

单词 treaties
释义 trea·ties 英triːtɪz美triːtɪz COCA¹¹⁹⁹⁸BNC⁸⁴⁴⁷Economist⁵¹²⁰
名词 treaty:
a written agreement between two states or sovereigns用作名词The Senate confirms alltreaties.所有的条约都由参议院批准。
We don't live up to ourtreaties.我们并不遵守我们所签订的条约。noun.agreement, contract
同义词 accord,alliance,arrangement,bargain,bond,cartel,charter,compact,concord,concordat,convention,covenant,deal,entente,league,negotiation,pact,reconciliation,sanction,settlement,understanding
反义词 antagonism,disagreement,discord,misunderstanding,refusal Over the past half- century,400 treaties had been concluded over the use of rivers.
过去半个世纪以来,全球已达成400条关于河流利用开发的条约。 ecocn

All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence.
当大国在为生存斗争而冲突时,他们之间的所有条约就不再具有约束力。 yeeyan

And unlike all the EU’s other treaties— Maastricht, Nice and so on— Lisbon contains no plans for the next great piece of reform.
而不同于《马斯特里赫特条约》、《尼斯条约》等欧盟其他条约,《里斯本条约》未制定下一步重大改革的计划。 ecocn

Crafting important legislation, manning the situation room, and hammering out peace treaties is truly important work that requires intelligence, poise, and character.
制定重要的立法、配备情况室人员、拟定和平条约皆是真正重要的工作,需要智慧,镇静和品格。 yeeyan

However, all treaties and declarations of war must be approved by Congress.
但是,所有的条约和宣战,必须经国会同意。 yeeyan

I don’t like these kinds of treaties.
我不喜欢这种类型的协定。 yeeyan

In contrast to previous drug control treaties, the FCTC asserts the importance of demand reduction strategies as well as supply issues.
与以前的药品控制条约相比,框架公约肯定了减少需求战略以及供应问题的重要性。 who

It has since become one of the most widely embraced treaties in UN history and, as of today, has already168 Parties.
此后,成为联合国历史上最广泛受到热诚接受的条约之一,迄今为止已有168个缔约方。 who

It will take years to renegotiate and ratify new treaties, even assuming there is no blockage of the sort that beset the Constitutional Treaty.
即便是假定没有任何类似围绕着欧盟宪法条约那样的阻碍,重新谈判及签署新条约也要耗费数年之久。 ecocn

Next, even though treaties have to be ratified by all members to take effect, they put the onus of finding a solution on the country that has said no.
然后他们会将解决问题的重点放在一个反对国上,虽然这样的条约是要全体成员国共同批准才能通过的。 ecocn

Now a plethora of international laws and treaties, and the rise of the International Criminal Court ICC have made safe spots scarce.
现在众多国际法和条约的出现,以及国际刑事法庭 ICC的崛起让这些安全的地方少了许多。 ecocn

Senegal has ratified these treaties and has undertaken to respect the Organization’s statute.
塞内加尔已批准了这些条约,并已承诺尊重该组织的章程。 fao

Since it was opened for signature in 2003, more than 170 countries have become parties, making it one of the most rapidly embraced treaties in United Nations history.
该公约自2003年开放供签署以来,已有170多个国家成为缔约国,使之成为联合国历史上获得最迅速接受的条约之一。 putclub

Such treaties and actions are what the future requires.
这类条约和行动正是未来所需要的。 yeeyan

The treaty, which is now closed for signature, has168 Signatories, including the European Community, which makes it one of the most widely embraced treaties in UN history.
这部现已结束签署的条约有168个签署者,包括欧洲共同体,使之成为联合国历史上最广泛受到热诚接受的条约之一。 who

These unequal treaties were made under duress.




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