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词汇 travesty
释义 trav·es·ty 英ˈtrævɪstiː美ˈtrævɪstiAHDtrăvʹĭ-stē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝COCA²⁹⁸⁶⁴BNC²⁹²⁸⁵iWeb²³³⁵³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situationsa composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
make a travesty oftra-,转变,-vest,衣服,词源同 vest,transvestite.字面意思即换衣服,改头换面,引申词义伪装, 嘲弄,歪曲等。GRE红宝书tra横, vest穿衣, y-横过来穿衣-滑稽模仿
tra = trans 转换 + vest 穿衣,换穿别人衣服滑稽模仿
tra横+vest穿衣+ y→横过来穿衣→歪曲
GRE难词记忆travesty→tra=trans+vest=to clothe 穿衣,覆盖+y→把真相覆盖→歪曲词根记忆tra横+ vest穿衣+ y → 横过来穿衣 ⇒歪曲模仿词根记忆tra歪+vest+y=歪穿衣服=歪曲近义词 sham假farce闹剧parody仿作mockery嘲弄takeoff起飞pretense借口satire讽刺文pretence假装put-on做作的spoof滑稽模仿lampoon讽刺文章caricature讽刺画burlesque滑稽模仿pasquinade讽刺文章sendup讽刺性模仿作品…charade看手势猜字谜游戏…

用作名词His trial was atravestyof justice.对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
Histravestysatirize the key man in current political circles relentlessly.他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。noun.spoof, ridicule
同义词 burlesque,distortion,exaggeration,farce,mockery,perversion,satire,shamcaricature,lampoon,mimicry,mock,parody,play,put on,roast,takeofflampoonery,send-up
反义词 seriousness,solemnityverb.ridicule, spoof
同义词 ape,burlesque,caricature,deride,distort,imitate,lampoon,mimic,mock,parody,pervert,satirize,shammake a mockery of,make fun of,play on,put on,send up,take off
反义词 flatter,praise,tell the truth,be serious
apeverb mimic
affect,caricature,copy,counterfeit,ditto,do,do like,echo,emulate,go like,imitate,impersonate,make like,mirror,mock,parody,parrot,take off
apesverb mimic
affects,caricatures,copies,counterfeits,dittos,does,does like,echoes,emulates,goes like,imitates,impersonates,makes like,mirrors,mocks,parodies,parrots,takes off,travesties
burlesquenoun bawdy show;vaudeville
burly,caricature,farce,lampoon,lampoonery,mock,mockery,parody,pastiche,peep show,revue,satire,send-up,spoof,strip,takeoff,travesty,vaudeville
caricaturenoun exaggerated description in writing, drawing
burlesque,cartoon,distortion,farce,imitation,lampoon,libel,mimicry,mockery,parody,pasquinade,pastiche,put on,ridicule,satire,send-up,sham,takeoff,travesty
charadenoun pretense
deception,disguise,fake,farce,make believe,mimicry,pageant,pantomime,parody,pretension,pretentiousness,put on,travesty,trick
comedynoun funny entertainment
ball,burlesque,camp,chaffing,comic drama,comicality,comicalness,drollery,drollness,facetiousness,farce,field day,fun,fun and games,funnies,funniness,gag show,grins,high camp,high time,hilarity,hoopla,humor,humorousness,interlude,jesting,joking,laughs,light entertainment,merry-go-round,picnic,satire,schtick,send-up,sitcom,slapstick,takeoff,travesty,vaudeville,wisecracking,witticism,wittiness A travesty of democracy, some Greek- Cypriots said.
一些塞浦路斯希腊族人说,这是对民主的恶搞。 ecocn

It would be a travesty of democracy for the elite now to order the people to keep voting until they give the “ right” answer.
倘若该首脑阶层现在颐指气使地让民众一直投票到给出“正确”的答案为止,那就真成为了一场民主闹剧。 ecocn

The objection is bound to be raised that such a conception is a complete travesty of the whole idea of philosophy.
一定有人提出反对,说这样一种看法是对整个哲学概念的歪曲。 iciba

The travesty from our point of view has to do more with the thought- form of destruction than anything else.
依我们之见,比之任何其它事物,悲剧是更为跟破坏性的思想形态相关的。 iciba

“ It is a travesty that our parliament can't delivery the certainty which communities, business and other nations are looking for as we move towards a global deal in Copenhagen, ” he said.
他还说:“如果我们的国会不能向社区,商界以及其它国家作出承诺,表明澳大利亚正向着哥本哈根会议缔约的目标前进,将是一件非常滑稽的事情。” yeeyan

“ It would be a travesty for the solar industry, ” said Tom Zarrella, a former chief executive of GT Solar, a New Hampshire supplier of the manufacturing equipment.
“这对太阳能产业会是一次嘲弄,”位于新罕布什尔州的太阳能电池板制造设备供应商 GT太阳能的前首席执行官汤姆·扎莱拉说道。 yeeyan

“ They've virtually destroyed this museum to Chinese revolutionary history,” he said. “ I think it's a real travesty.”
“他们实际上毁了这座中国革命历史博物馆,”他说。“我看真是滑稽。” yeeyan

Any potential travesty is avoided by choosing to release or return the karma and transmute the thought- form instead.
任何潜在的悲剧都能选择释放或归还业力并转换思想形态而被避免。 iciba

Condoleezza Rice called the idea“a travesty”.
康多莉扎•赖斯则称,这个想法是一种“嘲弄”。 ecocn

Don't get me wrong,45 million uninsured is an utter travesty.
不要误会我,4500万没有保险的公民是完全恶搞 uttertravesty。 yeeyan

For one of the top group productivity tools on the market, its exclusive use of the browser is something of a travesty.
作为市场上首屈一指的提高效率工具,它却只能用于电脑浏览器,确实是有些荒唐。 yeeyan

Hopefully Sabat's death sentence will be repealed, but it does seem odd that his psychic powers didn’t predict this travesty in the first place.
对萨瓦特的死刑判决有希望会被撤消。但似乎使人感到奇怪,首先他的精神力量也无法预测到会发生这场闹剧。 yeeyan

However, sometimes a seemingly benign introduction creates environmental travesty and ecosystem despair.
然而,有时看似良性的引入却形成了滑稽的环境,或使生态系统陷入困境。 yeeyan

If the SPD limped on in government, that would not just strengthen the appeal of the Left but be a travesty of voters’ wishes.
如果社民党得以继续在政府中蹒跚而行,就不仅增强了中左联盟的申诉声,还是种对民意的歪曲。 ecocn

Instead, it risks being a travesty.
然而,它却陷入被嘲弄的危险。 ecocn

The right was outraged. The Wall Street Journal dubbed the case a “ travesty of justice” and urged the president to pardon Mr Libby.
一边右派们怒气冲天,《华尔街日报》封称此案“歪曲司法”并呼吁总统赦免利比。 ecocn

The country has ended up with a travesty of good governance.
现在这个国家的状况就是对善政廉政最好的嘲讽。 ecocn

The question is a mockery of a travesty of a sham.
这个问题是对模仿骗子行为的一种嘲弄。 yeeyan

This perhaps is the greatest travesty of all, as the physical became so destructive that it went into extinction patterning.
这也许是一切之中最大的悲剧,因为物质层变得如此破坏性而进入了绝灭的模式。 iciba

Today the New York Times ran a front- page story on Mr Godoy Toscano's case, painting his saga as a travesty of justice, which of course it is.

Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero, many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat, and his new record a travesty.
当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞兹不仅是个骗子,且其新纪录也是一场彻头彻尾的骗局。 ecocn




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