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travels along短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 快步行走;步行 In the graphic on the following page, notice the aesthetically pleasing proportions of the rectangles and lines as your eye travels along the spiral. 请注意,在下页的图中,随着你的视线沿螺旋线移动,矩形与线的比例透出令人愉悦的美感。 yeeyan The bus travels along a fixednot changing route picking up pupils at certain points in the morning and unloading them there in the afternoon. 校车每天都沿着固定的线路早上把小学生们接到学校,下午把他们送回来。 webschool The craggy mountain range travels along the Mediterranean Sea, sparing only a few coastal valleys for agricultural use or settlement. 崎岖山脉的走向与地中海平行,为数不多的几个临海山谷散落着居民区,他们从事农业生产。 yeeyan When computing the vulnerability of an aircraft to a single threat hit, the assumptions are usually made that the threat travels along a straight trajectory and the ricochet is ignored. 飞机在威胁单次打击下的易损性计算方法通常假定威胁的弹道为直线,并且忽略跳弹影响。 dictall And it redirects incoming light so that rather than passing through the thin semiconductor material, it travels along its surface, increasing the chances it will be absorbed. 三是改变入射阳光方向,让阳光不要穿透薄的半导体材料,而是沿着其表面传播,增加阳光被吸收的机率。 yeeyan Clearly, however, the new wealth has not reached everyone, as photographer Amanda Rivkin learned in her travels along the BTC pipeline route on a National Geographic Young Explorer grant. 然而,显而易见的是,正如摄影师阿曼达·瑞弗金在“国家地理年轻探险家”资助下穿越BTC管道的旅程中所发现的那样,这项新的财富并未惠及所有人。 ng.trends.com.cn It is loaded onto a truck that travels along the toll roads, enters the port gate operated by China Merchants and is hoisted by a gantry crane onto an international ship. 然后装上一辆卡车,沿着收费道路运行,进入中国招商国际操作的港口大门,接着被门式起重机吊起装上国际远洋轮船。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Japanese artist Yasuhiro Suzuki has created a motorboat designed to look like a giant zipper, which “ opens the sea up” as it travels along, UK media reported. 据英国媒体报道,日本艺术家铃木康広造出了一艘酷似拉链扣的摩托艇,在海上行驶时,拨开的波浪就像拉链将海洋拉开一样。 www.chinadaily.com.cn The motor, placed in the fish's midsection, initiates a wave that travels along the fish's flexible body, propelling it forward. 发动机置于鱼的上腹部,它所发动的电波会传送至鱼的全身,从而驱动其向前移动。 yeeyan |