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trench 英trentʃ美trɛntʃAHDtrĕnch 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.沟²;沟渠¹²;战壕²¹v.挖沟;侵占²
n.名词 C深沟,地沟long narrow hole dug in the earth C战壕a deep ditch dug in the ground as a protection for soldiers Noun: a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated eartha long steep-sided depression in the ocean floorany long ditch cut in the ground Verb: impinge or infringe upon;This impinges on my rights as an individual This matter entrenches on other domains fortify by surrounding with trenches;He trenched his military camp cut or carve deeply into;letters trenched into the stone set, plant, or bury in a trench;trench the fallen soldiers trench the vegetables cut a trench in, as for drainage;ditch the land to drain it trench the fields dig a trench or trenches;The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench 来自古法语trenche,源自拉丁语truncare切断。 用作名词 n. 动词+~dig a trench挖一条沟fortify a trench加固战壕open the trenches开始挖战壕的作业 GRE红宝书注意构词:entrenche d牢固的,确立的 源自truncate 切割, e=u 挖沟;音:城池,城池周围得有壕沟;音:圈起,自己周围圈起一圈壕沟联想记忆t+rench看作bench,长凳→像长凳一样狭长的地区→沟,壕沟非常记忆tr土人+en摁+ch吃⇒把沟里的土人摁住吃GRE难词记忆trench 音“春气”→春气一动就开始挖沟发音记忆缺人去 → 挖壕沟 ⇒壕沟词根记忆被雨水切割出来的沟近义词 moat壕沟dike堤坝shovel铲deep深的ditch沟渠drain排出track轨道trough水槽furrow犁沟outlet出路channel频道impinge撞击dugout防空洞gutter排水沟encroach侵占foxhole军散兵坑entrenchment掘壕沟entrench以壕沟防护 用作名词n.Investigators found a trench containing human remains.调查人员发现一条沟中有人的尸体。 It was in winter that they dug trenches and laid the oil pipes.他们是在冬天挖沟铺设油管的。 He looped the hand grenade into the enemytrench.他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。 They rushed the enemy'strenches.他们突破了敌人的战壕。Ptrench-hoe挖沟机Ptrenching掘壕掩埋法Ptrenchern.挖沟者木盘Pentrencheda.牢固的根深蒂固的Pentrenchmentn.掘壕沟壕沟防卫工事Pentrenchvt.围以壕沟防护保卫使处于牢固地位vi.掘壕侵犯
名词99%,动词1% 用作名词The farmers gouged out atrenchacross the field.农民们挖了一条穿过田野的沟。 They digtrenchto keep the forest fire from spread.他们挖沟以阻止森林大火蔓延。 I forgot to dig atrencharound the tent.我忘了在帐篷四周挖一条沟。 They toiled all day digging thetrench.他们整天艰苦地挖壕沟。 The soldiers recaptured theirtrench.兵士夺回了战壕。 We managed to expel the enemy from thetrench.我们终于把敌人赶出战壕。用作动词The troops received orders totrenchthe outpost.部队接到命令在前哨周围筑壕加强防卫。 He has no right totrenchupon my time like this.他无权如此侵占我的时间。 Youtrenchupon my rights by driving across my field.你从我的田里开车过去,侵犯了我的利益。noun.ditch, channel dug in earth 同义词 dike,foxhole,gorge,gully,moat,pit,trough,waterwayarroyo,canal,cut,depression,drain,drill,dugout,earthwork,entrenchment,excavation,fosse,furrow,gulch,gutter,hollow,main,rut,sink,tube barriernoun obstruction bar,barricade,blank wall,blockade,bound,boundary,confines,curtain,ditch,enclosure,fence,fortification,gully,hurdle,impediment,limit,moat,obstacle,pale,palisade,railing,rampart,roadblock,stop,wall barriersnoun obstruction barricades,bars,blank walls,blockades,boundaries,bounds,confines,curtains,ditches,enclosures,fences,fortifications,gullies,hurdles,impediments,limits,moats,obstacles,pales,palisades,railings,ramparts,roadblocks,stops,trenches,walls canalnoun waterway aqueduct,bottleneck,channel,choke point,conduit,course,cove,ditch,duct,estuary,firth,trench,water,watercourse coatnoun personal outerwear anorak,cape,cloak,cutaway,duffle coat,flogger,frock,greatcoat,jacket,mackinaw,mink,overcoat,pea,raincoat,slicker,suit,tails,threads,topcoat,trench,tux,tuxedo,ulster,windbreaker,wrap cutnoun incision carving,chip,chop,cleavage,cleft,dissection,fissure,furrow,gash,graze,groove,kerf,laceration,nick,nip,notch,opening,penetration,prick,rabbet,rent,rip,scarification,section,shave,slash,slit,slot,snip,stab,stroke,trench,trim,wound defensenoun armament;protection system aegis,armor,arms,barricade,bastille,bastion,bulwark,buttress,citadel,cover,deterrence,dike,embankment,fastness,fence,fort,fortification,fortress,garrison,guard,hard shell,immunity,munitions,palisade,parapet,position,protection,rampart,redoubt,resistance,safeguard,security,shelter,shield,stockade,stronghold,trench,wall,ward,warfare,weaponry,weapons Angling through them is part of the Rocky Mountain Trench, a valley that extends from Montana to just south of the Yukon. 在这些云彩之间错落有致的线条是落基山沟,一条从美国蒙大拿州延伸到育空河南面的峡谷。 yeeyan Globs of mud pulled from the trench have yielded an assortment of bacteria, fungi and primitive single-celled organisms called foraminifera. 海沟中提取出的泥中生存着细菌、真菌和叫做有空虫类的原始单细胞有机体。 yeeyan It's no exaggeration: four-fifths of the Earth remains largely unexplored and the Mariana Trench is the planet's deepest mystery. 毫不夸张地说:地球的五分之四还没有被探测,而马里亚纳海沟就是这其中最具神秘的地方。 yeeyan The archaeologists found the artifacts as they were digging for medieval pieces in a trench which will form part of a new metro line in central Berlin. 考古学家是在探寻中世纪文物时在将要成为柏林市中心轨道交通一部分的线沟里发现这些人工艺术作品的。 yeeyan The race is on for the next human return to the deepest point in the ocean: the subduction zone of the Pacific's Mariana Trench. 有个比赛正在为选出下一个即将回到大海最深处的人上演:太平洋的马里亚纳海沟的潜没区域。 yeeyan The Radiation Detection Section in NRL's Space Science Division is developing novel radiation detectors based on hole- or trench- arrays in semiconductors. 海军研究实验室空间科学部辐射检测小组正在研发基于孔或沟槽阵列半导体的新型辐射探测器。 www.etiri.com.cn The trench is most sharply defined on the eastern continental side: depth plunges rapidly from a few hundred meters light blue to several thousand meters deep blue. 海沟最明显的界限是东部靠大陆的地方:海水深度突然从两三百米浅蓝色迅速降低到数千米深蓝色。 yeeyan The trench was bricked over. 壕沟被用砖覆盖起来了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half- dug trench—the signet of their impiety. 时至今日,湖边仍有一条掘了一半的沟——它便是人们对仙人不敬的罪证。 yeeyan All places at the pacific trench, the pacific ring of fire should be evacuated now, because there will be earthquakes and volcanic explosions. 太平洋海沟的所有地方太平洋火环带应该立刻疏散,因为将有地震和火山爆发。 yeeyan Beyond that is the deep—a pitch-black region that stretches down to roughly35,800 feet, the bottom of the Marianas Trench. 在那个世界以外的海洋是片幽深的漆黑区域,一直延伸到大约35,800英尺以下的马里亚纳海沟底部。 yeeyan Cameron will dive to the same place Piccard and Walsh did, known as Challenger Deep, located at the southern end of the Mariana Trench. 卡梅隆将潜到皮卡德和沃尔什曾经到过的同一个地方,也就是众所周知的挑战深度,即马里来那海沟以南。 yeeyan I had been seeing myself on stage, with a war bugle blowing and bullets whizzing by and here I was, a soldier crouching in his trench and ready for a bayonet charge, to take my fate by its throat. 我曾觉得自己是这样的,当军号响起,子弹就在耳旁飞过,而我就在那里,一个士兵蜷伏在战壕中并准备用刺刀冲锋,来掌握我的命运之喉。 yeeyan I think a lot of scientists worldwide wondered whether this particular subduction zone— the Japan trench, the southern part— could ever produce a great earthquake. 我想世界上有很多科学家都想知道这一俯冲带——日本海沟南部——是否会发生一次大型地震。 yeeyan It is essential to organize sanitation facilities immediately, such as designated defecation fields or collective trench latrines. 极其重要的是立即组织卫生设施,例如指定便溺场所和集体壕沟厕所。 who One observer likens the chasm in wages between Gulf nationals and poor migrants to the Mariana Trench. 一位观察者将海湾国民与穷苦移民者的薪金差别比作是马里亚纳海沟。 ecocn Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan. 在日本附近的琉球海沟,研究者们发现了栉水母的一个可能新种。 yeeyan The only thing that separates her family's summer home from the flames, is a less than one- meter wide trench she and her father dug themselves. 唯一能把她家用来过暑假的房子和大火分开的就是她和她父亲自己挖的一条不到一米宽的沟。 voanews The trench excavation may appear relatively dull to the uninitiated, especially when compared with the dazzling finds in the Central Plaza. 这个沟的挖掘也许对外行人来说看起来比较平淡,尤其是与中央广场闪耀的发现相比较而言。 yeeyan These islands are actually the peaks of the Cayman Trough, the Caribbean Sea's deepest trench. 这些岛屿实际上是开曼槽的顶端——加勒比海最深的海沟。 yeeyan Video taken by an unmanned submersible that explored the area captured a sea cucumber, a scale worm and a shrimp in the trench, where the pressure would crush a human. 探索这一地区的无人潜水艇拍摄的录像捕捉到了海沟中的海参、蠕虫和虾,而此处的压力足以将人体压垮。 yeeyan |