

单词 trianon
释义 tri·a·non AHDˈtrēəˌnän COCA¹²²³³⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
The news conference held for the entry of Trianon French wine to the Chinese market was held on March 18th in Zhuhai.
法国特里亚农葡萄酒进入中国市场发布会18日在我市举行。 zhtv

The show's highlight is an evocation of the Petit Trianon, the queen's“pleasure house” in the grounds of the royal palace at Versailles.
展出的最亮点是对小特里阿农宫的重现。此座庭园是王后在凡尔赛宫墙里的“乐土”。 topsage

Cars are emblazoned with maps of Greater Hungary before it was truncated by the1920 Treaty of Trianon.
车辆上纹饰着大匈牙利国的地图,那是匈牙利在1920年被特里亚农条约割让以前的版图。 ecocn

Five giant backdrops beckon the visitor into the Trianon garden by night.
五面巨幅帷幕将参观者引入夜色中的特里阿农园。 topsage

Hungary ceded two-thirds of its territory under the1920 Treaty of Trianon, after being on the losing side in World War I.
在第一次世界大战后,匈牙利作为战败国在1920《特里亚农条约》下割让了2/3的领土。 yeeyan




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