

单词 triangular
释义 tri·an·gu·lar 英traɪˈæŋgjələ美traɪˈæŋgjəlɚAHDtrī-ăngʹgyə-lər ★☆☆☆☆高六四COCA¹⁸⁸⁷⁶BNC¹¹⁰³⁵iWeb¹²²¹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle;

a triangular figure

a triangular pyrimid has a triangle for a base

having three sides;

a trilateral figure

词根词缀: tri-三 + angle角 + -ular形容词词尾triangular weir三角形槽口量水堰,三…triangular pulse三角形脉冲triangular thread三角螺纹,V形螺纹…triangular diagram三角形图解,三角图…triangular tooth三角齿triangular decomposition三角分解,三角形分解…triangular truss三角孔桁梁triangular configuration三角联结triangular trade三角贸易triangular notch三角凹口,三角形槽口…triangular compasses三角规triangular course三角航线triangular scale三棱尺triangular element三角形元triangular matrix三角阵,三角形矩阵…triangular space三角区triangular load三角形载荷triangular plate三角片,三角眼板…triangular prism三角柱triangular file三角锉
tri三+angul角+ar形容词后缀⇒三角的。近义词 deltoid三角形的three-way三向的three-sided三边的trilateral有三边的wedge-shaped楔形的three-party三方面的three-cornered三角的tripartite分成三部分的…

用作形容词Triathletes usually cover atriangularcourse.铁人三项运动员通常所经过的是三角形的赛程。
Many deltas aretriangularin shape.很多三角洲是三角形的。adj.three-cornered
同义词 trilateralcuneate,three-sided,triagonaladj.having three angles
同义词 trilateralcuneate,deltoid,deltoidal,hastate,pyramidal,pyriform,trigonal
threeadjective having three of something
pyramidal,ternary,ternate,third,treble,trichotomic,trichotomous,trigonal,trigonous,trilateral,trinal,trinary,trinitarian,tripartite,triple After an hour or two, a triangular fin sliced the surface of the water and circled the group.
约莫一两小时后,一尾三角鱼鳍划过水面,围着一群人转起了圈。 yeeyan

He was, though, unable to separate the triangular paddle from the undulating and cylindrical ones.
然而,它不能将三角形的桨从波浪形或圆柱形的桨中区分出来。 ecocn

The hairs themselves were strangely shaped: the cross-sections were triangular, grooved, or shaped like kidneys instead of circular.
头发自己会形成古怪的形状:截面变为三角形、带有凹槽或者腰果状,而不是圆形。 yeeyan

The triangular panels remain stiff until a small amount of air is pushed inside them. That lets the particles move around and allows the panel to deform.
三角面板在空气进入之前保持坚硬,空气进入后,里面的微粒能够移动,三角面板就可以改变形状了。 ecocn

The triangular- shaped torch symbolizes the three Olympic values of friendship, excellence and respect.
三角形形状的火炬是奥运会三大理念友谊、卓越和尊重的象征。 hxen

This is a sealed greenhouse that looks like a bell jar encased in a46- cm triangular aluminum frame.
“月球绿洲”是一个密封的温室,看起来像一个钟形的玻璃容器,卡在一个高46厘米的铝制三角框架中。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Each elemental unit has a simple layout consisting of a rectangular box and a triangular roof.
每个元素单元都有一个包括矩形框架和三角形屋顶的简单布局。 yeeyan

Each end is fitted with triangular observation decks.
桥每端都设有三角观测台。 yeeyan

Every node the little triangular etch on the stem is a potential new bloom.
在茎干每个节小三角形蚀纹潜藏新花。 yeeyan

In cross section, the Great Dyke looks somewhat triangular or keel-shaped, suggesting to geologists that it rose along deep faults associated with extension of the African crust.
横截面,大戴克看起来有点三角形或龙骨状,地质学家,它表明随着非洲地壳深大断裂上升扩展关联。 yeeyan

Mainly composed of skin and cartilage, it has lots of dips, each with its own name, such as the scaphoid fossa, triangular fossa and concha.
耳廓主要由皮肤和软骨构成,其上有许多凹陷倾斜的部分,每一个部分都有自己专属的名称,例如耳舟、三角凹、外耳等等。 yeeyan

Miyuki Hatoyama, Japan's new first lady, claims in a book that her soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO to Venus while she was sleeping, the Daily Telegraph reported.
据《每日电讯报》报道,日本未来首相夫人鸠山幸在书中写道,曾在身体沉睡的情况下,灵魂乘坐三角形不明飞行物前往金星。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Notice the white triangular sticker located on the right EMI shield?
看到右侧 EMI衬垫那里的白色三角形标签没? yeeyan

Psychologist Robert Sternberg formulated a triangular theory of love and argued that love has three different components: intimacy, commitment, and passion.
心理学家罗伯特·斯坦伯格阐明了一种爱的三角理论并且声称爱有三个不同的组成部分:亲密,承诺和热情。 yeeyan

Then, you can look at the amount of area inside this triangular wedge.

These towers, or“ blades,” pinwheel about a triangular central shaft that holds elevators and mechanical equipment.
这些塔,或者说是“刀锋”的中心有一个三角形的中心轴,里面安装着电梯和机械设备。 yeeyan

These triangular patterns show you the state of your environment.
这些三角形模式向您展示了环境的状态。 ibm

This year, the obsession of the touch-screen game Angry Bird will undoubtedly translate into millions of sightings of the popular round red and black and triangular yellow birds on Halloween.
今年,人们对于触屏游戏《愤怒的小鸟》的痴迷,毋庸置疑会使得万圣节出现无数只圆圆的黑红相间的小红鸟和三角形小黄鸟。 i21st

This gave rise to artful and elaborate ways to disguise such profit-making, including foreign currency deals and triangular trading.
这产生了各种精明且复杂的方法来隐藏这样的营利,包括外汇交易和三角贸易。 ecocn

Why does a hive not have triangular or square cells instead?
为什么蜂房不是三角形或者四边形的巢室呢? ecocn.org

Will it remain triangular or take on another, more elegant geometric form?
它会继续保持三角形还是会呈现另一种更美观的几何图形? yeeyan




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