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词汇 Triassic
释义 Tri·as·sic 英traɪˈæsɪk美traɪˈæsɪkAHDtrī-ăsʹĭk 高T

from 230 million to 190 million years ago; dinosaurs, marine reptiles; volcanic activity
of or relating to or denoting the first period of the Mesozoic eraUpper Triassic晚三迭世the Triassic三迭纪
用作名词TheTriassicand Cretaceous volcanisms in the southeast and southwest Guangxi were active.桂东南和桂西南地区中生代三叠纪和白垩纪的火山活动活跃。
The paleozoic source rock in North China went into the main oil generating period at the end ofTriassic.华北地区古生界生油岩在三叠纪末已进入主要生油期。
The clastic rocks widespread in theTriassicXikang Group in western Sichuan consist dominantly of turbiditic flysch formations.摘要三叠系西康群碎屑岩主体为一套浊积岩复理石建造。
The middleTriassicreservoir in south Tahe area is characterized by high porosity and good permeability, but with strong anisotropy and considerable lateral changes.摘要塔河南探区三叠系中油组储层孔隙度高,渗透性好,但非均质性强,横向变化剧烈。 About halfway through that period, known as the Triassic, an asteroid struck Earth.
在那段时期的中间,也就是三叠纪时期,一颗小行星撞击了地球。 yeeyan

Both mammals and dinosaurs appeared near the end of the Triassic period, some220 million years ago.
哺乳动物与恐龙同时出现于三叠纪末期,即约两亿两千万年前。 yeeyan

The Early Sinian, Late Early Devonian, Permian and Triassic epochs are peak period of Mn metallogeny.
锰的成矿高峰期发生在早震旦世、晚泥盆世、二叠纪和三叠纪。 cnki

The largest of the Big Five was the end- Permian or Permian- Triassic extinction event roughly250 million years ago, which eliminated as much as95 percent of the planet's species.
最大的一次大灭绝事件是距今2亿5千万年前的二叠纪末或二叠纪-三叠纪大灭绝,导致地球上多达95%的物种灭亡。 yeeyan

The late Triassic reptile Uatchitodon is known only from its teeth, which resemble tall, serrated crocodile or dinosaur teeth.

The reds, ochres and pinks hail from the much slower deposition during the Triassic's dryer periods, when erosion and oxidation had time to work their magic.
红、赭、粉等颜色来自三叠纪干燥期缓慢形成的沉积物,在足够长的时间里,侵蚀与氧化作用创造出这种奇迹。 net

The stratigraphy of Upper Permian- Triassic sequence in Hami depression is studied based on geological, seismic, logging end geochemical data.
根据地质、地震、测井及地球化学资料对吐哈盆地哈密坳陷上二叠统-三叠系的层序地层学特征进行了研究。 iciba

Then,25 million years after that, in what’s known as the Triassic- Jurassic extinction event, the crurotarsans and at least half of all other animal species vanished.
这次撞击2500万年后,也就是三叠纪-侏罗纪灭绝事件中, crurotarsan和其它至少一半的动物都灭绝了。 yeeyan

Asilisaurus lived during the Triassic, when crocodile-like beasts ruled the Earth, with dinosaurs becoming dominant only during the Jurassic, some35 million years later.
Asilisaurus生活在三叠纪时期,也就是鳄鱼与类鳄生物统治地球的时期,而恐龙在侏罗纪时期对地球统治则是35万年后的事了。 yeeyan

But what exactly happened towards the end of the Triassic has been much debated.
但是,三叠纪末究竟发生了什么,一直广为争议。 yeeyan

Conodonts went extinct at the end of the Triassic Period, about the time dinosaurs were evolving.
牙形刺在三叠纪末期灭绝了,这正是恐龙开始演化的时代。 yeeyan

Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian- Triassic extinction about250 million years ago.
恐龙,是在地球上一次最大规模灭绝事件发生在约二叠纪-三叠纪的2.5亿年前发生以后才出现的。 yeeyan

Massive floods of lava erupting from the central Atlantic magmatic province about200 million years ago may explain the Triassic- Jurassic extinction.
约在2亿年前从大西洋中部岩浆领域所爆发出来的大量的熔岩洪流可能用来解释这些在三叠纪-侏罗纪期间所发生的大规模物种灭绝。 yeeyan

Only one in ten species survived, and these formed the basis for the recovery of life in the subsequent time period, called the Triassic.
只有十分之一的生物物种存活下来,而这些生物在随后的时间里成为了生命重生的基础,这就是所谓的三叠纪时期。 yeeyan

Permian- Triassic The worst mass extinction took place250m years ago, killing95% of all species.
二叠纪-三叠纪最严重的大灭绝发生在两亿五千万年以前,杀死了所有物种的95%。 yeeyan

Researchers suspect that the Siberian Traps eruption, which occurred just10 million years later, was responsible for the Permian- Triassic extinction, the worst mass dying of all time.
研究者猜测西伯利亚 Traps火山在一千万年前的喷发,是造成有史以来最大规模的二叠纪-三叠纪生物灭绝事件的原因。 yeeyan

The eruption is one of the likely causes of the Permian- Triassic mass extinction event, in which 95% of marine species and many terrestrial vertebrates, insects and plants died off.
这次喷发是 Permian- Triassic绝种事件的可能原因之一,约95%的海洋物种,陆生脊椎动物,昆虫和植物在这次绝种事件中灭绝了。 yeeyan

The Permian- Triassic extinction event about250 million years ago was the deadliest: More than 90 percent of all species perished.
发生在约于2.5亿年之前的二叠纪-三叠纪大规模灭绝事件是最致命的:所有物种的90%以上灭亡了。 yeeyan

These evidences provide forceful support for tectonic interpretation of the Triassic orogeny and the tectonic evolution model in South China.
这些证据为华南的三叠纪造山作用和构造演化模式提供了强有力的支持。 cnki

This was towards the end of the Triassic period.
那时已是三叠纪末期。 yeeyan

Until now, the end of the Triassic has been blamed on massive volcanic eruptions that went on for 600,000 years.
直到现在,人们都一直将三叠纪的终结归因于持续了60万年的大规模火山喷发。 remword




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