

单词 triathlons
释义 triathlons traiˈæθlɔnz COCA⁶⁴²²⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.三项全能运动triathlon的名词复数原型triathlon的复数 At the other extreme, some people relax by doing marathons or triathlons.
也有人走到了另一个极端,他们通过马拉松和三项全能运动来放松。 cri

In spite of being born without a right hand, she plays soccer, basketball and participates in triathlons.
即使她出生的时候就没有右手,她依然会去踢足球。打篮球、参加铁人三项比赛。 yeeyan

Advanced athletes and those training specifically for competitive events such as triathlons and marathons should strongly consider utilizing this method.
高端运动员和那些竞赛型选手,比如铁人三项和马拉松,应该考虑使用这种方法。 joybike.cn

And then when I started doing triathlons it was to balance out the rest. So I'm not running quite as often but it feels like a different animal than getting on the bike.
然后,当我开始铁人三项后,跑步就有点像是在平衡其他两项,于是我没那麽常跑,而这也让我感觉跑步变得和骑自行车非常不一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

Are you still training for triathlons or is your body too old for them?
你还在训练铁人三项吗?或者你已经老了? putclub.com

But what happens if one half of the relationship just isn't into running or endurance sports, such as ultra- marathons and Ironman triathlons?
然而,如果情侣的一方不喜欢跑步,也不喜欢譬如超级马拉松或铁人三项等耐力运动,该怎么办? yeeyan

Competitors in triathlons experience a range of environmental conditions and physiological demands in excess of that found in individual sport events of comparable duration.
铁人三项竞争对手的经验范围内的环境条件和可比期间的个人体育赛事中发现,超过生理需求。 wecycling

During my15 years of racing in the sport of triathlons I searched for those few golden tools that would allow me to maximize my training time and come up with the race results I envisioned.
在15年铁人三项的比赛生涯中,我一直在寻找各种可以帮助我提高训练成绩和取得预期比赛结果的神秘武器。 blog.sina.com.cn

I discovered serious running at age twenty-seven and now participate in road races, marathons, and triathlons.
我在27岁时开始认真地跑步,现在会参加一些公路比赛,马拉松和铁人三项。 yeeyan

If I had pursued my interest in triathlons then, who knows where I would be now.
如果我当时就开始追逐着自己的兴趣并投入到三项全能运动中,谁知道我现在能达到怎样的成就。 yeeyan

If two triathlons have the same name, then the key could be a combination of the name and the date.
如果两个 triathlon拥有相同的名称,那么可以将名称和日期组合起来作为键。 ibm

I've signed up to do more triathlons this year, and I'll be thinking about my donor each time.
在这一年我又报名参加了更多的三项全能比赛,每次比赛中我都会想到我的心脏的捐献者。 yeeyan

Now director of Iron Girl, Molnar,41, has completed many more 5Ks since then, as well as10Ks, marathons, triathlons and even an Ironman.
现在,41岁的 Molnar是铁人运动女子的负责人,从那时起已经参加了很多次5000米,还有1万米,马拉松,三项全能运动甚至一次铁人运动男子。 yeeyan

Now they've done212 triathlons, including four grueling15- hour Ironmans in Hawaii.

There are very few people that I can talk to about running or the triathlons.
因为能跟我谈跑步或铁人三项的人实在不多。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today, four years after his heart attack, he regularly competes in triathlons.
现在,在他心脏病发四年之后,他定期参加三项全能比赛。 yeeyan

Today, thirty years later, two of the girls work for an athletic company, one runs marathons, and another participates in triathlons.
三十年后的今天,我的两个女儿在一家运动公司工作,一个参加了马拉松,一个参加的是三项全能。 yeeyan

While he competed in triathlons as a teenager, Armstrong had never attempted a marathon.
然而在少年时期比赛铁人三项的时候,他从未尝试过马拉松比赛。 bikehome

You just created a simple Web application that creates, updates, removes, and reads triathlons in a database.
您刚刚创建了一个简单的 Web应用程序,它可以在数据库中创建、更新、移除和读取 triathlon。 ibm




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