

单词 treacle
释义 trea·cle 英ˈtriːkəl美ˈtrikəlAHDtrēʹkəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁸⁷⁰⁸¹BNC²⁶²⁸⁶iWeb³⁵⁵²³

a pale cane syrupwriting or music that is excessively sweet and sentimental来自古法语triacle,解毒剂,尤指蛇毒。来自拉丁语theriaca,解毒剂。来自希腊语ther,野兽。来自原始印欧语*ghwer,狂野的,词源同fierce, ferocious, panther。字母f, t音变,比较firm, throne。后用于指糖浆,可能因为解毒剂偏苦,而糖浆作为中和物必不可少。 fierce词源同feral, ferocity。 ferocious词源同feral,野生的,狂野的。 panther来自希腊语panther,豹,黑豹,词源不详。俗词源解读为pan-,全部,所有,-ther,野兽,词源同fierce, ferocity。字面意思即具备所有野兽特征的动物。 firm来自原始印欧语*dher,支撑,握住,坚硬,词源同dharma, throne。后用来指公司,商行。 throne来自希腊语thronos,座位,王座。来自原始印欧语*dher,固定,稳固,词源同firm, tree, endure。比喻用法。golden syrup糖浆treacle sponge糖浆松糕,蜂糕,粘滞…treacle mustard糖芥
treacliness粘性⇒n.糖浆⁶⁶近义词 mush浓粥glop软胶质物golden syrup糖浆slop液体等晃荡…

用作名词Treacle tart is a dessert made withtreacle, or dark syrup.糖浆果馅饼是一道由糖浆做出的甜点心,或者黑的糖浆。
Locals claim they can still smell thetreacletoday.当地人说时至今日仍然可以闻到那股蜜糖味。noun.remedy
同义词 antidote,compound,molasses,syrup
syrupnoun sweet liquid
glucose,maple syrup,molasses,pancake syrup,sorghum,sweetness And down below the treacle waves.
深游糖蜜波浪底。 blog.sina.com.cn

Measure the treacle accurately as too much will result in a heavy cake.
糖浆的称量一定要准确,糖浆过多会导致蛋糕厚重。 blog.sina.com.cn

As it opens further, nuances of treacle, aniseed and graphite slowly emerge.
随醒酒时间的推移,糖蜜,茴香和石墨的芬芳逐渐散发出来。 banniere

But the Hubble Telescope has been able to reveal a treacle-coloured, mottled world with a peculiar bright frosty spot.
但是哈勃望远镜已经能够揭示这个带有特别明亮白斑的糖浆色斑驳世界。 yeeyan

Honey she had in plenty out of her own hives, but treacle was what her soul desired, and Car had been about to give her a treat of surprise.
蜂蜜在她家里的蜂窠里有的是,但是糖浆才是她一心想要的东西,所以卡尔给她买了糖浆,想给她一个意外的惊喜。 ebigear

It has whispers of gentle bonfire smoke slowly giving way to spicy rich toffee, treacle and pecan nuts.
让你在柔和的泥炭烟熏味中品味浓郁的太妃糖、糖浆和山核桃坚果的香甜。 industrysourcing

Let's have one more mini- myth, and this one's quite weird—The Treacle Tsunami.
让我们再来听一个小传奇吧,这个还挺不可思议的呢——“蜜糖海啸”。 joyen

Probably still a decentracquet for someone like Treacle.
大概对糖蜜这样的人来说它还是很像样的球拍。 yeeyan

The tested data of impurity contents of water, inorganic salts and arsenic in Treacle Erysimum were reported. The results show that all of the figures are lower than the official standard ones.
报道了桂竹糖芥中水分、灰分、砷盐等杂质含量的研究结果,其结果表明均低于药典规定标准。 cnki

The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweet.

Then, to our surprise, we walk out one morning to find the streets have been cleaned. The treacle has all been washed away.
直到某天清晨我们踏上路途时惊讶地发现糖浆已全被清洗干净,街道一片清新。 blog.sina.com.cn

' Tis treacle, ' said an observant matron.
“那是糖浆,”一个目光敏锐的妇女说。 ebigear

Unlike other Meg Ryan chick vehicles the icky treacle“ Sleepless in Seattle” and“ You've Got Mail”, this one retained a certain spirit.
不像梅格-瑞恩的其他女性电影甜的发腻的《西雅图未眠》以及《电子情书》,这部片子有一定的精神内涵。 yeeyan

Treacle it was.
的确是糖浆。 hjenglish




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