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词汇 bent
释义 bent 英bent美bɛntAHDbĕnt

a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way;

the set of his mind was obvious

grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greensan area of grassland unbounded by fences or hedgesa special way of doing something;

he had a bent for it

he had a special knack for getting into trouble

he couldn't get the hang of it

fixed in your purpose;

bent on going to the theater

dead set against intervening

out to win every event

used of the back and knees; stooped;

on bended knee

with bent or bended back

of metal e.g.;

bent nails

a car with a crumpled front end

dented fenders

bent其实就是单词bend使弯曲的过去分词,字面意思就是“已经弯曲的”。它还可以比喻弓已经被拉弯,箭在弦上不得不发,引申为”下定决心的“。它还可以用作名词,从“弯曲”引申为“倾斜”、“倾向”,进一步引申为“天赋”。bent on下决心,决定做某事…at the top of one's bent尽情地hell-bent固执的be bent on专心致志于bend弯曲be hell-bent on在…方面不顾一切…follow one's bent凭兴趣做事to the top of one's bent尽情地take to the bent逃到野外hell-bent for leather尽可能快out of one's bent不是自己的专长…bent spanner弯头扳手cable bent钢丝绳垂度,缆索垂度…bent pipe弯管bent lever曲杆,直角形杠杆…bent gun曲轴电子枪end bent端部弯曲bent wrench弯头板手pile bent桩排架bent bar弯起钢筋,挠曲钢筋…
故事记忆话说有个 Student学生旅行需要 Tent帐篷去到商店 Rent租借只要几百 Cent分野营发生 Accident事故原来没有 Vent通风孔骨架还全 Bent弯曲奸商让人 Resent愤恨故事记忆野营发生 Accident事故原来没有 Vent通风孔骨架还全 Bent弯曲奸商让人 Resent愤恨GRE红宝书读: 奔腾. 奔腾的特长就是永远有一颗奔腾的芯.
bend的过去式, 有个倾向,喜爱某个偏好
近义词 set放置hang悬挂knack技巧out to试图fixed固定的curved弯曲的turned翻转的criminal罪犯bended弯曲的dented凹损的twisted扭曲的bowed弯如弓的crooked弯曲的corrupt腐败的decided确定的focused聚焦的crumpled弯扭的dead set绝断的inclination倾向determined坚定的dishonest不诚实的resolved下定决心的inclined 倾向于 … 的…bent grass水糠草,硬草…bent on下决心,决定做某事…反义词 straight直的

The branchesbentin the wind.树枝被风吹弯了。
Judybenther face low over the notebook.朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。
The branchbentbut didn't break when the boy climbed along it.那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。用作形容词He'sbenton completing his essay.他决心要写完他的随笔。
She isbenton becoming a film star when she grows up.她一心想长大后当一名影星。
Just as the twig isbent, the tree is inclined.弯曲的树苗长成弯曲的树。
Thebentstrip can straighten up by itself.这弯曲的金属片能自己变直。用作名词He has abentfor art.他生性爱好艺术。adj.curved
同义词 angled,arced,arched,bowed,contorted,crooked,drooping,hooked,humped,hunched,inclined,limp,looped,round,rounded,slumped,stooped,twined,twisted,warped,wiltedarciform,curvilinear,doubled over,droopy,sinuous,slouchy
反义词 straightadj.determined
同义词 bound,decided,dedicated,disposed,firm,fixed,inclined,intent,leaning,predisposed,resolved,set,settled,tendingdecisive,insistent,resolute
反义词 changeable,flexible,indefinite,irresolute,soft,undecided,unfixed,unwillinguncaringnoun.inclination;talent
同义词 ability,aim,aptitude,bag,disposition,druthers,facility,faculty,flair,forte,genius,gift,inclination,knack,leaning,mind-set,nose,penchant,predilection,predisposition,preference,proclivity,propensity,set,tack,tendency,tilt,turnthing for,weakness for
反义词 antipathy,disinclination,dislike,inability,incapacity,incompetence,ineptitude,ineptness,weakness
abilitynoun natural or acquired power in a
adroitness,capability,cleverness,command,craft,deftness,expertise,expertness,finesse,flair,genius,gift,handiness,ingenuity,knack,know-how,mastery,mind for,particular activity adeptness,proficiency,savvy,skill,skillfulness,strength,talent,the goods,the right stuff,what it takes
addictionnoun a habit of activity, often injurious
bag,bent,craving,dependence,enslavement,fixation,hang-up,hook,inclination,jones,kick,monkey on one's back,obsession,shot,sweet tooth,thing
aptitudenoun inclination
aptitudesnoun inclination
abilities,capabilities,capacities,cleverness,competences,faculties,flair,giftednesses,gifts,intelligence,knacks,proficiencies,savvy,smarts,stuff,talents,what it takes
askewadjective crooked
askance,askant,aslant,awry,bent,buckled,catawampus,cockeyed,crookedly,curved,knotted,lopsided,oblique,obliquely,off-center,slanted,slanting,to one side,topsy-turvey,turned,twisted,yaw ways,zigzag
attitudesnoun mental outlook
airs,angles,approaches,beliefs,bents,biases,characters,demeanor,dispositions,frame of minds,headsets,inclinations,leanings,like it is,mental states,mindsets,mindtrips,moods,notions,opinions,perspectives,philosophies,point of views,positions,postures,predilections,prejudices,proclivities,reactions,routines,say sos,sensibilities,sentiments,sets,slants,stances,standings,standpoints,stands,temperaments,tempers,twists,views,where one is ats The madman returned on his footsteps to seek anew the lost treasure, with his strength gone, his body bent, and his heart in the dust, like a tree uprooted.
疯子沿着自己的脚印走回,去寻找他失去的珍宝。 他气力尽消,身体弯曲,他的心像连根拔起的树一样,萎垂在尘土里了。 examw

The trees bent before the wind.

According to some, the crop cells become swollen and are bent down at the nodes, or joints.
有一些人说,是因为麦子的细胞膨胀变大,使得麦秆在结点或关节处向下弯曲。 yeeyan

Astronomers have seen“ Einstein rings”, formed when light from a distant galaxy is bent by the presence of a nearer massive object, usually another galaxy, that lies directly in its path to Earth.
天文学家们已经观测到了数个“爱因斯坦环”。 他们来自遥远的星系,被近处的一个大质量物体通常是另外一个星系所弯曲,才来到地球。 ecocn

Gorillas sleep in nests? they weave together soft foliage and bent branches from trees.
大猩猩睡在巢中--它们会把一些柔软的叶子和弯曲的枝条编织在一起。 yeeyan

He bent a crooked circle straight.

In this pose, your stomach is almost touching his bent knee; use it for support and leverage as you rock back and forth, and up and down.
这种姿势,你的腹部几乎接触到了他弯曲的膝部;利用它做支撑保持平衡,你可以前后或者上下摆动。 yeeyan

In this illusion although the lines appear to be bent they are actually perfectly straight and actually parallel.
在这个错觉中,虽然线条看起来是弯曲的,但实际上却是笔直的,并且实际上是平行的。 yeeyan

I've got my knees bent, I feel totally alive.

Neither you nor I— nor any of the legions of neuroscientists bent on opening the secrets of that invisible force, as powerful and erratic as the wind.
不是你也不是我——甚至那些决心揭开思想秘密的神经科学家们也做不到,这股无形之力如同风一般强劲且不可捉摸。 yeeyan

One morning, I shuffled downstairs and was startled to see a snowplow clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling my walk.
一天早上,我慢吞吞的下楼,却吃惊的发现一台扫雪机正在清扫我的车道,还有一个女人正弯腰铲去走道上的雪。 yeeyan

Repetitive motions, such as using the phone, typing with bent wrists and using a mouse.
重复性的动作,比如打电话、用弯曲的手腕打字或者使用鼠标。 hxen

The migrating substance being a fixed quantity, with fixed qualities, chooses its form according to its taste, desire and bent of character.
灵魂,是具有固定质量和数量可迁移的物质,它的形式可根据人的品味、欲望和个性爱好来决定。 yeeyan

The Sun bent light from distant stars to a focal point where one million- fold magnifications should be possible, dwarfing the abilities of the most powerful telescopes.
太阳弯曲来自遥远星球的光线到一个焦点。那个焦点可能有一百万倍的放大能力,使最大功率的望远镜相形见绌。 yeeyan

The idea would be to stare at a distant star and report instances when its light had been bent by the gravity of a planet passing in front of it.
这一方法指的是将目光集中在恒星上,当行星从恒星前经过时产生的引力将会使光线弯曲,这时就会得到关于详细情况的报告。 ecocn

The tall man bent down to get through the doorway.

Their occupants make the most of the surrounding debris, loading bent window frames onto the back of bicycles to be sold as scrap.
住户们尽可能地利用周围的残片废料,有人将弯曲的窗框安放到自行车后座,准备以废品卖掉。 yeeyan

Their heads are too large or too small, their limbs too short or too bent.
他们的头要么是太大或者是太小,四肢或者是太短或者是过弯。 yeeyan

We head off into the passage, bent over like trolls under the low ceiling.
我们沿着通道弯腰前进着,好像巨人来到了矮人国的建筑里。 yeeyan

When light passes near a massive object, its path gets bent, like a car driving on a curved, banked road.
当光线接近一个巨大物体时,光的路径会变弯,就像汽车在弯曲的车库道上行驶一样。 yeeyan

When she bent over, I could see her breasts encased in her white, frilly bra.
当她弯腰时,我可以看到她那被白色裙边胸罩包裹的胸。 yeeyan

With an exhalation, bring your feet up, keeping your knees bent near your chest.
随着呼气,抬起你的双脚,双膝弯曲着靠近胸腔。 yeeyan

Working with an older system, the programmer and operator have to be aware how a part should be properly bent to ensure efficiency and avoid collisions.
在更旧的系统上工作时,程序员和操作工必须要清楚一个零件如何被合适地折弯,保证生产效率,并且避免发生碰撞。 yeeyan

Yet no one bent down to help him up.
还是没有一个人弯腰把老人扶起来。 yeeyan




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