

单词 trickster
释义 trick·ster 英ˈtrɪkstə美ˈtrɪkstɚAHDtrĭkʹstər ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA²⁶⁵²²BNC⁴⁰⁷¹⁹iWeb²⁴²⁰⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

someone who plays practical jokes on otherssomeone who leads you to believe something that is not truea mischievous supernatural being found in the folklore of many primitive people; sometimes distinguished by prodigious biological drives and exaggerated bodily partstrick,花招,把戏,-ster,人,含贬义。confidence trickster先博取信任而后骗取钱…
trick-ster做…的人⇒n.骗子⁵⁷;魔术师³³;狡猾的人¹⁰n.策略家;恶作剧的妖精;耍诡计的人;拐子;无赖;阴谋家近义词 cheat欺骗fraud欺骗robber盗贼cheater骗子artist艺术家rascal淘气鬼swindler骗子deceiver骗子slicker防水衣tricker欺骗者magician魔术师cut-up恶作剧者beguiler欺骗者adventurer冒险家hoaxer恶作剧的人prankster顽皮的人charlatan冒充内行者practical jokerpractical jo…con artist骗子; 能说会道的人…

用作名词The confidencetricksterused several alias.该骗子用了几个化名。
Any self-evolver must be a coyotetrickster.所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的魔术师。
Thetricksteris never satisfied in remaking itself.这位魔术师对自身的改造永远也不满意。
The white face in the mask is means fortrickster.面具中的白脸是狡诈的人。noun.fraud
同义词 con artistcharlatan,cheat,deceiver,imposter,swindlercon man,confidence man,conniver
Philadelphia lawyernoun shady character
horse trader,shrewd attorney,shyster
cheatnoun person who fools others
bluff,charlatan,chiseler,con artist,confidence operator,conniver,cozener,crook,deceiver,decoy,defrauder,dodger,double-crosser,double-dealer,enticer,fake,hypocrite,impostor,inveigler,masquerader,pretender,quack,rascal,rogue,scammer,shark,sharper,shyster,swindler,trickster
cheaternoun cheat
bilk,con artist,cozener,deceiver,defrauder,fraudster,grifter,scammer,shark,swindler,trickster,victimizer
cozenernoun cheat
bilk,cheater,con artist,deceiver,defrauder,fraudster,grifter,scammer,shark,swindler,trickster,victimizer
defraudernoun cheat
bilk,cheater,con artist,cozener,deceiver,fraudster,grifter,scammer,shark,swindler,trickster,victimizer
diddlernoun cheat
bilk,cheater,con artist,cozener,deceiver,defrauder,fraudster,grifter,scammer,shark,swindler,trickster,victimizer A further twist was added when the trickster admitted to engineering the plot to raise attention to the mother's plight.
更加纠结的是,这名骗子承认,他炒作此事是为了引起公众对这位母亲深陷困境的注意。 yeeyan

In early August, I had written that the trickster aspect of the program was going to play another hand.
八月初,我已经写了程序的魔术师外貌正要玩弄另一门手艺。 iciba

The fraud appears to be a bountiful gift that the confidence trickster, a generous soul and a financial wizard to boot, has bestowed upon a grateful world.
骗子们怀揣着看似高洁的灵魂,以金融奇才的面目出现,他们把骗局装扮成一件礼物,慷慨大方地馈赠给这个感恩的世界。 yeeyan

The story of this blade is linked to the life of a Human thief known as Tobias the Trickster.
这把剑的故事和一个叫做诡诈的托拜厄斯的人类盗贼的一生息息相关。 baiyou100

Allow me to introduce Fizz, the Tidal Trickster.
请允许我介绍一下泡泡,潮汐的骗子。 tgbus

Articles about financial trickster Bernie Madoff never failed to include details about the houses and watches he collected or the jewelry he bought his wife.
关于金融巨骗伯尼麦道夫的文章不免要详尽描述他的房子和收藏的手表或为妻子购买的珠宝。 yeeyan

As the tale is told, a man named Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree.
由于故事被告知,名叫 Jack,谁被认为是酒鬼和骗子臭名昭著的一个男人,欺骗,爬树撒旦。 baidu

Even later as a respected physician and academic William Osler remained a trickster; adopting a pseudonym and submitting fictitious articles to the best medical journals.
甚至到后来,作为一位受人尊敬的内科医生和学者,威廉·欧斯勒仍然“恶习”不改:他曾用一个笔名向几家最顶尖的医学刊物投去一些虚构的文章。 yeeyan

Examine how one of these authors uses the trickster to develop conflicts, challenge social order, or create comedy.
细察一位作家是如何利用骗子引起矛盾冲突,挑战社会秩序或造成喜剧。 myoops

In Native American traditions, the trickster takes many forms, from coyote or rabbit to raccoon or raven.
在印第安人的传统中,骗子可以是土狼或者兔子浣熊甚至是大乌鸦。 taoilike.com

Mozart keeps the listener continuously off-balance; he is an imp and trickster, the patron saint of practical jokes, as it were.
他就像顽皮的孩子和魔术师,一个搞恶作剧的天才一样,莫扎特可以让听众时时遭遇意外之喜。 yeeyan

Raven, the Native American trickster, feels sorry for those who must live in darkness, and he decides to help.

That platinum is such a trickster.
那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。 yeeyan

The farmer got his treasure and his reputation grew as the best trickster in the land.
农夫不仅得到金银财宝,全国最会耍花招的人这样的名声也跟著不胫而走。 hicoo

The confidence trickster used several alias.
该骗子用了几个化名。 hotdic

The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Pyramid of Time and Illusion. It is run by I, Thoth or Hermes, the Trickster and Master of the Game.
埃及上方的金字塔与时间和幻象的金字塔相连接,通过我,透特或赫尔墨斯魔术师和游戏大师运转。 iciba

There is your classic heroic hero, willing and un- willing heroes, group orientated and loner heroes, anti-heroes, tragic heroes, trickster heroes and loner heroes.
有经典的英雄主义英雄,自愿的和不情愿的英雄,团队和单独的英雄,反面英雄,悲剧英雄,骗子英雄和孤独的英雄。 blog.sina.com.cn

There was a goblin. Or a trickster, or a warrior.
有一个妖精,骗子,或者说勇士。 flyine

We have seen that only Loki the trickster manages to escape the fee.

You will have to pay attention and not be hung up on time, for that will become the trickster and cause the energy to take even longer to calm.
你将必须专心而且不要卡在时间,因为那将会成为骗子而且导致能量要花更久的时间去平静。 blog.sina.com.cn

Zomo the Rabbit, an African trickster, sets out to gain wisdom.
兔子佐莫是一个非洲的骗子,企图得到智慧。 hjenglish




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