

单词 trembled
释义 trem·ble·d 英'trembl美'trembl COCA¹⁷⁸³⁷BNC¹⁴³⁸⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vi. & vt. 发抖,颤抖

move to and fro; shake involuntarily as from fear, anger, cold, physical weakness, etc.

vi. & vt. 焦虑; 担忧

feel great fear and anxiety about sth

a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement
move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways;

His hands were trembling when he signed the document

tremble, quake, quiver, rock, shake, shiver


在表示因寒冷或恐惧而发抖时, shake, tremble, quiver和shiver常可互换。rock和shake强调外界因素所致, quake则强调自身因素引起。在摇动的幅度上, rock>quake>quiver>shiver。在摇动的频率上, shiver>tremble>quiver>rock。在程度上, quake最弱,几乎难以觉察。tremble强调无法克服性,而shiver则强调短暂性。用于指声音时, tremble只表示声音断断续续; quiver则指音调高低或声音强弱方面的颤抖。例如:

His hands were trembling〔shaking〕 from cold.他冷得两手直哆嗦。
He was quaking〔shivering〕 in his boots at the thought.他一想到这些就怕得发抖。
The ground quaked under his feet.大地在他脚下震动。
His insides quaked at the thought.想到这一点,他心里就发慌。
The pine needles were still quivering.松针还在抖动着。
A network of ripples quivered momentarily across the surface of the still pool.顷刻间平静的池面上轻轻地泛起一层涟漪。
She tried to steady her fingers, but they quivered uncontrollably.她想稳定住自己的手指,但它们不由自主地抖动不已。
The tower rocked under the impact of the hurricane.在飓风袭击下这座高塔摇晃得厉害。
The earthquake rocked the house.地震使房屋摇动。
He was trembling with rage.他气得发抖。
The whole house trembled as the train went by.火车经过时,整座屋子都在震颤。
Such thought may make you shiver at first.这种想法一开始会使你心惊肉跳。shake,tremble,shiver,quiver,vibrate,shudder








用作动词 v.
~+名词tremble hands挥动双手~+副词tremble all over浑身颤抖tremble fearfully害怕地发抖tremble inwardly内心发抖tremble nervously紧张地发抖tremble slightly轻微地颤动tremble violently猛烈地颤动tremble visibly明显地颤动~+介词tremble at the sight of一见…就颤抖tremble at the sound of bursting bombs听到炸弹爆炸的声音吓得发抖tremble at the thought of想到…不寒而栗tremble at the thought of going back to work一想到要回去工作就害怕tremble for担心,因…发抖tremble for fear吓得发抖tremble for sb's safety为某人的安全担忧tremble from the cold冷得发抖tremble from head to foot全身发抖tremble in the balance处于危急关头tremble in every limb四肢发抖tremble in one's shoes怕得发抖tremble under the feet在脚下颤动tremble with因…而发抖tremble with anger气得发抖tremble with fear吓得发抖
tremble at v.+prep.

被…吓得发抖 show fear of (sth as by shaking)

tremble at the thought of sth/v-ingI tremble at the thought.我一想到这个就发抖。
I'm trembling at the thought of tomorrow's examination.一想到明天的考试我就吓得发抖。
He trembled at the thought of going back to work.他一想到回去工作就发愁。
tremble for v.+prep.

为…担忧 be very worried about (sth or sb)

tremble for sb/sthI trembled for you.我为你担心。
I tremble for his safety.我非常担心他的安全。
tremble in the balance v.+prep.+n.

尚未决定,处于紧要关头 be not yet decided

tremble with v.+prep.

因…而发抖; 焦虑不安 shake; be in state of agitation

tremble with sthThe children waited outside the school, trembling with cold.孩子们在外面等着,冻得发抖。
The children trembled with fear when they saw the policeman.孩子们见到警察时吓得发抖。
His voice trembled with emotion.他的声音因激动而颤抖。
His hands trembled with eagerness as he opened the letter.他拆信时因急切而双手发抖。
Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go.爸爸为那些商谈的进展而焦虑不安。
The fishermen's wives trembled with their husband's safety.渔民的妻子们为丈夫的安全而焦虑不安。近义词 shake
S+~+AThe room is warm now, but he is still trembling.房间里现在暖和了,但他仍然哆嗦。
People tremble when they are cold, excited or full of fear.人们在寒冷、激动或恐惧的时候,身体会发抖。
His voice began to tremble and tears came to his eyes.他的声音开始发抖,泪水涌到眼里。
The old lady's hands trembled as she produced her passport.老太太出示护照时两手颤抖。
His hands trembled slightly as he reached for the instrument.他伸手拿仪器时,手微微颤抖。
The flags trembled in the gale.旗帜在大风中飘扬。
The whole house trembled as the train went by.火车经过时,整座屋子都在震颤。
The bridge trembled as the train went over it.当火车从桥上开过时,桥身随之颤动起来。
I trembled to think what might have happened.我一想到本来可能发生的事就不寒而栗。
I tremble to think of the consequences.我为可能产生的后果而担心。
I tremble to think what's going to happen.想到即将要发生的事情,我就感到非常焦虑。其他Soon Gretel looked up and said in a trembling voice.格雷特尔很快抬头看了看,哆哆嗦嗦地说起话来。



用作名词His remarks struck atrembleinto her heart.他的话令她感到不寒而栗。
There was atremblein her voice.她声音颤抖。
The dog was all of atremblewith cold.这条狗冻得全身发抖。用作动词He wastremblingwith rage.他气得发抖。
After the severest reprimand, he did nottremble.即使受到最严厉的申斥,他也不发抖。
Itrembleto think what's going to happen.我一想到即将发生的事就担心。
The whole housetrembledwhen the train went by.火车经过时,整座房子都在震颤。verb.shake, vibrate
同义词 flutter,quiver,shiver,shudder,throb,wobblejar,jitter,oscillate,palpitate,quake,quaver,rock,teeter,totter,tremorhave the shakes
反义词 steady,be still,stabilizebe calm,calm And the Priest trembled, and returned to his own house and prayed.
牧师于是颤抖起来,折回自己的房间祷告去了。 yeeyan

For a long time Gwen lay quite still, and then said wistfully, while her lips trembled: “ There are no flowers in my canyon, but only ragged rocks.”
葛文默默地躺了好一会,然后嘴唇颤抖地自言自语道:“在我的峡谷里没有花,只有粗陋的岩石”。 ebigear

He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him.
在摄像机前讲述被残暴地摧残的时候,他颤抖失控。 putclub

The little birches trembled in fear. The Mother Birch hugged them tightly in her branches.
小白桦们害怕地颤抖着,白桦妈妈则紧紧地用枝干将她们拥在怀中。 yeeyan

The blow was so awful that the branches of all the trees in the surrounding grove trembled.
闪电是如此的可怕,以致于周围树丛的树都在发抖。 yeeyan

The chairman's voice trembled with excitement.
主席的声音激动得发抖。 kekenet

The child's mouth trembled a little, he reddened, but did not answer.
孩子的嘴微微颤抖了一下,脸顿时就红了,但是他没有说话。 jukuu

The women peered through the gate and trembled.
女士们透过大门向里看然后浑身颤抖。 yeeyan

The young Fisherman trembled.
年轻的渔夫颤抖着。 yeeyan

And when the human beings listened to it they secretly trembled, hearing in it a prophecy of their future doom.
每当人类听到歌词中对末日的语言,就吓得暗暗发抖。 yeeyan

Elizabeth hesitated, but her knees trembled under her, and she felt how little would be gained by her attempting to pursue them.
伊丽莎白犹豫不定,但是她已经双膝发抖,也觉得自己没有办法去找他们。 hjenglish

He trembled for her safety.
他为她的安全而担忧。 iciba

Heathcliff stood at the open door, he was pale, and he trembled: yet, certainly, he had a strange, joyful glitter in his eyes, that altered the aspect of his whole face.
希刺克厉夫站在门口。他的脸是苍白的,而且他在发抖,可是,确实在他眼里有一种奇异的欢乐的光辉,使他整个面容都改了样。 putclub.com

Her shoulders trembled, she knocked her forehead against my chest.
她的肩膀颤抖着,她用额头撞我的前胸。 yeeyan

Her voice trembled with anticipation.
她期待的声音有些颤抖。 yeeyan

His body trembled with exhaustion and his eyes called out for him to be rescued.
他的身体因疲惫而颤抖,而他的眼中也流露出需要帮助的神情。 yeeyan

His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated.
他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那丛乱棕似的胡子也在明显地抖动。 putclub

His voice trembled slightly.
他的声音有些颤抖。 yeeyan

I trembled at the first effects of this intelligence: he half rose up, looked eagerly round the apartment, and then sank back in a swoon.
这消息引起的最初效果使我颤抖起来:他撑起半身,热切地向这屋子四下望着,跟着就晕过去了。 putclub

My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush.
第一次拿起画笔时,我的手都颤抖起来。 ebigear

She looked down at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers, and he saw that her lips trembled.
她低头看着那把羽毛扇,他发现她的双唇在颤抖。 kekenet

She trembled when she heard the bad news.
她听到坏消息时,颤抖了起来. ebigear

Spirits trembled in the social anxiety like leaves at the approach of a storm.
人们的心情如同风暴将临时的树叶,在烦惑的社会中发抖。 ebigear

The girl's voice trembled and she started to cry.
那个女孩的声音颤抖,接着开始大哭起来。 ebigear

The mice also spent less time with other animals, preferred closed spaces and trembled noticeably when handled by the scientists.
这些老鼠也会花更少的时间和其它老鼠呆在一起。 它们更喜欢封闭的空间,当科学家来捉它们的时候,也会很明显的身体发抖战栗。 ecocn

The woman trembled with cold.
这女人冷得发抖. edu.sina.com.cn

When the camels saw them they trembled.
骆驼一看到它们便浑身颤抖。 yeeyan

Yet he trembled, and turned to Hester with an expression of doubt and anxiety in his eyes, not the less evidently betrayed, that there was a feeble smile upon his lips.
然而他却颤抖着,转向海丝特,眼睛中流露着疑虑的神色,嘴角上也同样明显地带着一丝无力的微笑。 hjenglish




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