

单词 trifles
释义 trifles 英t'raɪfəlz美t'raɪfəlz COCA⁶³⁶¹²BNC⁴⁴²³⁰
名词 trifle:
a cold pudding made of layers of sponge cake spread with fruit or jelly; may be decorated with nuts, cream, or chocolatea detail that is considered insignificantsomething of small importance
动词 trifle:
waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficientlyact frivolouslyconsider not very seriously用作名词Don't waste your time and energy ontrifles.别把你的时间和精力浪费在琐事上。
She always babbles abouttrifles.她老是唠叨些琐事。 And in the process they began to realize that it's all trifles.
在这个过程中,他们开始意识到那些东西都是不重要的。 yeeyan

The children loved him because he knew how to make charming little trifles of straw and cocoanuts.
孩子们爱他,也还因为他知道用麦秸和椰子壳做成各种有趣的小玩意儿。 ebigear

Brussels has got around such trifles as negative opinion polls and even lost referendums: witness the unwanted EU constitution, now cross- dressed as the somewhat-less- awful Lisbon treaty.
布鲁塞尔开始规避低支持率甚至丧失全民公决这样的琐事:鉴证了被鄙弃的欧盟宪法被包装成看起来“马马虎虎”的《里斯本条约》。 ecocn

But why waste time on trifles.
为什么要在琐事上浪费时间。 yeeyan

But there are still some trifles I hate to see.
但是我还是讨厌看到一些琐事。 hxen

Create a better social environment for EXPOs from trifles and from ourselves.
从我做起,从小事做起,为举办世博会创造良好的社会环境。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Don't wrangle with others over trifles.

From these trifles you can gather what kind of person he is.

Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
赐给我力量使我的心灵超越于日常琐事之上。 ebigear

I arose and argued about trifles, in a high key and with violent gesticulations; but the noise steadily increased.
我为一些小事而争吵,我的声音很大,行为粗暴,但这种声音仍然有规则地增强。 yeeyan

I had no room for desire, except it was of things which I had not, and they were but trifles, though indeed of great use to me.
我心里已经没有贪求之念,除了少数我缺乏的东西;这些东西虽然对我有用,然而都是微不足道的东西。 jukuu

I think of him when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of another's good fortune, when I don't have a “ good heart”.
每当我为一些琐事而抱怨时,为别人的好运而妒忌时,为我自己缺乏“善心”时,我就会想起我的父亲。 kekenet

In their search for documentary evidence the historians have sometimes overlooked such small trifles as currents and winds.
历史学家们在搜索文档证据之时,往往会忽略这些细小的像流水与清风这般的琐事。 blog.sina.com.cn

It helps us bear our burdens, lessen our tension, overcome our frustration, and dissolve countless trifles and irritations.
它帮我们忍耐重负,减轻压力,克服沮丧,解决无数的琐事和烦恼。 jukuu

Life is too short to waste time on trifles.
人生短暂得不能在琐事上浪费时间。 jukuu

Mother always babbles about trifles.

My time was taken up by a lot of trifles.
我的时间都给一些琐事占去了。 iciba

Otherwise, you can lose entire days on trifles— worst of all, on trifles of other people.
否则,你可能在这些琐事上浪费你一天的时间——最糟的是,还是为了别人的琐事。 yeeyan

Some trifles contain a small amount of alcohol such as port or, most commonly, sweet sherry.
有些水果松糕含有一点点究竟,比如波提葡萄酒,最常见的是加一点甜雪利酒。 cri

The men suddenly awakened to the fact that there were beauty and significance in these trifles, which they had so long trodden carelessly beneath their feet.
以前,它们一直被这些人漫不经心地踩在脚下,现在这些人突然意识到这些小玩意儿的美丽和意义了。 putclub

The workers were nonprofessionals, judging by absence in their helmet equipment, “ protectors” on ropes and other trifles providing safety both of them and civilian.
从工作人员没戴安全帽这一点看来,他们都不太专业,为他们及居民提供保护的,也就仅仅是绳索以及一些微不足道的措施而已。 yeeyan

There were trifles, too, little ornaments, beautiful tokens of a continual remembrance, that must have been wrought by delicate fingers, at the impulse of a fond heart.
还有一些小玩艺儿,一些小小的饰物,以及一些表示持续的怀念的精美的纪念品,想必是一颗爱心冲动之财,用一双纤手制作的。 hjenglish

They often quarrel with each other about trifles.
他们经常为小事吵架。 kekenet

They should not be lazy and distracted by insignificant trifles because this is a very important stage in their business life.
蝎子们不能偷懒或因一些小事分心,因为在他们的事业生涯中,这是一个非常重要的阶段。 yeeyan

Why bother your head about such trifles?

You make too much fuss about trifles.
你太小题大做了。 hxen




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