

单词 trendy
释义 trend·y 英ˈtrendiː美ˈtrɛndiAHDtrĕnʹdē ★☆☆☆☆高SCOCA¹³⁸²³BNC¹⁶³³⁰iWeb⁸⁰¹⁶Economist¹¹⁵³⁶

in accord with the latest fad;

trendy ideas

trendy clothes

voguish terminology

trend,潮流,-y,形容词后缀。引申词义赶潮流的,时髦的。trend-y的⇒adj.流行的;赶时髦的adj.时髦的;能适应潮流的;最新式的;随潮流的;新款式的n.赶时髦的人;追求时髦者;爱时髦的人;穿着时髦的人;时髦人物;新潮流人物近义词 hip臀部in在 … 里cool凉爽的chic别致的stylish时髦的popular受欢迎的up-to-date最新的fashionable流行的voguish流行的漂亮的…up-to-the-minute直到现在的

用作形容词Look at thattrendycouple- kitted up all the latest gear!瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮多么入时。
Maybe I shouldn't try to be tootrendy.也许我不该太赶时髦。adj.in fashion, style
同义词 contemporary,fashionable,popular,stylish,swankfly,in,in vogue,last-word,latest,modish,now,tony,up-to-the-minute,voguish,with it,à la mode
反义词 old-fashioned,unfashionable,unpopularunstylish
OKadjective acceptable
A-OK,adequate,admissible,all right,average,big,common,cooking with gas,cool,copacetic,decent,delightful,fair,fairish,goodish,hep,hip,hunky-dory,in the swim,kosher,large,moderate,okay,on the ball,on the beam,passable,peachy keen,pleasant,pleasing,respectable,right on,satisfactory,standard,sufficient,swell,tolerable,unexceptional,unobjectionable,up to code,up to snuff,welcome
acceptableadjective satisfactory, agreeable
A-OK,adequate,admissible,all right,average,big,common,cooking with gas,cool,copacetic,decent,delightful,fair,hep,hip,hunky-dory,in the swim,kosher,large,okay,on the ball,on the beam,passable,peachy keen,pleasant,pleasing,respectable,right on,standard,sufficient,swell,tolerable,trendy,unexceptional,unobjectionable,up to code,up to snuff,welcome
chicadjective fashionable
chichi,clean,current,dap,dapper,dashing,elegant,exclusive,faddish,last-word,latest thing,mod,modern,modish,natty,sharp,smart,stylish,swank,trendy,voguish,with it
currentadjective contemporary;common
accepted,accustomed,afoot,circulating,common knowledge,customary,cutting-edge,doing,existent,extant,fad,fashionable,general,going around,hot,in,in circulation,in progress,in the mainstream,in the news,in use,in vogue,instant,leading-edge,mod,modern,now,on the front burner,ongoing,popular,present,present-day,prevailing,prevalent,rampant,regnant,rife,ruling,state-of-the-art,swinging,topical,trendy,up-to-date,widespread
du jouradjective of the day
all the rage,chic,current,faddy,fashionable,hot,in style,in vogue,latest,now,popular,stylish,trendy
far-outadjective unconventional and offbeat
avant-garde,bohemian,boss,contemporary,cool,excellent,fabulous,fantastic,far out,groovy,hip,mod,neat,nifty,off the wall,offbeat,out in left field,out of this world,rad,radical,sensational,strange,super,swell,trendy,ultramodern,unconventional,unorthodox,very unconventional,way-out,weird,wild,wonderful And the trendy technique of behavior-driven development BDD required a strong DSL base to achieve its popularity.
行为驱动开发 BDD的新潮技术需要一个强大的 DSL基础来实现其普及。 ibm

Coming out as a lesbian is not, as many straight people seem to think, akin to entering an exclusive, trendy club, where inhibitions are chucked aside along with bras.

The publishers had hoped to display the cover photo for a week at a subway station in a trendy part of central Tokyo, but ran into resistance.
《时尚芭莎》出版商原打算将这一封面图片在东京市中心时尚区的一个地铁站里悬挂一周,但没想到遭到“封杀”。 cri

A pair of color-block heels is too trendy for me to invest a lot of money in, but I can color block my nails for a fraction of the cost.
一些系列的颜色组合对于我来说过于新潮,我不会投入太多的钱在上面,但是我能够将我的指甲油颜色组合起来当作一种少量的成本。 yeeyan

As mainstream society evolves and authorities of the past become irrelevant contempt for the mainstream and all that embodies authority may yet indeed be trendy.
而在一个昔日权威被打倒、社会主流正在发生变化、新的权威缺乏公信力的转型时期,藐视一切权威和主流甚至成了时髦。 yeeyan

At this point, games may have a better chance of capturing attention than traditional broadcast media simply because they are trendy.
从这点上说,游戏争取人们的注意力比传统的传播媒体占有较大的优势,因为游戏很流行。 yeeyan

I'll forgo those trendy browsers and examine how to connect, download, upload, transfer, and communicate entirely from the command line.
我将放弃那些新潮的浏览器,研究如何在命令行中进行连接、下载、上传、传输和通信。 ibm

If you are concerned about your career, you'll be more concerned with looking professional than looking cute or trendy.
如果你关心自己的事业,你就要多花点心思让自己看起来更职业,而不是可爱或新潮。 kekenet

In the last ten years, minimalist website design has become quite trendy.
在最近十年,极简设计的网站已经变得相当时髦。 yeeyan

Knowing what will be trendy tomorrow is becoming valuable to more people, he said.
他还说能够知道明天流行什么对许多人来说是有价值的。 yeeyan

Maybe the trendy messaging website coaxes contributors into feeling anonymous and uninhibited. Perhaps its short- burst format encourages streams of consciousness that go tragically unedited.
也许时尚信息网站诱使投稿人们到感觉匿名性和不受约束,也许是其短期爆发的格式激发出不经编辑的意识流。 yeeyan

My classmates still choose to dine there because it’s trendy.
我的好多同学仍会去那里吃饭因为这很时髦。 ebigear

The result suggested pistachio coffee might not take off in trendy coffee bars.
结果表明,开心果咖啡也许没有机会进入时尚咖啡屋。 yeeyan

The gauge can look like something from an airplane or a car or something more trendy.
其外观可以仿制飞机或汽车上的仪表盘,或者更流行的样式。 ibm

The hosts of the show conducted another test in a trendy Southern California restaurant.
这一节目的主持人在一时髦的南加州餐厅中进行了另一次测试。 yeeyan

The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing.
关键是不要盲目的追随这些时髦的词汇或者加入抨击这种流行词汇的游戏中。 yeeyan

TN suggests developers to learn something that is trendy today, that is required by companies or that is futuristic.
TN建议开发者学习当今流行的东西,这是公司所需要的,或是未来能用得着的。 infoq

When planning your first date locale, grabbing a simple cup of joe at a trendy spot could be the key to success.
当你计划你第一次约会的地点时,在一个时髦的场所手里抱着一杯简单的饮料可能是不错的选择。 yeeyan

ZOFF, a maker of cheap, chic glasses in Tokyo’s trendy Harajuku district, is hardly a place you would expect to find dedicated followers of management theory.
ZOFF是一家位于东京原宿时尚区的低价、款式别致的眼镜制造商。你肯定很难想象会在这里发现专注的管理理论追随者。 ecocn




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