

单词 treasury
释义 treas·ur·y 英ˈtreʒəriː美ˈtrɛʒəriAHDtrĕzhʹə-rē ★★★☆☆高MCOCA⁹⁶³⁵BNC³⁰¹³iWeb⁵³⁰²


the government department that is responsible for managing the money system of a country and for carrying out government plans in relation to taxes and public spending


especially in former times the place where the money of a government is kept

the funds of a government or institution or individualthe government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenuesnegotiable debt obligations of the United States government which guarantees that interest and principal payments will be paid on timethe British cabinet minister responsible for economic strategythe federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances; the Treasury Department was created in 1789a depository a room or building where wealth and precious objects can be kept safelytreasure,财富,珍宝,-ury,表地。引申词义财政部。treasury bill短期国库券treasury deposit国库存款provincial treasury省库treasury obligations国库债券municipal treasury市库treasury bond美国财政部发行的…treasury office出纳室independent treasury独立国库,独立金库…treasury accounting国库会计treasury note美国的中期国库券…treasury check国库支票Treasury bench英国议会的国务大…treasury stock商库存股份…treasury surplus国库盈余national treasury国库treasury certificate中期国库券the watchdog of the treasury控制国家经费开支的人…
treasur-y的⇒n.宝库³;国库¹⁴;金库Treasury.n.财政部⁵³;国债²⁷近义词 bank银行museum博物馆anthology选集exchequer国库Treasury Department财政部department of the treasury经 财政部First Lord of the Treasury第一财政大臣…
用作名词n.The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.财政部原则上反对这些提案。
At that time she was in charge of thetreasury.那时她掌管国库。Psubtreasuryn.国库的分库金库的分库



用作名词This book is atreasuryof useful information.这本书是有价值的信息宝库。
His tone poems are atreasuryof orchestral discoveries.他的音乐诗是管弦乐作品的宝库。
They seem to think I made off with the Confederatetreasury.他们似乎认为我把邦联的国库给拐走了。
How much money is in the company'streasury?公司的金库里存有多少钱?
The key to the knowledgetreasuryis in one's own hand.开启学问金库的钥匙在各自手中。用作名词The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.财政部原则上反对这些提议。
The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury.当局认为财政部里有内奸。
Treasury bonds also offer a yield premium over German bunds.美国国债的收益率也高于德国国债。
The Chinese premier took a studiously neutral view on future purchases of US Treasury bills this year.谈到中国今年购买美国国债的计划,这位中国总理刻意表达了中性看法。noun.place where money, valuables are kept
同义词 bank,coffer,exchequerarchive,bursar,bursary,cache,chest,damper,depository,exchange,gallery,hoard,museum,register,repository,safe,storage,store,storehouse,strongbox,vaultFort Knox,treasure house
反义词 debt
anthologynoun literary collection
archivesnoun place where records are stored
banknoun financial institution
coffer,countinghouse,credit union,depository,exchequer,fund,hoard,investment firm,repository,reserve,reservoir,safe,savings,stock,stockpile,store,storehouse,thrift,treasury,trust company,vault
cachenoun hidden supply
accumulation,assets,drop,drop joint,drop off,fund,hideout,hiding place,hoard,kitty,nest egg,repository,reserve,shade,stake,stash,stockpile,store,storehouse,supplies,treasure,treasury,wealth
chestnoun box for storage
coffernoun large box
case,casket,chest,exchequer,repository,strongbox,treasure chest,treasury,war chest In practice, however, Treasury has been both unwilling to take action on the renminbi and unwilling to do what the law requires, namely explain to Congress why it isn’t taking action.
然而事实上,财政部一直以来都不愿对人民币采取行动,也不愿意执行法律所要求的内容,也就是说向国会解释它为何不愿采取行动。 yeeyan

And Treasury officials have yet to offer any clear explanation of how the plan is supposed to work, probably because they themselves have no idea what they’re doing.
而且财政部的官员迄今尚未对该方案如何运作给出任何明晰的解释,也许是因为他们自己也不知其所以然。 yeeyan

Because of Treasury backing, the bulk of Fannie’s and Freddie’s debt though not their preferred shares will settle at par or close to it.
由于财政部的支持,大多数两房负债尽管不是他们的优先股将会等于或接近于平价偿还。 ecocn

But these purchases are being financed by the issue of Treasury bills.
但是这种购买力是靠财政部发行债券的筹集资金支持的。 ecocn

Despite protests from a handful of MPs that the royal family should hand back some of that surplus to the Treasury it was confirmed that parliament could not amend the annual payment downwards.
尽管一小部分国会议员提出抗议,认为皇室应将部分盈余交还财政部,但有一点是确定的,那就是国会不能修正以前的每年皇室拨款。 yeeyan

If China still fails to respond, the Treasury, by the time of its autumn report, will no longer be able to deny the obvious.
如果中国仍然不作出回应,那么财政部在秋季的报告中将再也无法否认这个显而易见的事实。 yeeyan

Some wonder if his campaign advisers may have a formal role, perhaps in the key job of treasury secretary.
有人想知道,他的竞选顾问是否可以得到正式的职位,也许是关键的财政部长的职位。 ebigear

The evidence base for this assertion is extensive and can be found at the Royal Society, among other places, and even in an academic paper co-authored by one of your Treasury officials.
这一主张的证据来源广泛,可以在英国皇家学会,以及其他地方得到支持,甚至可以在一份学术论文中找到,而它是你的一位财政部官员合著的。 yeeyan

They could borrow at an interest rate only a bit over the Treasury rate and then accumulate large portfolios of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities earning the market rate.
它们能够以仅比国债利率高出那么一丁点的利息借钱,然后积累大量住房抵押贷款和住房抵押贷款债券,凭借市场利率赚钱。 yeeyan

Yet it is not clear whether the skills of a central banker are those needed by a Treasury Secretary.
但还不知道作为央行行长的那些技巧是不是作为一个财政部长所需要的。 yeeyan




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