

单词 travel through
释义 travel through ˈtrævəlθru: 短语¹⁸⁶⁹³
And being meat, they can only travel through C space.
而且,作为肉块,他们只能在 C空间中穿行。 ycool

The request will go to the first JBI server, travel through its consumer BC, NMR, provider BC, and then to the second JBI server.
请求将转到第一台 JBI服务器,经过其客户 BC、 NMR、提供商 BC到达第二台 JBI服务器。 ibm

A white dwarf star pulsates or quakes as waves of energy travel through it.
当有能量波穿过白矮星时,它就会跳动或是震动。 yeeyan

In batteries, charged particles travel through electrolytes.
在电池里,带电粒子穿过电解液。 yeeyan

Most of the neutrinos that travel through the Earth come either from the sun or from sources far beyond the solar system.
穿过地球的大多数微中子要么来自太阳,要么来自太阳系以外的遥远源头。 ecocn

Over the next four days we will break through three of them, and travel through five provinces.
在接下来的四天时间里我们要穿越五个省份,游历其中的三个。 yeeyan

Since light does not travel through walls, there would be no need to worry about neighbours snooping on your email, or piggybacking on your broadband connection.
由于光无法穿过墙壁,也就没有必要担心邻居偷窥你的电子邮件或盗用你的宽带连接。 ecocn

Some of these electrons travel through the DNA forest and are fed into a device that measures their spin polarization.
其中的一部分电子穿过 DNA“森林”后,注入一个可以测量其自旋极化率的仪器中。 yeeyan

Though there are game reserves, they're not large occupying only5% of the island, nor are they contiguous, thus failing to provide corridors for the animals to travel through.
虽然这里有保护区,但规模不大只占全岛的5%,并且互不临近,所以不能提供动物流动的专门走廊。 yeeyan




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