

单词 trifid
释义 tri·fid 英ˈtraɪˌfɪd美ˈtraɪˌfɪdAHDtrīʹfĭd' COCA¹⁷³¹⁸⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺

divided into three lobes;

trifid petals

词根词缀: tri-三 + fid-fiss-裂钱博士tri三+fid分裂⇒三裂的tri三+fid分裂⇒三裂的近义词 triple有三部分的
Lying roughly 7000 light-years from Earth, the Trifid Nebula consists of a red region where three dark dust lanes resemble a peace sign; an adjoining region is blue.
身处地球7000光年之外的三裂星云包括一个三条黑色尘埃带聚集看起来像个和平标志的红色区域,以及毗邻的蓝色区域。 yeeyan

The Trifid Nebula is about40 light-years across.
三叶星云的直径大约有40光年。 yeeyan

Astronomers in Japan say one of the best-known nebulae—the Trifid, in the constellation Sagittarius—owes its splendor to a smashup between two clouds of gas and dust.
日本的天文学家说,最知名星云之一的人马座三裂星云,它的壮丽景观可正是由两朵气体和尘埃云的碰撞造成的。 yeeyan

By using telescopes in Chile, the astronomers measured Doppler shifts and thus velocities of gas in the Trifid.
利用智利的天文望远镜,天文学家测量了三裂星云中气体的多普勒频移和速度。 yeeyan

Starting on the left, look for the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae, the Cat's Paw, the Pipe dark nebula, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi and Antares right.
从影像左方开始往右,分别可以找到潟湖星云、三裂星云、猫掌星云、烟斗星云以及色彩缤纷的心宿增四星和心宿二。 www.astronomy.com.cn

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the Trifid Nebula reveals a stellar nursery being torn apart by radiation from a nearby, massive star.
“哈勃”拍摄的三裂星云照片揭示了一个“恒星托儿所”,正被附近一颗大质量恒星的辐射撕裂。 yeeyan




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