

单词 trespassed
释义 tres·pass·ed 英'trespəs美'trespəs COCA⁹⁷⁵⁷⁴BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
a wrongful interference with the possession of property personal property as well as realty, or the action instituted to recover damagesentry to another's property without right or permission
enter unlawfully on someone's property;

Don't trespass on my land!

make excessive use of;

You are taking advantage of my good will!

She is trespassing upon my privacy

break the lawcommit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral lawpass beyond limits or boundariestrespass upon占用trespass on侵犯trespass to land法 侵犯他人土地…timber trespass木材盗伐trespass to chattel法 侵害动产行为…trespass on sth叨扰, 打扰, 侵夺…
近义词 sin原罪error错误invade侵略meddle干涉intrude闯入offense过错violate侵犯encroach侵占infringe违反invasion侵略violation违反intrusion闯入transgress违背usurpation篡夺encroachment侵蚀entrenchment掘壕沟interlope为图私利干涉他人之事…overstep超过正常或容许的范围…

用作动词They forgive the people whotrespassagainst them.他们总是宽恕冒犯他们的人。 After12 days of Brit-baiting and dubious confessions by the sailors that they had trespassed into Iranian waters, the hostages were freed.
12天后,英国水兵尴尬而可疑的宣称他们曾经强行进入伊朗海域才被释放。 ecocn

And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.
我必将我的网撒在他身上,他必在我的网罗中缠住。我必带他到巴比伦,并要在那里因他干犯我的罪刑罚他。 ebigear

Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law.
你用口吹角吧!敌人如鹰来攻打耶和华的家,因为这民违背我的约,干犯我的律法。 mydict

The unusual confrontational tone in her reply made Ted flinch, as though he had trespassed.

America is deemed a special target for having trespassed on the Arab heartland.
美国被认为是一个擅自闯入阿拉伯中心区域的特殊目标。 hjenglish

He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law.
敌人如鹰来攻打耶和华的家,因为这民违背我的约,干犯我的律法。 ebigear

He trespassed against the traffic regulations.
他违反了交通规则。 dictall

His remarks trespassed the bounds of good taste.

It is a trespass offering: he hath certainly trespassed against the LORD.
这是赎愆祭,因他在耶和华面前实在有了罪。 dioenglish

Its argument is that by legislating on immigration Arizona has trespassed on federal authority and violated the supremacy clause of the constitution.
它反对的理由是亚利桑那州制定移民法律的行为侵犯了联邦政府权威,同时也违反了宪法最高条款。 ecocn

One day he had the happy idea of accosting the mali gardener of a villa-garden into which we had thus trespassed with: “ Hallo, has uncle been here lately!”
有一天他想出一个好玩的诡计,来蒙骗那座我们闯进去的别墅的园丁,他说:“喂,我叔叔最近来过吗?” yeeyan

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today said he will release the15 British naval personnel who “ trespassed” into Iranian waters.
今日,总统说他将释放那15个非法侵入伊朗水域的英国水兵。 iciba

Release your hatred. Forgive those who trespassed against you.
放弃仇恨,宽恕那些冒犯你的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

They trespassed against the law.

Through this house you can rush by and not even notice that you have trespassed a kind of a border.
你可以通过这个房子的,而不是急于甚至发觉你闯进了一个边界类。 dndci.com




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