

单词 triangulation
释义 tri·an·gu·la·tion 英traɪˌæŋgjəˈleɪʃən美traɪˌæŋgjəˈleʃənAHDtrī-ăng'gyə-lāʹshən 高COCA³⁴³³⁷BNC⁴⁵³⁶⁷iWeb²⁹²⁵¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a trigonometric method of determining the position of a fixed point from the angles to it from two fixed points a known distance apart; useful in navigationa method of surveying; the area is divided into triangles and the length of one side and its angles with the other two are measured, then the lengths of the other sides can be calculatedtriangulation station三角测量标点,三角测…optical triangulation光学三角测量…triangulation mark三角测量标记…arc triangulation弧三角测量radar triangulation雷达三角测量…triangulation network三角网graphic triangulation图解三角测量…triangulation net三角网,三角测量网…subsidiary triangulation辅助三角测量,小三角…radial triangulation辐射三角测量…triangulation chain三角锁triangulation method三角形法triangulation point三角测点,三角点…aerial triangulation航空三角测量,空中三…triangulation signal三角测量标志…triangulation adjustment三角测量校正…triangulation survey三角网测量triangulation location三角测量定位法…
We must invent an extension of the idea oftriangulation.我们必须把三角法这个观念加以引伸。
Myanmar's junta has survived in part throughdiplomatictriangulation.缅甸军人政权通过三角外交得以生存下来。 For the first time the bi- linear interpolation method and Triangulation method has been applied within a wide range of quasi- geoid model interpolation, to obtain good results.
并且首次将双线性内插法和三角形剖分法用于大范围内似大地水准面模型的内插,获得了较好的结果。 cd-xr

For the traditional machining methods, the tool-path is generated based on the surface fitting, surface offset and triangulation to construct the surface model.
传统加工中要经过曲面拟合、等距、裁剪或三角网格剖分建立其曲面模型,进而才能在曲面模型上生成数控加工刀位。 cnki

That way, the device responds quicker than it would if it had to download the data for triangulation each time from Apple, or wait a minute or so for the faint signal from a passing GPS satellite.
通过这种三角定位的方式,如果设备必须要从苹果上下载东西的时候,它每次的响应速度会比较快,否则的话,需要等待一分钟左右,以便接收经过的 GPS卫星发出的微弱信号进行定位。 ecocn

The cure for triangulation is trust and intimacy.
互相信任与亲密无间是根治第三方卷入的良方。 yeeyan

The principle of the laser scanning system, principle of triangulation measuring method, the structure characteristics and the relative affairs about surface fitting of laser scanner are introduced.
介绍了激光扫描系统的原理,三角法测量原理,激光扫描仪的结构特征以及曲面拟合有关问题。 cnki

After establishing the topology relationship of scattered points, the mesh surface model of point data is reconstructed by triangulation.
建立了散乱点云数据之间的拓扑信息,对点云数据进行三角剖分重构网格曲面模型。 cnki

An AO solid optical range sensor based on phase- measuring active triangulation technique is described.
本文描述了基于相位测量有源三角测量技术的声光AO固体光学位置传感器。 cnki

And if he's got a way to do it that involves triangulation, fair enough.
如果他有办法完成这一涉及三角关系的任务,那就足够公平了。 yappr

Either way, it is agreed, Mr Obama lacks the suppleness for Clintonian triangulation“a fancy word for betrayal”, as one Clinton aide put it.
不管怎样,人们普遍认为奥巴马先生缺乏克林顿式的圆滑“背叛的委婉语”,如克林顿某位助手所言。 ecocn

Existing continental triangulation systems also still need to be adjusted.
大陆上的现有三角测量系统还须平差。 kuenglish

He gave former President Bill Clinton’s strategy of “ triangulation” as an example.
他举了美国前总统比尔.克林顿的“三角”策略作为“庸俗实用主义”的例子。 yeeyan

In the lingo of marital psychology, this is called triangulation.
用婚姻心理学术语,这被称作‘第三方’。 yeeyan

It appears that the location is determined via cell- tower triangulation, but the timing of these recordings varies.
方向定位似乎是通过基站发射塔的三角测量获得的,但是这些记录的时间各异。 yeeyan

Myanmar's junta has survived in part through diplomatic triangulation.
缅甸军人政权通过三角外交得以生存下来。 ecocn

She says “ Latitude” uses GPS systems and what's called cell tower triangulation to do the job.
她说道,“人肉搜索”应用 GPS系统和所谓的手机发射塔的三角测量来完成这项工作的。 yeeyan

Some clues that Horava might be on the right track come from another approach to quantum gravity called causal dynamical triangulation, which stitches space- time together from smaller pieces.
显示 Horava可能正确的一些线索来自于一种叫做因果动力三角论的理论,它是对量子引力的另一种探索,是将一小段一小段的空间与时间拼接起来。 yeeyan

Some operators opted for triangulation technology, which determines the location of the handset by comparing the signals received by different base- stations.
一些运营商采用了三角定位技术,此技术通过比较不同基站接收的手机信号来确定手机所处位置。 ecocn

The answer is a form of triangulation, tracking features such as points and edges from one frame to the next.
可能的方法是三角剖分,不断地从一帧到下一帧中追踪像点和边等特征。 ecocn

There are three states of matter, three dimensions. Triangulation is how we get our bearings.
物质有三态,空间有三维,而三角测量是我们寻找自己坐标的方式。 yeeyan

Think about the SEC civil fraud charges in the context of this triangulation.
试想一下证交会在这种三边条件下提出的民事欺诈指控。 yeeyan

This‘ triangulation’ is the combination of hardheaded data analysis, coupled with business nous.
这种‘三角法’是脚踏实地的数据分析加上商业常识的配合。 yeeyan

When that happens, triangulation allows the system to locate the original bolt with precision.
当发生这种情况时,三角测量法允许系统精确定位原闪光。 ecocn

Will he follow the path of Mr. Clinton, who pursued a so-called triangulation strategy of moving to the center after Republicans gained control of Congress in1994?
在1994年制了国会后,克林顿追求所谓的移到中心的的三角测量战略,他将走克林顿的老路吗? yeeyan

Triangulation is an important way of finite element mesh generation. In this paper, this way is introduced into hiding assembly drawing, the relating theory and steps are also discussed.
三角剖分是有限元网格划分的重要工具之一。本文将这一方法应用于装配图的消隐之中,并介绍其原理及实现步骤。 cnki




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