

单词 tree stump
释义 tree stump tri:stʌmp 短语⁴⁴⁸⁷⁹

the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled近义词 stump残株
I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.我得用一把短柄斧来劈这树桩。
He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face.他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。 It was not long before they came upon Owen. He sat on a tree stump, holding his broken sword and looking ashamed.
不一会儿他们就碰上了欧文,他坐在一个树墩上,握着他那残破的剑,一副惭愧的样子。 dreamkidland

The secondary key factors were the slope position, tree stump density and fallen log density.
次关键因子是坡位、树桩密度、倒木密度; cnki

This is a good tree stump I'm sitting on.
我正坐在上面的是一块好树桩。 douban

This tree stump bug used solar power to function continuously in a wooded area near Moscow during the early1970s.
上世纪七十年代早期,莫斯科附近的森林地区经常会发现能利用太阳能供能的树桩窃听器。 yeeyan

But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.
但是,从那以后,他再没有发现一只野兔撞在树桩上。 ninhao

I barked my shin on a tree stump.
我磕到了树桩上,胫部擦破了皮。 iciba

In 1982, he drove into a tree stump and died on impact.
1982年他开车撞树桩身亡。 yeeyan

IN THE BACKGROUND, a winch cable SNAPS and whips through the air, damn near severing a man's leg. He goes down, screaming in mud and blood, pinned by a fallen tree stump. Men rush over to help him.
在两人的背景处,一个绞盘的缆线所忽然断裂,在空中抽动,几乎抽断了一个人的大腿,他倒在泥泞和血泊中,大叫,一个倒下的树桩拌着他,人们冲过来帮忙。 xiaoshuo

It features a century- old, vertically floating tree stump dubbed the “ Old Man of the Lake, ” which helped attract just fewer than500, 000 visitors last year.
它有一块很有特色的垂直漂浮了一个世纪之久名为“湖的老人”的树桩,这也为它在去年吸引来了接近五百万的游客。 kekenet

More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone.
更多的时候他只是踱步,最后又偷偷回到他的树桩那儿,也许要独自不安。 wmmenglish

Rabbit on the grass dance, the cock standing on a tree stump singing, ducks swimming in a small lake.
兔子在草地上跳舞,公鸡站在树桩上唱歌,鸭子在小湖里泅水。 so88

So the farmer abandoned his plough and waited by the tree stump, hoping to get another hare.
从此,那个农民荒废了他的耕作,天天等在树桩旁,希望能再得到只兔子。 dragonkids.chinadaily.com.cn

The story revolves around a childless couple who, while out in the country, discover a tree stump carved into the shape of a baby.

The random factors were the canopy, slope degree, vegetation type, tree height, shrub height, tree stump height, tree hole density and human disturbance.
而郁闭度、坡度、植被类型、乔木高度、灌木高度、树桩高度、树洞密度、人为干扰的影响不明显。 cnki




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