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词汇 treaty ports
释义 treaty ports
With the streetcar emerged in thetreaty portsat the early 20 century, the Chinese city began “streetcar era”.摘要随着20世纪初电车在通商口岸城市的出现,中国城市进人了“电车时代”。
Compradors are the eminent social estate and biggish force in thetreaty portsof modern China.摘要买办是近代中国通商口岸显赫的、有较大影响力的社会阶层。
While Yantai was a more importanttreaty portscity of sea, the beautiful seashore, pleasant weather of the beauty drew on the foreign missionary in Shangdong.而烟台是山东沿海一座比较重要的通商口岸城市,美丽的海滨、宜人的气候吸引了外国传教士。
Foreigners in thetreaty portslived charmed, if claustrophobic lives, protected from the outside by gunboats, foreign troops and immunity from Chinese laws.外国人在条约港口的生活纵然幽闭,却也令人陶醉,他们不受中国法律的约束,与外界所有的战船炮舰、外夷军队皆无所涉。
In the supplementary Treaty of the Bogue, the Qing empire also granted Britain most favored nation treatment and gave British subjects extraterritorial privileges in thetreaty ports.在中英五口通商附粘善后条款虎门条约中,保证了对英国的最惠国待遇以及在通商港口的治外法权。
The “pidgin” English, a variety of English evolving along the coastaltreaty portsin the Old China, has been greatly affected by the Chinese phonetic and grammatical rules and idioms.“洋泾浜英语”是产生于旧中国沿海通商口岸的一种变形英语,它是英语受到汉语语音、语法规则和表达习惯的干扰后的变种。




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