

单词 trig
释义 trig 英trɪg美trɪgAHDtrĭg 高COCA⁶²⁰⁹⁸BNC⁵⁸⁶⁰⁵iWeb³⁰⁵⁵⁹
the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions
neat and smart in appearance;

a clean-cut and well-bred young man

the trig corporal in his jaunty cap

a trim beard

trig point对称点trig.=trigger…
GRE难词记忆trig→grit v.下定决心→下定决心把寝食搞整洁GRE难词记忆trig 音“吹个”→吹个时髦的发型gritv.下定决心⇒下定决心把寝食搞整洁近义词 trim修剪orderly有秩序的trigonometry三角法clean-cut轮廓鲜明的

用作形容词She has atrignew tailored suit.她有一套新定做的漂亮衣服。用作动词Is the classroomtriggedup for the new comers?教室为新生整理干净了吗?adj.fashionable
同义词 chic,chichi,contemporary,current,fly,latest,mod,modern,now,smart,swanka go-go,all the rage,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,genteel,hot,in style,in vogue,last word,latest thing,modish,natty,new,newfangled,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,stylish,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
反义词 antiquated,dull,old,old-fashioned,past,unfashionableadj.neat
同义词 dainty,nice,orderly,regular,slick,smart,snug,spruce,tidy,trimaccurate,apple-pie order,correct,dapper,elegant,exact,fastidious,finical,finicky,immaculate,in good order,in good shape,methodical,natty,neat as a pin,precise,prim,proper,shipshape,sleek,spick-and-span,spotless,systematic,taut,well-groomed,well-kept
反义词 bad,clumsy,coarse,disordered,disorderly,disorganized,dull,rough,sloppy,stupid,unfashionable,unintelligent,unkempt,unstylish,untidyverb.tidy
同义词 clean,frame,groom,order,police,spruce,trimclear the decks,fix up,freshen,get act together,neaten,pull together,put in good shape,put in order,put in shape,put to rights,shape up,slick up,spruce up,straighten,straighten up,tauten,whip into shape
inadjective fashionable
a go-go,all the rage,chic,chichi,contemporary,current,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,fly,hot,in style,in vogue,last word,latest,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,new,newfangled,now,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,smart,stylish,swank,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
swankadjective fashionable
a go-go,all the rage,chic,chichi,contemporary,current,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,fly,genteel,hot,in style,in vogue,last word,latest,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,new,newfangled,now,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,smart,stylish,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,trig,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
swankeradjective fashionable
a go-go,a la mode,all the rage,chic,chichi,contemporary,current,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,fly,genteel,hot,in style,in vogue,in-thing,last word,latest,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,new,newfangled,now,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,smart,stylish,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,trig,up to the minute,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
swankestadjective fashionable
a go-go,a la mode,all the rage,chic,chichi,contemporary,current,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,fly,genteel,hot,in style,in vogue,in-thing,last word,latest,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,new,newfangled,now,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,smart,stylish,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,trig,up to the minute,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
tonyadjective fashionable
a go-go,all the rage,chic,chichi,contemporary,current,customary,dashing,faddy,favored,fly,genteel,hot,in style,in vogue,last word,latest,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,new,newfangled,now,popular,posh,prevailing,rakish,smart,stylish,swank,swanky,trendsetting,trendy,trig,up-to-the-minute,upscale,usual,well-liked,with it,à la mode
à la modeadjective in fashion
all the rage,chic,contemporary,fashionable,in,in fashion,in vogue,modish,now,sharp,snazzy,spiffy,stylish,swank,tony,trendy,trig,up-to-date,up-to-the-minute,with it As a qualified personal administrator he should have characters such as: trig political thinking, comprehensive knowledge and skills, noble morality and steady working style and so on.
一个合格的人事管理干部必须具备良好的政治思想、全面的知识技能、高尚的道德修养和踏实的工作作风。 cnki

Below the surface, different combinations of properties and property values trig- ger completely different results.
其实不然,属性和属性值不同的组合就会产生截然不同的结果。 blueidea

For my math requirements, I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig.

That means the usual functions, substitutions, basic trig, stuff like that.

The internet was soon awash with rumours about Trig, now four months old, with many bloggers claiming he is actually her grandson.
互联网上马上充斥了关于 Trig现在已经4个月大了的谣言;很多博客说这个孩子其实是佩林的外孙子。 yeeyan

Well, hopefully, I kind of convinced you that we can do it using enough trig and substitutions and so on, but it is not very pleasant.

Aroma- related memories tend to be the most emotionally in-tense compared to those trig- gered by other senses, such as sight.
跟气味有关的记忆往往比其他的、诸如由视觉刺激而产生的记忆要强烈得多。 reachcon

As with logarithms integrating inverse trig functions requires a topic usually taught in Calculus II and so we won't be integrating them in this class.
如同对数反三角函数功能整合需要一个主题通常讲授微积分第二,所以我们不会被他们融入这个类。 imop

Babbage intended to use the Difference Engine to compute trigonometric tables, which sailors among others used to compute the results of trig functions.
巴贝奇打算使用差分机计算三角函数表,海员还有其他人用这个表来解三角函数方程。 yeeyan

Besides mage, there never been one class can play so trig like this.
除了法师,在这世界上没有任何一个职业能够玩得这么潇洒,这么飘逸。 blog.sina.com.cn

Combining domestic and abroad circumstances, accumulating motor driven generator different start and trig way, the advantage and disadvantage etc. are compared and elaborated.
本文结合国内外情况,对蓄能电站电动—发电机不同的启动、制动方式,优缺点等作了比较和阐述。 cnki

Design of synchronous cycle trig based on internal bus, consensus definition of sensor sampling and actuator timing and precise data transmission model ensured the synchronization performance.
设计了基于内部总线的同步周期触发,定义了一致的传感器、执行器单元执行时序,以及精确光纤链路数据传输模型,确保测控的高同步性。 www.cmemo.org.cn

Finally, let's take care of the inverse trig and hyperbolic functions.
最后,让我们的双曲函数反三角函数和照顾。 imop

I had been doing a lot of trig homework for a calculus class I was taking in undergrad and this number appears a lot.
大学上微积分课时我做了许多三角学的作业,作业中这个数经常出现。 yeeyan

I would like you to know the easiest inverse trig functions, but not much.

It can be used to generate the trig pulse serials for single phase converter while modifying the inner soft logic design and without changing the hardware.
该电路硬件电路简单可靠,设计灵活,可通过简单修改内部逻辑实现小型励磁系统单相整流电路所需的触发脉冲序列。 cnki

Let's now take a look at the trig functions.
让我们现在就看在触发功能。 imop

Notice that we only integrated two of the six trig functions here.
请注意,我们唯一的集成六个触发功能这里有两个。 imop

One girl sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish, and she walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch.
有个女孩在三角函数课和西班牙语课上都坐在我旁边,午餐时间她和我一起去自助餐厅。 putclub

That is actually not a good way to do it, because if I put sufficiently complicated trig functions in there then you might not be able to see that two terms are the same. Take an easy one.

The remaining four integrals are really integrals that give the remaining four trig functions.
剩下的四个积分是真的积分,让其余四个触发功能。 imop

The composition also plays with the trig rams and reverses the meanings associated with broken and solid lines.
这种结合同样也暗示了八卦,并颠覆了联结虚线和实线的意义。 wuyajinjin.blog.artron.net

This paper introduces the analyzing instrument, which uses double operation system and can test the exhaust trig capability of cars.
文中介绍了一种利用双操作系统的汽车排气制动性能随车测试分析装置。 dictall

We will be able to integrate the remaining four trig functions in a couple of sections, but they all require the Substitution Rule.
我们将能够整合在一个两节的其余四个触发功能,但它们都需要换人规则。 imop

Yet, to scupper this rumour, Palin yesterday announced that, actually, Bristol, her17-year-old and unmarried daughter who some suggested was Trig's mother, is five months pregnant.
而为了辟谣,佩林昨天宣布,她17岁未婚先孕的女儿 Bristol,并不象有些人猜测的那样是孩子真正的母亲--因为 Bristol现在刚刚有5个月的身孕。 yeeyan




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