

单词 triclosan
释义 tri·clo·san 英t'rɪkləʊsæn美t'rɪkləʊsæn COCA¹¹⁴⁴¹⁴iWeb³⁶⁹⁸⁷
High performance liquid chromatographyHPLC was used to measure triclosan content in compound disinfectant in order to observe this method.
采用高效液相色谱法测定复方消毒剂中三氯羟基二苯醚三氯生含量,对该方法进行了观察。 dictall

In the case of triclosan an antibacterial used in, well, everything, the concentration in Smith's system had multiplied by over 2,900 in just one day.
拿三氯酚来说这是一种抗菌素,额,啥里都用,史密斯体内的含量仅一天就翻了2900倍。 yeeyan

It said in April that it doesn't have enough data to recommend consumers stop using products containing triclosan.
今年四月,FDA表示没有足够证明此物质毒性的数据来建议消费者们停止使用包含三氯沙的产品。 yeeyan

Studies on laboratory animals have shown triclosan may alter hormone regulation and cause antibiotic resistance.
在实验室动物身上所做的研究显示,三氯生可能会导致内分泌失调以及细菌耐药性的产生。 www.i21st.cn

The scientists describe using triclosan's molecular structure as the model for developing other potential medications, including some that show promise as more effective treatments for the disease.
科学家描述应用三氯生的分子结构作为发展其他潜在的药物方式,包括一些展示了希望,更有效的治疗这种疾病。 dxy

The scientists knew from past research that triclosan has a powerful effect in blocking the action of a key enzyme that T. gondii uses to live.
科学家的发现来自于过去的研究,三氯生有能力阻断弓形体虫用于生存的关键酶。 dxy

The soaps containing triclosan used in the community setting are no more effective than plain soap at preventing infectious illness symptoms, as well as reducing bacteria on the hands.
我们常用的含三氯森的抗菌药皂在预防传染性疾病上并不比普通香皂更有效,也不能显著减少手上的细菌。 club.163.com

Wu Mart customer Xu Shuying, who was buying toothpaste for her10-year-old daughter, said she was not aware of the current safety debate about triclosan but will now choose triclosan-free products.
一位来物美超市购物的顾客正在为自己十岁的女儿挑选牙膏,她表示自己并没有关注当下对于三氯生安全问题的热议,但会选择不含三氯生的产品。 www.i21st.cn

‘ They should absolutely avoid anything with triclosan listed in its ingredients,’ she said.
“他们应该彻底避免使用任何成分里含有三氯生的产品,”她说。 yeeyan

Additionally, some tartar control toothpastes contain an antibiotic called triclosan, which kills some of the bacteria in the mouth.
此外,一些洁齿防垢牙膏含有一些叫做三氯生能够杀死口腔中一些细菌的抗生素。 yeeyan

Alarming new findings suggest triclosan may disrupt the flow of blood to the uterus, starving a baby's brain of the oxygen it needs to develop properly.
令人惊讶的新发现显视,三氯生可能会扰乱流向子宫血液流动,使胎儿脑部缺少供它正常发育的氧气。 blog.sina.com.cn

Avoid buying products that contain triclosan and its chemical cousin, triclocarban. Simply wash your hands with regular soap and water to get rid of germs.
切记不要购买含有三氯生极其化学衍生物三氯卡宾的产品。用普通肥皂简单清洗双手,去除细菌。 xdf

Both triclosan and BPA have long been suspected of causing health problems, the 100 million dollar question is whether we should worry about the low- level exposure most of us get.
长期以来,人们一直怀疑三氯沙和双酚 A是否对身体健康有影响,而现在关键的问题是低浓度下的这些物质是否会对人类产生影响。 yeeyan

Chinese consumers were deeply worried at that time about products containing triclosan.
在那段时间里,中国消费者对含三氯生的产品深感担忧。 www.i21st.cn

Going forward, researchers would like to study the long-term effects of BPA and triclosan in people to see if they can establish a causal relationship.
继续深入的话,研究人员可能会研究 BPA和三氯生暴露对人体的长期影响,试图验证二者之间有无因果关系。 yeeyan

Introduces the characters and application in some fields of triclosan and briefly introduces a synthesis method.
介绍了三氯生的特点及其在几个方面的应用,并简单介绍了一种合成方法。 cnki

Meanwhile, the FDA has also been studying triclosan.
与此同时, FDA已经对三氯沙展开了研究。 yeeyan

Objective To evaluation and compare Sanxiao R triclosan toothpaste with two other toothpaste, for their ability of removing dental plaque.
目的评估与比较三笑玉洁纯牙膏与其它二种牙膏在清除牙菌斑方面的临床效果。 cnki

Objective To observe the rules of Triclosan release from bone cements at different time points and its clinical efficacy against bacteria.
目的观察体外三氯生抗菌活性骨水泥随时间变化的药物释放规律,探讨临床应用价值。 www.301xuebao.com.cn

OBJECTIVE To synthesize triclosan and optimize the process.
目的合成三氯生,并进行工艺改进。 cnki

Scientists fear pregnant women who are exposed to high levels of the chemical, called triclosan, may be putting their babies at risk.
科学家们担心孕妇大量接触到一种叫做三氯生的化学物质,可能会置胎儿于危险当中。 yeeyan

Some antibacterial ingredients like triclosan leave a residue on the skin that continues killing some bacteria.
一些抗菌成分比如三氯沙能残留在皮肤上继续杀菌。 ebigear

Today, much of the children in the home had been on his dream place, you recall the triclosan moonlight, the sweet moonlight, to accept the baptism of this dreamy moonlight.
而今,远在他乡的孩子已经站在他梦想中的地方,尽情追忆月色的玉洁、月光的甜美,接受这梦幻月华的洗礼。 blog.sina.com.cn

Triclosan, however, cannot be used as a medication because it does not dissolve in the blood.
然而,三氯生并不能用作药物,因为它不能溶于血。 dxy

Triclosan is a chemical compound widely used in products such as antibacterial soaps, toothpaste, pens, diaper bags and medical devices.
三氯生是广泛应用于抗菌皂、牙膏、钢笔、尿布、医疗设备等产品的化合物。 yeeyan

Triclosan is a powerful anti- bacterial that was developed nearly50 years ago.
三氯生是一种强效抗菌剂,近50前年研制。 blog.sina.com.cn

Triclosan quickly rises at our country oral hygiene application. The trend of its development will anticipate and arouse whole profession.
玉洁纯在我国口腔卫生用品中的应用正在迅速崛起,其发展趋势预计将会带动整个行业。 cnki




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