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词汇 treasure hunt
释义 treasure hunt ˈtreʒəhʌnt 短语²⁵⁸⁶³

a game in which players try to find hidden articles by using a series of cluestreasure hunt寻宝
用作名词It was like atreasure huntto me.每次去图书馆都像是一次寻宝活动。
Don't forget to hunt for some treasures in the flea market.到时候别忘了到跳蚤市场寻宝喔!as in.witch hunt
同义词 fishing expedition,inquisition,persecution
witch huntnoun search for suspects
fishing expedition,inquisition,persecution F The children are having a treasure hunt in the country park.
这些小朋友在郊外公园玩寻宝游戏。 tingroom

It was like a treasure hunt to me.

Right after my boyfriend of three years and I split, it was Valentine’s Day. My ex created a treasure hunt for me. Each clue led me to something else I loved.
我谈了三年的男朋友和我分手的那一天刚好是情人节这位前男友为我设计了一个寻宝游戏,每一个线索都把我领到另一个我爱的东西面前。 yeeyan

The two little girls play treasure hunt with the process of the main line, in its process of insisting on wandering, betrayal and trust, difficult choices, concentrate on the theme“ strong, love.”
本剧以两个小女孩的寻宝过程为主线,在其过程中的坚持与徘徊,背叛与信任,艰难的选择,紧扣主题“坚强,友爱”。 cicaf

Each year in Arkansas alone, about15,000 families who join in the treasure hunt discover that they have inherited valuables they never knew existed.
每年,仅仅在阿肯色州一个州,大约就有1万5千个参加寻宝行动的家庭会发现,他们居然能够继承到一些价值不菲而且他们以前从来不知晓其存在的物品。 hxen

Emily Appleton: All this doesn't involve another treasure hunt does it?
艾米丽•阿普尔顿:所有的这些和另一个寻宝无关是吗? ppqu

Following a brief introduction Ocean Star5 generations undersea treasure hunt!
以下简单介绍海洋之星5代海底寻宝! dw188

For Gary, a trip to Big Lots at Christmastime had been a treasure hunt, with surprises around every corner, all destined for those he loved most.
对加里而言,圣诞节时去大卖场购物已经成为一项寻宝游戏,商店每个货架的角落都充满着惊喜,加里总能满载而归。 yeeyan

However, if you do not want to leave the children alone, I would like to share the family's parents, may wish to forget their age, and children to a Treasure Hunt, children are likely to win you.
但如果不希望单独留下孩子,想共享天伦之乐的家长,不妨忘掉年龄,和孩子来个寻宝比赛,很可能孩子会赢你呢。 dltcedu

Planning to carry out activities on campus, analyzed and summarized the results of the activities, activities such as the constitution of knowledge contest, treasure hunt Expo outdoor activities.
策划开展校园活动,分析总结各项活动结果,开展活动如党章知识竞赛,世博野外寻宝活动等。 google

Questions keep your mind engaged. They can change your learning process from something dull to a treasure hunt.
问题可以让你的大脑时刻参与,问题可以让你的学习过程从无聊变为寻宝之旅。 yeeyan

Wall Street Strategies analyst Brian Sozzi describes shopping at Costco as a “ treasure hunt.”
华尔街策略分析师 Brian Sozzi将在好事多购物称为“寻宝”。 yeeyan

We were having a treasure hunt at my house.




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