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Treaty of Rome 基本例句 罗马条约 The foundingTreaty of Romewas signed the very next year, in 1957.就在接下来的一年,也就是1957年,创始的《罗马条约》签署。 In 1987, theTreaty of Romeunderwent its first revision since inception, when the single European act came into force.1987年,对罗马条约进行了自签署以来的第一次修订。同年单一欧洲法案开始实施。 Or we could accept this ghastly proposal, which is clumsy, secretive, centralized, bureaucratic and divisive. That is how I regard theTreaty of Rome.除此之外,只能接受一个拙劣含混、过于集权化和程式化、而且将招致分裂的提案,我认为罗马条约就是如此。 TheTreaty of Romewas a historic milestone on the road to European integration, but the foundations had been laid almost ten years earlier.罗马条约是欧洲一体化道路上的一个里程碑,但其基础几乎在它签订前10年就已奠定。 On March 25, 1957, the nations signed theTreaty of Rome, setting up the European Atomic Energy Committee and the European Economic Community.1957年3月25日签订罗马条约成立欧洲原子能源共同体与欧洲经济共同体。 The Treaty of Maastricht, which was adopted at the Maastricht summit in 1992, was essentially the first big amendment of theTreaty of Rome.一九九二年马斯垂克高峰会通过的马斯垂克条约,实质是针对罗马条约的第一次大翻修。 |