

单词 tree root
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All of a sudden, he tripped on a tree root and fell down to the ground.
突然,他被一个树根绊住了,摔倒在地。 www.netfm.com.cn

As indicated by data of settlement observation underpinning with tree root pile prevented the unequal settlement of building effectively.
沉降观测资料表明,采用树根桩托换技术有效地制止了建筑物的不均匀沉降。 cnki

The Norwegian hall by a15 height big tree constitution, each tree does not have the tree root and the airborne four branches.
挪威馆由15棵高低不一的大树构成,每棵树均有树根和空中的四条树枝。 cn.class.uschoolnet.com

At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold.
起先,农民以为犁头一定是翻到了坚硬的树根,但他扒开土时,才看到那是一块闪光的金子。 kekenet

Both types of the cow- bezoar had the same structural features such as plum blossom, ball, honeycomb, coral stone and tree root, which looked similar to human bilirubin-type gallstones.
两种牛黄均具有梅花状、蜂巢状、珊瑚石状和树根状的结构特征,与人的胆红素型结石十分类似。 cnki

He caught his foot on a tree root.
他的一只脚给树根绊了一下。 chinafanyi.com

His foot caught on a tree root and stumbled.
他的脚绊在树根上,踉踉跄跄。 cncnedu

I stumbled over a tree root.
树根绊了我的脚。 b2b99

People in other parts of China make tree root carvings, which include statues of religion and legendary figures, landscape, animals and flowers.
其他地方的人还用树根进行雕刻,作品包括宗教人物,传说人物,山水,动物和花卉。 chinafanyi.com

The couple was excited to watch this while the wife tripped on a tree root. The other people walked towards them.
这对夫妇正兴奋的观看这一切时,妻子被一个树根拌倒了,其他的人朝他们走过来。 ebigear

This convenient method proceeds from the tree root towards the leaves and constructs and populates it.
这个方便的方法从树根开始一直处理到树叶,构造并填充树。 ibm

Under being full of poetry, mulberry tree root like dark night, same have I pray that.
黑夜一样充满诗意,桑树根下,同样有我祝福。 blog.sina.com.cn




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