites, brachiopods and graptolites that were drastically reduced in number.
在奥陶纪,大多数生命都生活在海洋里,所以海洋生物,例如三叶虫、腕足类动物与笔石动物的数量在此时急剧减少。 yeeyan

Most of the fossils seen in Paleozoic rocks are invertebrate animals lacking backbones, such as corals, mollusks and trilobites.
大部分在古生代岩层中发现的化石都是没有脊骨的无脊椎动物,例如珊瑚、软体动物和三叶虫。 yeeyan

Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.
鲎虫比恐龙、三叶虫、猛犸象更长寿。 yeeyan

The earth's oceans were once filled with horse shoe crab- like critters called trilobites.
地球上的大洋曾经到处都是类似于马蹄蟹的生物-三叶虫。 yeeyan

They first shared space with trilobites, sea scorpions and other animals that went extinct long before conodonts did.
它们一开始和三叶虫、广鳍类动物以及其他在它们灭绝之前很早就已经灭绝了的动物生活在同一片空间。 yeeyan

Who's to say that our ideas won't vanish long before the trilobites did?
谁说我们的思想不会在三叶草灭绝前很久就消失呢? yeeyan

Yet if that is the right interpretation, it leaves the question of what evolved into the trilobites and their kind as mysterious as ever.
不过倘若这样的解释是正确的,三叶虫和它的同类由何而来的问题将仍然神秘晦涩,一如往昔。 ecocn

Trilobites ranged the Earth for270 million years.
三叶草在地球上活了2.7亿年。 yeeyan




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