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词汇 Trent
释义 Trent 英trent美trɛntAHDtrĕnt 高Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
a river in central England that flows generally northeastward to join with the Ouse River and form the Humbera city in northern Italy northwest of Venice on the River Adige; the site of the Council of Trent近义词 Trento特兰托意大利北部城市…

“What happens one night if I'm standing on a corner and something goes down and I don't got one?” saidTrent, who would not allow his full name to be used.“如果有一天晚上我站在街角,发生了事故,而我没有一把;。那可怎么办?”特伦特说,他不愿用他的全名。 About all I could do was ask Trent Lott not to be too hard on her and offer to be Hillary’s caseworker for Westchester County.
我能做的只有请特伦特·洛特对她不要那么严厉,并主动请缨做希拉里在韦斯切斯特县的办案员。 yeeyan

And coating door and window handles would not be too expensive as the Nottingham Trent University team only used tiny gold particles in their tests.
诺丁汉·伦特大学的研究团队在实验中采用很小的碎黄金,表明将门窗把手用黄金覆盖一遍并不会特别贵。 yeeyan

AT THE Burton Addiction CentreBAC, a handsome redbrick building in the industrial town of Burton- on- Trent in Staffordshire, a group of addicts meets for a therapy session.
伯顿戒瘾中心坐落于斯塔福德郡一个名为伯顿的工业小镇上,是一座漂亮的红砖大楼,在那儿,一群瘾君子会定期见面接受治疗。 ecocn

James Schaefer, director of the Environmental& Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University, told Discovery News that he supports Wells' conclusions.
在特伦特大学负责环境与生命科学学生研究项目的主任,詹姆士.奇科夫告诉《探索》新闻的记者,他赞成威尔斯的结论。 yeeyan

Rolls- Royce already gleans51% of its revenue from servicing its engine fleet: its Trent jet engines are continuously assessed from a slick operations room at Derby.
罗尔斯罗伊斯公司服务自己出产的引擎的创收,达到了总收益的51%,他们公司生产的特伦特本喷气式发动机经常于德比的一间精密的车间里进行评估测试。 ecocn

The company said it will begin a program to replace the affected components on all Trent900 engines.
劳斯莱斯集团表示,将开始推行更换特伦特900引擎报废部件的计划。 yeeyan

The first Mercians are thought to have been Angles who moved inland along the River Trent, establishing themselves in the valley in the vicinity of the hoard.
最初的莫西亚人被认为是从特伦特河上游迁徙而来的盎格鲁人,他们在窖藏附近的河谷地区建立了他们自己的村落。 yeeyan

“What we're doing is closing the loop in our own spaceship Earth environment, ” Trent told Discovery News. “ The only catch is no one's ever done this before.”
Trent对探索新闻说:“我们所做的是在我们自己的宇宙飞船——地球上创造一个生态循环系统,唯一的问题是从来没有什么物种这样做过。” hxen

After whispering some instructions, he turns his back to the boy. Trent eagerly places his hands on his father's shoulders.
对儿子低声叮咛几句之后,转过身子,特伦特立即把手搭在爸爸的肩上。 yeeyan

And it is in cahoots with the cellphone, which probably is resentful because it is not allowed to spend its time doing the things cellphones really enjoy, like talking to Trent Lott.
这个烤箱和手机狼狈为奸。手机的不爽之处在于它不能做每个手机都能享受的事情,比如打电话给特伦特罗特。 yeeyan

Attractive female fans in skimpy clothing, Brazil's answer to drunk students dressed up as pirates at Trent Bridge on a rainy Ashes Thursday in June.
衣着暴露、引人入胜的女球迷,这就是巴西给6月那个大雨滂沱、灰飞烟灭的星期二在特伦特桥上酒气熏熏、打扮得像海盗一样的学生的答案。 yeeyan

Before his son can raise another foot, Tom yells into the microphone, “ Trent, stop! Don't take another step!”
在他的儿子再次抬起腿之前,汤姆就通过麦克风对他大喊:“特伦特,站住,别动。” yeeyan

Both NASA and the California Energy Commission have helped fund the latest round of Trent's work, in which he aims to get a pilot demonstration up and running.
美国宇航局和加州能源委员会已对特伦特最新一轮的工作进行资助,他的目标是获得项目试点和运行。 yeeyan

But we didn’t have the votes of two-thirds of the senators necessary to ratify the treaty, and Trent Lott tried to get me to promise not to raise it for the rest of my term.
但我们就是达不到参议院的2/3多数来批准这一条约。特伦特·洛特试图让我保证在总统任期结束前都不再提这个问题。 yeeyan

For Tom and Trent, the trap demonstration was a setup on a stage.
对汤姆和特伦特来说,这只是个设置在舞台上的陷阱。 yeeyan

Mak Arvin and Byron Lew of Department of Economics, Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, have investigated the old adage that it's better to give than receive.
加拿大安大略省彼得伯勒,特伦特大学经济系的 Mak Arvin和 Byron Lew开始对老谚语:给予比得到更幸福进行调查。 yeeyan

One important event in the rise of blogging was when bloggers focused on the comments U.S. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said regarding U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond in2002.
2002年,博客崛起过程中发生了一个重要事件,美国众议院多数党领导者特伦特·罗特发布的关于美国参议员斯特伦·瑟蒙德的评论吸引了博客们的目光。 yeeyan

Overlooking the water, the Yalong Bay Golf Club, designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr., is shaped like a dragon’s claw and has hosted tournaments on the European and Asian Tours.
在小罗伯特.屈兰特.琼斯设计的亚龙湾高尔夫俱乐部俯瞰海面,亚龙湾的形状像一只龙爪,这里曾主办了欧亚高尔夫锦标赛。 yeeyan

SAFE has put money in Barclays but not in Standard Chartered, invested in Severn Trent but avoided Scottish& Southern Energy.
华安投资了英国巴克莱银行却没有投资渣打银行,对塞文纯水务进行投资却忽略了南苏格兰电力公司。 ecocn

Senate majority leader Trent Lott called my initiative a typical knee-jerk reaction, and Tom DeLay accused me of exploiting Columbine for political gain.
参议院多数党领袖特伦特·洛特把我的提案称为“典型的机械反应”,汤姆·迪莱指责我利用哥伦拜因中学事件捞取政治资本。 yeeyan

The basic technologies behind the plastic bags and forward- osmosis membranes are well tested, but Trent expects to spend more time ensuring that the system can work efficiently and without problems.
在背后支撑塑料袋和正向渗透膜技术的基础技术,是行之有效的,但是特伦特期望再花些间以确保此系统可以无障碍的有效工作。 yeeyan

This week, the city of Santa Cruz expressed support for letting its municipal waste water be used in a pilot demonstration project in the Pacific Ocean, Trent said.
Trent表示, Santa Cruz市也于本周表示愿意将他们的城市废水用于一项在太平洋上的示范性试验项目。 hxen

Using methods dating back250 years, the set was handmade in Stoke- on- Trent by the same potteries responsible for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's official commemorative wedding china.
使用的方法要追溯到250年前,这个设备是在斯托克手工制作的,为公爵与公爵夫人制作在剑桥婚礼的官方纪念瓷器。 yeeyan

Trent Lott, then Senate majority leader, called Hutchison“an arm of the People's Liberation Army”.
那时的国会多数党领袖特伦特·洛特就称和记黄埔为“人民解放军的爪牙”。 yeeyan

Trent would like to see the technology spread among companies as an open- source solution.
特伦特希望该技术可以作为一种开源的解决方案在公司间共享。 yeeyan




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