

单词 Travolta
释义 Travolta trəˈvoltə 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
John Travolta will fly300 of Oprah Winfrey's studio audience to Australia.
好莱坞巨星约翰•屈伏塔将亲架客机接送奥普拉的300名观众到澳大利亚玩。 putclub

Olivia Newton- John and John Travolta starred,1978 musical Grease, bagged the second place, reports The Sun.
据《太阳报》报道,由奥立瓦•牛顿-约翰和约翰•特拉沃尔塔主演的音乐剧《油脂》位居第二。 该剧于1978年上映。 ebigear

Razzie voters also made worst- of- the- decade picks, with John Travolta's science-fiction debacle “ Battlefield Earth” winning worst picture.
本届金酸莓奖还特设了“十年最差”单元。 约翰•特拉沃塔出演的科幻片《地球战场》获评“十年最差影片”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Although he is less famous than certain other Scientologists, such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta, he had been in the organization for nearly thirty-five years.
尽管他没有像另外几个山达基信徒汤姆·克鲁斯、约翰·屈伏塔他们那么出名,但是他已经入教将近35年了。 yeeyan

And in the small town of travolta look-alike launched a strands of combat heat.
并在这个名不见经传的小镇上掀起了一股搏击热。 www.yc55.cn

Brolin was at a dinner party in Los Angeles with Travolta and Marlon Brando.
布洛林在洛杉矶的一个晚宴上见到了屈伏塔和马龙·白兰度。 yeeyan

Haggis forwarded his resignation to more than twenty Scientologist friends, including Anne Archer, John Travolta, and Sky Dayton, the founder of EarthLink.
哈吉斯把他的脱教信转发给了二十个以上的山达基教友,包括安妮·阿彻,约翰·屈伏塔,以及“地球连线”的创始人死该·代顿。 yeeyan

Heart transplant. Immune system's in the toilet, Mommy builds her little angel a John Travolta-quality bubble.
心脏移植,免疫系统被抑制了,妈咪给她造了个约翰屈夫塔级别的泡泡室。 blogbus

Hollywood actor John Travolta flew into South Africa in his own jet to boost the Australian team Friday ahead of their opening World Cup match against Germany.
当地时间11日,好莱坞知名男星约翰·特拉沃尔塔搭乘私人喷气式飞机抵达南非,拜访了澳大利亚队训练营,为该队与德国队的世界杯首战加油鼓劲。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In the2007 remake of Hairspray, John Travolta takes on the part of Edna Turnblad.
在2007年重拍的《发胶》中,约翰-屈伏塔反串出演埃德娜-特布莱德。 cri

John Travolta born February18,1954 is an American actor, dancer and singer.
约翰·特拉沃尔塔出生于1954年2月18日是一名美国演员,舞蹈家及歌手。 yeeyan

Mommy builds her little angel a John Travolta quality bubble.
妈妈给她的小女儿建了一个约翰屈伏塔一样的泡泡。 blog.sina.com.cn

Press had read one of Haggis’s scripts— an episode of“ Welcome Back, Kotter” that he was trying to get to the show’s star, John Travolta.
Press读了哈吉斯的剧本——《欢迎回来,科特》中的一段情节,他正想找电视明星约翰屈伏塔来演。 yeeyan

Scientology celebrities, including John Travolta, showed up; Chick Corea played a concert in a public park.
山达基名人,包括约翰·屈伏塔都露面了,奇客·克瑞亚在公园举办了一场音乐会。 yeeyan

That Joaquin hugs Jay Leno like a long- lost friend, smiles at the paparazzi shrieking his name on the red carpet and receives a kiss from John Travolta, as Mr. Phoenix did at the Golden Globes.
曾经的那个杰昆会拥抱杰·雷诺,像遇见了个多年未见的老朋友,在红地毯上冲着对他尖叫的狗仔队露出微笑,和约翰·特拉沃塔相互亲吻,这些他都曾在金球奖上做过。 yeeyan

The movie, set to be called Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father, will focus largely on the relationship between John Gotti Senior and Junior, and it's set to star John Travolta and Al Pacino.
这部电影计划命名为《高蒂家族:父影之下》,剧本内容特别聚焦于约翰高蒂一世和二世之间的关系,而这两个角色分别由影星约翰屈伏塔和艾尔帕西诺担刚。 ctcvn

Then, at the end of the70s, Travolta starred in Saturday Night Fever.
然后,到了七0年代末期,约翰·屈伏塔主演《周末夜狂热》。 http://dj.iciba.com

Tough- but- good-hearted Danny John Travolta swoons for Australian vacationer Sandy Olivia Newton- John, who will be heading home at summer's end.
坚强并且有一副好心肠的丹尼 John Travolta饰为度假者——一位澳大利亚姑娘珊迪 Olivia Newton- John饰而疯狂,而珊迪却将在夏天结束的时候回家。 yeeyan

We all remember John Travolta's arm in the air in Saturday Night Fever.
我们都记得《周末夜狂热》约翰·特拉沃尔塔空中的手臂。 yeeyan

Travolta would go on to dance in the1978 movie Grease and the2007 movie- musical production of Hairspray.
特拉沃尔塔仍舞蹈在1978年电影《油脂》和2007年音乐剧《发胶》的片场。 tingvoa

Travolta touched Brando’s leg and Brando closed his eyes.
屈伏塔抚摸白兰度的腿,白兰度闭上了眼睛。 yeeyan

Travolta's hectic daily schedule shows no signs of letting up any as he continues to top every director's wish list.
特拉沃尔塔忙乱的日程表毫无放慢的迹象,他继续是每个导演的首选。 hotdic




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